I am a guest professor at the Mathematics Institute of Freie Universität Berlin. My research is at the intersection of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and combinatorics.

I completed all of my undergraduate education in Bucharest, my hometown. In 2005, I moved to Genova, where I pursued my Ph.D. under the guidance of Aldo Conca. Later, I became a part of Elisa Gorla's SNSF research group in Switzerland. Berlin has been my home since 2013. For further details, please refer to my CV below.

Freie Universität Berlin
Büro: 201 (NEW)
Arnimalle 3,
D-14195 Berlin, Germany

Tel: +49 30 838 50942


Latest page update:


Sommer '24: Lineare Algebra 2 Zahlentheorie 2
Winter '23/'24: Lineare Algebra 1 Mathematik Entdecken 1


Born in 1981 in Bucharest

Romanian and German citizen

Married, two daughters
Education Italian Habilitation as Associate Professor for Algebra and Geometry (2023)
German Habilitation from the Freie Universität Berlin (2020)

Thesis: Hilbert Functions: a connection between algebra, geometry and combinatorics ( pdf )
Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Genova (2009)
Advisor: Aldo Conca (Thesis pdf)
Bachelor in Mathematics from the University of Bucharest (2004)
Advisor: Paltin Ionescu
Employment Freie Universität Berlin
guest professor
since 2019
Freie Universität Berlin BMS-substitute professor 2018
Università di Genova INdAM-Marie Curie fellow 2016-2018
Freie Universität Berlin postdoc 2013-2016
Univeristé de Neucâtel postdoc 2012-2013
Universität Basel postdoc 2010-2012
Università di Genova assegnista di ricerca 2009-2010
Insitutul de Matematică al
Academiei Române
research assistant since 2006, currently on leave
Publication record 19 published papers, 3 in preparation.
Some coauthors Klaus Altmann, Bruno Benedetti, Giulio Caviglia, Emanuela DeNegri, Matej Filip, Elisa Gorla, Joachim Jelisiejew, Thomas Kahle, Nam Le Dinh, Matey Mateev, Matteo Varbaro
Research interests Hilbert schemes of points

deformation theory

Gröbner bases

Stanley-Reisner rings

toric geometry

free resolutions

Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity

arithmetic rank

Hilbert functions

algebras with straightening laws

vertex cover algebras

simplicial and polytopal complexes


h-vectors & f-vectors

pure O-sequences

Gorenstein liaison

Lefschetz properties

balanced simplicial complexes

Coxeter groups


Romanian • • • • •+
English • • • • •
German • • • • •
Italian • • • •
French • • •


  1. Constantinescu A., Brehm W., The First Cotangent Cohomology Module for Matroids (pdf)
    Journal of Combinatorial Algebra vol. 7, no. 3/4, pp. 327-345, (2023)
  2. Altmann K., Constantinescu A., Filip M., Polyhedra, Lattice Structures, and Extensions of Semigroups (pdf)
    Journal of the London Mathematical society vol. 106 (4), pp. 3938-4008, (2022)

  3. Altmann K., Constantinescu A., Filip M., Versality in Toric Geometry (pdf)
    Journal of Algebra, vol. 609, pp. 1--43, (2022)

  4. Constantinescu A., De Negri E., Varbaro M. Singularities and Radical Initial Ideals (pdf)
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 52 (4). pp. 674--686, (2020)

  5. Constantinescu A., Kahle T., Varbaro M., Linear Syzygies, Hyperbolic Coxeter Groups, and Regularity (pdf)
    Compositio Mathematica, vol. 502, Issue 6, pp. 1076--1097, (2019)

  6. Constantinescu A., Gorla E., Gorenstein Liaison for Toric Ideals of Graphs (pdf)
    Journal of Algebra, vol. 502, pp. 249--261, (2018)

  7. Constantinescu A., Varbaro M., h-vectors of matroid complexes (pdf)
    Proceedings of CoMeTA 2013, Springer INdAM series, pp. 203--227, (2015)

  8. Constantinescu A., Kahle T., Varbaro M., Linear syzygies, flag complexes, and regularity (pdf)
    Collectanea Mathematica, pp. 1--6, doi: 10.1007/s13348-015-0141-3 (2015)

  9. Constantinescu A., Mateev M., Hilbert Functions of Standard Determinantal Varieties (pdf)
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219, pp. 3873--3888, (2015)

  10. Constantinescu A., Pournaki M.R., Seyed Fakhari S.A., Terai N., Yassemi S.
    Cohen-Macaulayness and Limit Behaviour of Depth for Powers of Cover Ideals (pdf)
    Communications in Algebra, 43, No. 1, pp. 143--157 (2015)

  11. Constantinescu A., Kahle T., Varbaro M., Generic and special constructions of pure O-sequences (pdf)
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol 46, (5). pp. 924--942, (2014)

  12. Caviglia G., Constantinescu A., Varbaro M., Note on a conjecture by Kalai (pdf)
    Israel Journal of Mathematics, 0021--2172, pp. 1--7, (2014)

  13. Constantinescu A., Varbaro M., On the h-vectors of Cohen-Macaulay Flag Complexes (pdf)
    Mathematica Scandinavica, vol. 112, issue 1, pp. 87--111, (2013)

  14. Constantinescu A., Veronese Algebras and Modules of Rings with Straightening Laws (pdf)
    Journal of Commutative Algebra, vol. IV, issue 2, pp. 229--254, (2012)

  15. Constantinescu A., Parametrizations of Ideals of k[x; y] and k[x; y; z] (pdf)
    Journal of Algebra, vol. 346, issue 1,  pp. 1--30, (2011)

  16. Constantinescu A., Varbaro M., Koszulness, Krull Dimension and Other Properties of Graph-Related Algebras (pdf)
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol. 34, issue 3, pp. 375--400, (2011)

  17. Constantinescu A., Le Dinh N., The Standard Graded Property for Vertex Cover Algebras of Quasi-Trees (pdf)
    Le Matematiche, vol. LXIII, issue II, pp. 173--183, (2008)

  18. Benedetti B., Constantinescu A., Varbaro M.,
    Dimension, Depth and Zero-Divisors of the Algebra of Basic k-Covers of a Graph (pdf)
    Le Matematiche, vol. LXIII, issue II, pp. 117--156, (2008)

  19. Constantinescu A., Hilbert Function and Betti Numbers of Algebras with Lefschetz Property of Order m (pdf)
    Communications in Algebra, vol. 36, issue 12, pp. 4704--4720, (2008)


  21. Constantinescu A., Deliu D., Jelisiejew J., Extension Algebras and the Hilbert Scheme of Points in the Plane

  22. Almousa A., Constantinescu A., Klein P., Nguyen T., Singh A., Venturello L. Unobstructed Simplicial Complexes and T2 for Matroids
  23. Constantinescu A., The Universal Extension of a Pair of Semigroups