Ahnengalerie der Familie

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... der Name "Kleier" stammt von der Arbeit mit Kleiboden ab (abgeleitet von "kleben", auch engl."clay": Tonerde), kleien. Ein Kleier war ein Tagelöhner, der Gräben in der Marsch aushob bzw. reinigte.

...aber: möglicherweise ist es aber auch alles ganz anders, denn ich habe dies hier gefunden: "klein [bedeutet], das Getreide zusammenraffen. Vgl. afrapen. Dazu Kleier, der das Getreide zusammenrafft, hindern Meier (Mäher) geit de Kleier." ...hmmm ...wo kommt der Name nun eigentlich wirklich her?

Johan Friedrich Teske

!series of births in Pielburg village, parish of Pielburg, 1765-1769, attrib. variously to the smallholder Tesckens; the former smallholder Tesckens (with later annotation: shepherd Johan Friedrich); and the former shepherd Tescken is he the same Johann Teske (RIN 6425) who died in Dummerfitz, parish of Pielburg, 1 Jan 1813, ae. 70? If he is, and if the date is accurate, h e cannot be the son of Michael Teske of Linde, who had a son Martin b. 1742., for the whole parish of Pielburg, 1716-on, there are no more Teskes recorded in Pielburg village; all in Linde , until 1812, when Martin Wilhelm is a confirmand in Dummerfitz, and one Johann dies there 1 jan 1813. Could this Johan Friedrich be that Johann, and the father of Martin Wilhelm? Further , though the first son Martin Conrad died young, in 1767, neither of the two surviving children has any marriage record in the parish. Could it be that Johan Friedrich, a shepherd, moveda round to or through various neighboring parishes, coming to rest back in Pielburg parish toward the end of his life?

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