About me
Univ.-Prof. a. D. Dr. Wolfgang Frey
Born 1942. 1969, degree PhD, in Botany, Zoology and Biochemistry at University of Tübingen. 1969 – 1977 Scientific Assistent, 1977 – 1978 University lecturer, University of Tübingen, 1978 – 1981 Professor of Botany, University of Gießen, 1981 – 2007 Professor of Botany, Freie Universität Berlin (Institut für Systematische Botanik und Pflanzengeographie). 2007 Retirement.
Field of research: Systematic Botany and Geobotany. Main areas of research: Vegetation of Central Europe and South West Asia – Structure, adaptation, life strategies, clonal reproduction and habitat colonization in plant communities – Systematic and evolution of liverworts, mosses and hornworts – Diversity, adaptation and phylogeography of the bryoflora of tropical and Southern Hemisphere temperate rain forests – Co-editor of the scientific journal “Nova Hedwigia”.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Frey Ortlerweg 39d 12207 Berlin Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 833 8881 Fax: +49 (0)30 838 5 5434 E-mail: wgfrey@gmx.de, wfrey@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Homepage: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/wfrey/index_e.html