Presentations and lectures
- 2024
- The Planets in Late Babylonian Astrology, Workshop "The Power of the Planets: The Social History of Astral Sciences Between East and West", Ravenna, 20 May
- Babylonian Astronomy. New Insights in an Ancient Science, Physics Colloquium, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 6 May
- A close look at the Babylonian Jupiter tables, ZODIAC Workshop "Astronomical computation in the pre-modern world: methods, tables, accuracy", 12 April
- The exaltations of Greco-Roman astrology and their possible relation to stars, NES Workshop "Asterisms – the relations among their verbal, numerical, and visual representations across cultures in research and public outreach", IAS - Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 14 February
- Late Babylonian Field Plans: Area Computation in Practice, Wissenschaftshistorisches Kolloquium, Univerität Frankfurt, 6 February
- Some New Ideas about the Babylonian Origin of the Planetary Exaltations in Greco-Roman Astrology, 5th NINO Annual Meeting "Invention and ingenuity",
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 25 January
- 2023
- Babylonian Predictive Science and Conceptions of the Universe, Ringvorlesung "Finding our Ways in Space and Time - Perceptions
of the Universe", Univ. of Potsdam, 21 November
- Area computation in Late Babylonian field plans, Colloquium Inst. f. Altorientalistik, FU Berlin, 4 July
- Ein Horoskop für die Freie Universität Berlin nach antiken Verfahren, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, FU Berlin, 17 June
- Die Entdeckung des Sternkatalog-Fragmentes von Hipparchos, Planetarium am Insulaner, Berlin, 31 May
- Was kommt? Zukunftsbewältigung in Mesopotamien, Dahlem Humanities Center, FU Berlin, 24 May
- The Babylonian planetary tables revisited, Bacon Conference, Caltech, Pasadena, USA, 19 May
- The Babylonian ”Normal Stars” and the zodiacal constellations, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 12 May
- A New Look on the Babylonian Planetary Tables,
Kolloquium zum Alten Orient, Institut für Assyriologie und Hethitologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 24 January
- 2022
- The Sky over Babylon. Mesopotamian Observations and Predictions of Planetary Motion,
Of stars and wedges. Ancient Near Eastern astral science as a case study for the interpretation of the universe in ancient cultures, Dec 14, Naples, University l'Orientale, Palazzo Corigliano
- Babylonian mathematics -- practical or theoretical?
Ramaz School, New York City, 6 Oct
- Babylonian astronomy: from observation to mathematical prediction,
Ramaz School, New York City, 6 Oct
- Machten van 60 – hoe rekenden de Babyloniërs?,
Symposium XXVIII Machtige verhalen, Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren (NVWS), Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Leiden, 1 Oct
- Predicting the world: cyclical phenomena in Late Babylonian scholarship and beyond,
66th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Univ. of Mainz, 28 July
- Der Himmel über Babylon, Arche Nebra, 2 July
- Babylonische Vorhersagung von Wetter und Marktpreisen im Licht der astronomischen Tagebücher, Universität Marburg, Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien, 21 June
- Traces of mathematical education in selected Babylonian archival documents from the Achaemenid period, Workshop "Archival Scribes and Archival Literacy in Babylonia:
Theory and Practice", Leiden University, 1-2 June.
- Diagrams in Late Babylonian Mathematics, Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Altorientalistik, Freie Universität Berlin, 10 May
- ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation, Observatoire de Paris, Séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques, 12 April (zoom)
- How Ancient Babylonians predicted the paths of planets, Huxley Lecture 2022, Maynooth University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 7 April
- Diagrams and drawings in Late Babylonian astral science and mathematics, Observatoire de Paris, Workshop "Diagram Diversity in the Light of Digital Humanities",
9 March (zoom)
- Akkadian reading of UŠ + fragment from Uruk with planetary data, History of Ancient Science Seminar, Brown University, 9 February (zoom)
- 2021
- Tablet deposition in colophons from Nineveh and Uruk. Workshop „Library of Ashurbanipal – Colophon Workshop: Reading the Library of Ashurbanipal:
A Multi-sectional Analysis of Assyriology’s Foundational Corpus”, LMU Munich, 29 September (zoom)
- The Babylonian zodiac and its imagery. Max Planck Institute for History of Science, Research Group Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens in Eurasia and North Africa (4000 BCE–1700 CE), 30 August (zoom)
- Astronomy and the Writing of History in Babylonia (Late First Millennium BCE), with Caroline Waerzeggers (Leiden University), Workshop "Comparing Ancient Historiographies: The Yehudite Book of Chronicles, Herodotus and Babylonian Chronicles", European Association of Biblical Studies Conference, Wuppertal, 3 August (zoom)
- Iconography and the cross-cultural transformation of zodiacal astral science in antiquity. Symposium "Art, Image, and Astronomical
Knowledge", International Conferences on the History of Science and Technology (ICHST), Prague, 30 July (zoom)
- ZODIAC: Ancient Astral Science in Transformation,
- Dahlem Humanities Center / Freie Universität Berlin, 5 May (zoom)
- Max Planck Institute for History of Science, Research Group Visualization and Material Cultures of the Heavens in Eurasia and North Africa (4000 BCE–1700 CE), 20 May (zoom)
- Babylon 2.0. Simulation als mesopotamische Wissenspraktik. Freie Universität Berlin, 16 April (zoom)
- 2020
- Babylonian Astronomy. New Insights in an Ancient Science. University of Potsdam, 25 November, Ringvorlesung "The Stars and Antiquity"
- Diagrams and figures in Late Babylonian mathematical practices. ESHS, Workshop Visual and Material Cultures in the Mathematics of the Ancient World,
Bologna, 2 September (zoom)
- ”Er stellte die Tafel im Haus seiner Herrschaft auf“. Wissen und Herrschaft im seleukidischen Uruk
- Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Tübingen, 23 January
- Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe 2613 "Rethinking Oriental Despotism", FU Berlin, 28. April (zoom)
- ”Seeing, watching, measuring“. Observational terms in Mesopotamian scholarship, workshop: "Beyond Modern Science I. Basic Terms of Ancient Scholarly Knowledge and Practices", Mainz, 10 January
- 2019
- He wrote it for his learning. On a group of colophons from Seleucid Uruk, 9 December, Colloque en l'honneur de Christine Proust, Univ. Paris Diderot
- Sonne, Mond und Planeten in der babylonischen Astronomie. Beobachtung und Theorie, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), Göttingen, 24 October
- Babylonische Astronomie: neue Einblicke in eine antike Wissenschaft, Planetarium Insulaner, Berlin, 9. Oktober
- New Evidence for Late Babylonian Mathematics, 11 July, Workshop "Mesopotamian Mathematics in Context", Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris
- Manuscripts and performance in Babylonian astral science, 21 May, Workshop "Performing (with) Manuscripts", 20-23 May 2019, Observatoire de Paris
- Chaldäer am Nil: babylonische Astronomie und ihre Rezeption in Ägypten, 13. Mai, Kolloquium Wissenschafsgeschichte, Technische Universität Berlin
- On Late Babylonian Mathematical Texts, 18 March, Colloquium SPHERE Univ. Paris Diderot
- De kosmos als mechanisme van Babylonië tot de Grieks-Romeinse tijd, 9 maart, Jaardag Ex Oriente Lux 2019, Teylers Museum, Haarlem
- Babylonische mathematische Astronomie: Prozeduren und Tabellen für Planeten und Mond, 31. Januar, Univ. Jena, Altorientalistik
- 2018
- Chaldäer am Nil: neue Erkenntnisse zur Vermittlung babylonischer Astronomie nach Ägypten, 8. November, Kolloquium IANES Univ. Tübingen
- Astrologische Prozedurtexte, 2. November, Workshop: Jenseits der modernen Wissenschaft, Bad Homburg
- Astrologische Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Babylonien, 18 Oktober, FU Berlin
- The Sky over Babylon: Astronomy in Ancient Iraq, 18 september, Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT), Istanbul
- Tijd in de Babylonische sterrenkunde, 14 september, Nacht van Ontdekkingen, Oude Sterrenwacht, Universiteit Leiden
- Evidence for Elementary Steps in Egyptian Procedure Texts for Mercury Systems A1 and A2, 13 June, Fifth Regensburg Workshop "In Time: Astronomy and Calendars in the Ancient Near East", Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, Jerusalem
- The introduction of the 19-year intercalation cycle revisited, 10 June, The Day Unit in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, Jerusalem
- Chaldeeërs aan de Nijl – Babylonische sterrenkunde in Grieks-Romeins Egypte, NINO-EOL-lezing, 24 mei, Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden, Leiden
- Jupiter im Trapez — zur Transformation eines babylonischen Aufteilungsproblems, 10 Jahre TOPOI, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 19. April
- Chaldeans on the Nile. New Evidence for the Transmission of Babylonian Astronomy to Egypt, Neugebauer Lecture, Brown University, Providence, 9 April
- The Sky over Ancient Iraq: Babylonian Astronomy in Context, Rostovtzeff Lectures, ISAW-NYU, New York, April
- 2017
- Chaldäer am Nil: neue Erkenntnisse zur Vermittlung babylonischer Astronomie nach Ägypten, Univ. Frankfurt, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 5. Dezember
- Marktprognosen in babylonischen Texten, Inst. für Assyriologie und Hethitologie, LMU München, 7 November
- Die babylonischen Grundlagen der rechnenden Astronomie, Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT), Jena, 20 September
- Jupiter Rising. Astronomy in Ancient Babylonia, Auburn University (Alabama), 12 April
- Tracking Jupiter with a Trapezoid. Geometrical Methods in Babylonian Astronomy:
Physics Dept Auburn University (Alabama), 12 April; Tagung Astronomische Gesellschaft (AG), Goettingen, 22 September
- New results on a Babylonian scheme for Jupiter's motion, 227th Meeting of the American Oriental Society (AOS), Los Angeles, 17 March
- Tracking Jupiter with a Trapezium. Geometrical Methods in Babylonian Astronomy, Wolfson College, Oxford, 8 February
- Babylonian Mercury Procedures in Demotic Ostraca, Oriental Institute, Oxford, 7 February
- Geometrische methodes in de Babylonische sterrenkunde, Nederlandse Wiskundedagen (NWD), Noordwijkerhout, 4 februari
- 2016
- Geometrical methods in Babylonian astronomy, Astrophysical Colloquium, Sterrenkundig Instituut, Univ. Leiden, 1 Dec.
- Geometrische methodes in de Babylonische sterrenkunde, Natuurkundig Genootschap Rotterdam, 29 Nov.
- Babylonische Merkurprozeduren auf demotischen Ostraka, TOPOI D1 / Humboldt Univ. Berlin, 14 Nov.
- Stars over Babylon. Geometrical Methods of the Ancient
Astronomers, START Lecture, Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM), Vienna, 10 Nov.
- Haben die Babylonier schon integriert?, Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Univ. Berlin, 26. Oktober
- Geometrie in der babylonischen Astronomie, Mathematisches Institut, Univ. Magdeburg, 13. Oktober
- Geometrical methods in Babylonian mathematical astronomy, Freie Universität Berlin, Conf. Weg des Wissens, 28 June
- Predicting the Market: Procedures and Astronomical Diaries, Conf. Keeping watch in Babylon: from evidence to text
in the Astronomical Diaries, 25 June, Dept of Classics, Univ. Durham UK
- Neue Entdeckungen zur babylonischen Astronomie, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Archenholdt-Sternwarte Berlin, 11. Juni
- Late Babylonian predictions of weather and market rates, TOPOI–Berlin, Conf. Babylonian and Egyptian Science in Context, 14 May
- Proto-integral calculus in Babylonian astronomy, KIS Freiburg i.Br., 18 February; Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, 24 March
- 2015
- Late Babylonian astral science and its transmission to Greco-Roman Egypt. Max-Planck Inst. for the History of Science, Berlin, 19 November
- Evidence for geometrical methods in Babylonian procedures for the motion of Jupiter. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Geneva, 23 June;
TOPOI / Humboldt Univ. Berlin, 26 October
- New discoveries in Babylonian astronomical computation. Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, 30 April
- Geometrische Verfahren in babylonischen Prozeduren für die Bewegung von Jupiter. TOPOI / Humboldt Univ. Berlin, 27 April
- Mathematical practices in Babylonian mathematical astronomy. SAW Conference "Mathematical Practices in relation to the Astral Sciences",
Univ. Paris Diderot, 30 March
- Mathematical practices in the Reš temple. SAW Conference "Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk", Univ. Paris Diderot, 23 March
- Arithmetical progressions and geometrical reasoning in Babylonian schemes for Jupiter's daily motion. SAW Univ. Paris Diderot, 6 March
- Mathematical Reasoning in a Late-Babylonian Commentary to Enuma Anu Enlil Tablet 14. SAW Univ. Paris Diderot, 20 February
- Babylonian Astronomical Tables: reconstructing mathematical practices. SAW Univ. Paris Diderot, 19 February
- BM 46550 – eine spätbabylonische Tafel mit Berechnungen von reziproken Zahlen. TOPOI / Humboldt Univ. Berlin, 5 January
- 2014
- Babylonian Astrology and the Star of Bethlehem. Univ. of Groningen, 24 Oct.,
Workshop 'The Star of Bethlehem: Historical and Astronomical Perspectives. A Multi-disciplinary Discussion'
- Some New Results on the Babylonian Lunar Tables. TOPOI / Humboldt Univ. Berlin, 16 May,
4th Regensburg Workshop on Mesopotamian Astral Sciences
- Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Number Crunching in Antiquity. Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, Univ. of Amsterdam, 19 February
- The Mesopotamian gnomon as a mathematical device. SPHERE-CNRS, Univ. Paris Diderot, 14 February
- Two very challenging Late Babylonian procedure texts for constructing a gnomon. SPHERE-CNRS, Univ. Paris Diderot, 12 February
- The reign of Xerxes and the development of Babylonian astral science. Workshop 'Xerxes and Babylon. The Cuneiform Evidence', Univ. Leiden, 17 January
- 2013
- Babylonische Astronomie – Methodik und Kontext einer innovativen Wissenschaft. Studium Generale Univ. Würzburg, Residenz, 2. Dez.
- Astronomisches Wissen – epistemische Aspekte der babylonischen Astronomie. TOPOI-Jahrestagung 'Wissen', 15. Nov., HU/FU Berlin
- Bodies in Mesopotamian Cosmology and Celestial Science. IV. Kongress der GANPH (Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie) 'Körper,
soma und corpus in der antiken Philosophie und Literatur', 9. Okt., Univ. München
- Der Himmel über Uruk. Astronomie am Resch-Tempel. Publikumsvortrag zur Uruk-Ausstellung, Bode-Museum Berlin, 22 August
- The powers of 9 and 12. New mathematical discoveries from Babylon – Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (RAI), Gent, 17 July
- Working with tables: Babylonian mathematical astronomy, International Conference on the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (ICHSTM),
Manchester UK, 25 July
- Babylonian Astronomy: editing and interpreting an ancient science, Workshop on the history of critical editions, SPHERE-CNRS,
Univ. Paris Diderot, 20 June
- BM 76488 – a unique Babylonian compilation of planetary periods, Antikythera Mechanism Conference, Leiden, 19 June
- Babylonische mathematische Astronomie, oder wie weit kommt man ohne akkadisch?, FU Berlin, 15. Juni
- Translating the Babylonian Procedures for Lunar Visibility, Workshop on Translating Ancient Scientific Texts, Univ. Mainz, 17 May
- Astronomenkreise im Uruk des 1. Jahrtausends, 8. Internat. Colloquium der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft 'Uruk – Altorientalische
Metropole und Kulturzentrum', Museum für Ethnologie, Berlin, 26. April
- Der Himmel über Babylon – Astronomie im Alten Orient, Planetarium am Insulaner Berlin, 17. April
- Theory and observation in Babylonian astronomy: the use of input data in predictive methods, American Oriental Society (AOS) Annual Meeting,
Portland OR, 16 Mar
- 2012
- Astronomen te Uruk in de Nieuwbabylonische en Perzische tijd, Symposium ter gelegenheid van Wilfred van Soldt's 65e verjaardag,
Leiden, 26 oktober
- Mathematical Terminology in Babylonian Astronomical Texts, SPHERE-CNRS, Univ. Paris Diderot, 15 June
- Segmentation of Babylonian Astronomical Procedures, SPHERE-CNRS, Univ. Paris Diderot, 10 May
- Thinking with Tables in Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 12 Mar
- 2011
- Die Astronomen von Uruk – Gelehrtenkreise im Seleukidischen Babylonien, TOPOI – Humboldt Universität, 1. Sept.
- The Sky over Babylon – Astronomy in the Ancient Near East, 10 Aug, Villanova Univ.
- The Astronomers of Uruk – A Case Study of Networking in Seleucid Babylonia, 14 April, UC Berkeley, CA
- Exploring the Applications of Babylonian (Mathematical) Astronomy, Americal Oriental Society Meeting, Chicago, 12 Mar
- Babylonian Astronomical Tables, Mathematisches Institut Oberwolfach, 1 Mar
- Astronomical Tables in Mesopotamia, Institut Poincare, Paris, 25 Feb
- 2010
- Der Himmel über Babylon. Astronomie im Alten Orient, Museum der Univ. Tübingen, Symposion 'Der Himmel. Wunschbild und Weltverständnis', 19. Nov.
- Babylonische Astronomie: Exzellente Netzwerke im Alten Orient, Abteilung GNT, Univ. Stuttgart, 16. Nov.
- Translating Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Neugebauer and Beyond, ISAW, New York Univ, Neugebauer Conference, 13 Nov.
- Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Science in Action, Inst. for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York Univ, 2 Nov.
- Astronomical Procedure Texts. Workshop Procedure Texts of Egypt and Mesopotamia, Bad Homburg, 3 July
- Der Himmel über Babylon. Astronomie im Alten Orient, Univ. Trier, 21. Mai
- Babylonian Astronomy in Context. Oriental Institute, Univ. Oxford, 11 May
- 2009
- Astronomie in Babylonien. Univ. Heidelberg, 15.11
- Der Himmel über Babylon. Die Astronomie in den Keilschriftquellen, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, FU Berlin,
Forschungscolloquium zur Alten Geschichte, 4.11
- Mathematical Representation in Babylonian Astronomy. Mathematisches Institut Oberwolfach, 27.10
- Der Himmel über Babylon. Astronomie im Alten Orient, Volkssternwarte Bonn/Astronomisches Institut Bonn, 27.5
- Mathematische Konzepte in der babylonischen Astronomie, Institut für Philosophie, Univ. Bern, 8.5
- Rechnende Astronomie in Babylonien. Die Prozedurtexte der mathematischen Astronomie, Altorientalisches Seminar Univ. Tübingen, 5.2
- 2008
- Der Neumond in der Geschichte der Astronomie. Empirie und Theorie von Mesopotamien bis Maimonides,
FU Berlin, 23. November
- Der Himmel über Babylon. Astronomie im Alten Orient, Publikumsvortrag im Rahmen der Babylon-Ausstellung,
Pergamon-Museum, Berlin, 14. August
- Exzellente Netzwerke in der babylonischen Astronomie, Babylon – Wissenskultur zwischen Orient und Okzident,
Pergamon-Museum, Berlin, 27. Juni
- Exzellente Netzwerke: die Astronomen von Uruk, Inst. für Orientalistik, Wien, 17. Juni
- Positive and Negative Numbers in Babylonian Mathematics and Astronomy, Inst. REHSEIS, Univ. Jussieu, Paris, 2 June
- The Lunar Six: once again Atypical Text K + remarks about the order of ŠU2, NA, ME and GI6, 3rd Regensburg Meeting on Babylonian
Astronomy, Durham (UK), 28–30 May
- Die Sonne im Alten Orient. Konzeptionen zwischen Mythos und Wissenschaft,
Veranstaltungsreihe 'Inselperspektiven: Die Sonne – Brennpunkt der Kulturen der Welt', Pergamonmuseum, Berlin, 20. Februar
- 2007
- Mathematische Astronomie in Babylonien, Doktorandenkolloquium Altor. Philologie, Tuebingen, 25. Januar
- Der Himmel über Babylonien. Astronomen im Alten Orient, Ruhrlandmuseum, Essen, 1. Februar
- Babylonian astronomers in context: who were they, who paid them, what (else) did they do?, Utrecht Study group for the History of Astronomy (USHA), 8 May
- Babylonian astronomers in context: a network approach, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, St. Petersburg, 28 July
- 2006
- Sexagesimal calculus in Babylonian mathematical astronomy, Inst. REHSEIS, Univ. Jussieu, Paris, 18 december 2006
- Babylonian computational astronomy, Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Lindau, 1 november 2006
- Procedureteksten – rekenvoorschriften voor Babylonische astronomen, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO),
Leiden, 12 april 2006; studentenvereniging Nabunaid, Leiden, 25 april 2006
- Babylonian astronomical procedure texts, Utrecht Study group for the History of Astronomy (USHA), 10 January 2006
- 2005
- The Moon in Babylonian computational astronomy, KIS-Kolloquium, Freiburg i.Br., 24. November 2005
- Mathematization and Astronomy in Babylonia, Biennial Meeting on the History of Astronomy, Univ. of Notre Dame (USA), 9 July 2005
- Astronomie in Babylonien, Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung 'Astronomie heute', Freiburg i.Br., 13. Januar 2005.
- 2004
- Du addierst, subtrahierst, multiplizierst, benennst es: Rechenvorschriften in der
spätbabylonischen Astronomie, Inst. für Orientalistik, Wien, 11. November 2004
- 2003
- Spätbabylonische astronomische Prozedurtexte, Forschungskolloquium Altorientalistik, Freiburg i.Br., 19. November 2003