Fasting Lab

Freie Universität Berlin

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The lecture is cancelled due to an official journey


Instrumental Chromatography Lab Course


General information

Training on analytical and preparative HPLC systems with complex samples from plants. Flash chromatography on automated Combiflash devices is also introduced.

Goal is the identification, isolation and characterization of one natural product with methods you have developed by yourself.



Master students with strong interest in analytical and preparative chemistry, where advanced separation techniques are needed.

The lecture on instumental analytical chemistry (LV 21432 in winter term) is obligatory. Prior knowldge will taken into accout.


Course dates

The lab courses (block course, 2 weeks monday-thursday from 9:00 - 16:00) will take place in august / september, starting in 2017. Up to 4 participants can be scheduled after registration until 15th July.