Dear visitor,

Welcome to my website. Currently, I am a researcher at the Department of Earth Science in the Mineralogy-Petrology research group at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany). I am interested in the physics of geological processes. I like to perform detailed mapping in the field, followed by petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of samples from high grade metamorphic rocks. Results from such work motivate me to devote much of my work on thermodynamics and numerical modelling of the governing physics to understand field observations and the processes that lead to the final state of rocks at the Earth's surface.

As of December 2018 I am in charge of an Automated Mineralogy FE-SEM Lab at the Mineralogy-Petrology group. We have a Zeiss Sigma 300VP Field-Emission SEM, equipped with two Bruker Quantax Xflash 60mm2 SSD EDS detectors to do fast mineral mapping. The automated mineralogy system consists of a Mineralogic Mining and Reservoir online workstation connected to an online Zeiss ATLAS correlative microscopy workstation..

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