[ Collection: Introduction to CQP ]
Once you've set up your access to CQP on the university server (that is the INLET corpus system), you'll have a selection of different corpora at your disposal. This list will introduce you to some of them that might be interesting to you. If you don't have access to CQP just yet, check out the INLET site to install the system on your account.
For more information on the INLET system, visit this site.
For more detailed information on each of these corpora, select the corpus on CQP, type info
and press ENTER
Size: 112,156,361 tokens
Text publication dates: 1960-1993 (split up into 3 periods)
Tagset: CLAWS-5
Cite as: BNC Consortium. 2007. The British National Corpus, version 3 (BNC XML Edition). Oxford: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. URL: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
Corpus documentation: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
Size: 4,644,834 tokens
Tagset: CLAWS-5
Corpus documentation: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/corpus/baby/manual.pdf
Size: 1,1422,615 tokens
Text publication dates: 2012-2016
Tagset: CLAWS-6
Corpus documentation: http://corpora.lancs.ac.uk/bnc2014/documentation.php
Cite as: Love, Robbie, Claire Dembry, Andrew Hardie, Vaclav Brezina & Tony McEnery. 2017. The Spoken BNC2014: Designing and building a spoken corpus of everyday conversations. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 22(3). 319–344. https://doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.22.3.02lov.
Size: 40,340,760 tokens
Text publication dates: 1710-1920 (split up into 3 periods)
Tagset: PENN Corpora
Corpus documentation: https://perswww.kuleuven.be/~u0044428/clmet3_0.htm
Cite as: De Smet, Hendrik, Susanne Flach, Jukka Tyrkkö & Hans-Jügen Diller. 2015. The Corpus of Late Modern English (CLMET), version 3.1: Improved tokenization and linguistic annotation. KU Leuven, FU Berlin, U Tampere, RU Bochum.
Size: 1,137,466 tokens (approx. 1m words)
Text publication dates: 1961
Corpus documentation: https://varieng.helsinki.fi/CoRD/corpora/BROWN/index.html
Cite as: A Standard Corpus of Present-Day Edited American English, for use with Digital Computers (Brown). 1964, 1971, 1979. Compiled by W. N. Francis and H. Kučera. Brown University. Providence, Rhode Island.
Size: 1,180,152 (approx. 1m words)
Text publication dates: 1992
Corpus documentation: https://varieng.helsinki.fi/CoRD/corpora/FROWN/index.html
Cite as: The Freiburg-Brown Corpus (‘Frown’) (POS-tagged version) compiled by Christian Mair, Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, and Geoffrey Leech, University of Lancaster
Size: 1,157,496 tokens (approx. 1m words)
Text publication dates: 1961
Corpus documentation: https://varieng.helsinki.fi/CoRD/corpora/LOB/index.html
Cite as: The LOB Corpus, POS-tagged version (1981–1986), compiled by Geoffrey Leech, Lancaster University, Stig Johansson, University of Oslo (project leaders), Roger Garside, Lancaster University, and Knut Hofland, University of Bergen (heads of computing).
Size: 1,165,747 tokens (approx. 1m words)
Text publication dates: 1991
Corpus documentation: https://varieng.helsinki.fi/CoRD/corpora/FLOB/index.html
Cite as: The Freiburg-LOB Corpus (‘F-LOB’) (POS-tagged version) compiled by Christian Mair, Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, and Geoffrey Leech, University of Lancaster
Size: 2,518,276 tokens
Author's first languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch (Netherlands), Dutch (Belgium), French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, etc.
Corpus documentation: https://uclouvain.be/en/research-institutes/ilc/cecl/icle.html
Cite as: Granger, Sylviane, Estelle Dagneaux & Fanny Meunier. 2002. International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE). Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Size: 542,341,719 tokens (440m words)
Text publication dates: 1990-2012
Tagset: CLAWS-7
Corpus documentation: http://corpus.byu.edu/coca
Cite as: Davies, Mark. 2008. The Corpus of Contemporary American English: 450 Million Words, 1990-2012. http://corpus.byu.edu/coca.
Size: 471,427,380 tokens (400m words)
Tagset: CLAWS-7
Corpus documentation: http://corpus.byu.edu/coha/
Cite as: Davies, Mark. 2010. The Corpus of Historical American English: 400 million words, 1810-2009. http://corpus.byu.edu/coha/.
Size: 1,354,926 tokens
Text publication dates: 1150-1500 (split up into 9 periods)
Tagset: PENN Corpora
Corpus documentation: https://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/PPCME2-RELEASE-4/index.html , https://github.com/beatrice57/ppche-2024/tree/main/PPCME2-RELEASE-5/docs
Cite as: Anthony Kroch and Ann Taylor. 2000. The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English (PPCME2). Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania. CD-ROM, second edition, (http://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/).
Size: 1,968,483 tokens
Text publication dates: 1500-1710
Tagset: PENN Corpora
Corpus documentation: https://github.com/beatrice57/ppche-2024/tree/main/PPCEME-RELEASE-4/docs , https://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/PPCEME-RELEASE-3/index.html
Cite as: Anthony Kroch, Beatrice Santorini, and Lauren Delfs. 2004. The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English (PPCEME). Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania. CD-ROM, first edition, (http://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/).
Size: 1,095,044 tokens
Text publication dates: 1700-1914
Tagset: PENN Corpora
Corpus documentation: https://github.com/beatrice57/ppche-2024/tree/main/PPCMBE2-RELEASE-2/docs , https://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/PPCMBE2-RELEASE-1/index.html
Cite as: Anthony Kroch, Beatrice Santorini, and Lauren Delfs. 2010. The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Modern British English (PPCMBE). Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania. CD-ROM, first edition. (http://www.ling.upenn.edu/hist-corpora/).
Size: 2,371,920 tokens
Text publication dates: 1350-1710 (split up into 5 periods)
Tagset: PENN Corpora
Corpus documentation: http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~lang22/PCEEC-manual/corpus_description/index.htm
Cite as: Parsed Corpus of Early English Correspondence, tagged version. 2006. Annotated by Arja Nurmi, Ann Taylor, Anthony Warner, Susan Pintzuk, and Terttu Nevalainen. Compiled by the CEEC Project Team. York: University of York and Helsinki: University of Helsinki. Distributed through the Oxford Text Archive.
Size: 1,458,700 tokens
Text publication dates: 1560-1760 (split up into 5 periods)
Tagset: untagged
Corpus documentation: https://data.ldaca.edu.au/collection?id=arcp%3A%2F%2Fname%2Chdl10.26180~23961609&_crateId=arcp%3A%2F%2Fname%2Chdl10.26180~23961609
Cite as: A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560—1760. 2006. Compiled under the supervision of Merja Kyto (Uppsala University) and Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University).
Size: 2,243,235 tokens
Text publication dates: 1788-1900
Tagset: TreeTagger
Corpus documentation: https://varieng.helsinki.fi/CoRD/corpora/COOEE/index.html
Cite as: Fritz, Clemens W. A. 2012. From English in Australia to Australian English: 1788-1900. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
[ Introduction to CQP: Section 1 – Section 2 – Section 3 – Section 4 – Section 5 – Section 6 – Section 7 ]