Dr. Jochen Roose

Research Interests:
- Political Attitudes
- Political Participation
- Methods of Empirical Research
- Transnationalisation in Europe
Newly published:
Roose, Jochen 2022: Milieus, Lebensstile, Werte. Die große politische Mitte [Milieus, Lifestyles, Values. The Large Political Centre]. In: Bergmann, Knut (ed.): "Mehr Fortschritt wagen"? Parteien, Personen, Milieus und Modernisierung: Regieren in Zeiten der Ampelkoalition ["Risking More Progress"? Parties, People, Milieus and Modernization: Governing in Times of a Red-Green-Yellow Coalition]. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 361-387.
Roose, Jochen, 2020: They are Everywhere. A Representative Survey on Conspiracy Theories. Berlin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. full text.
Sata, Robert/Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel/Roose, Jochen (eds.), 2020: Migration and Border-Making. Reshaping Policies and Identities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Roose, Jochen, 2020: Economy is Home. Study on Regional Structural Change in the Life and Thinking of the Population. Berlin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. full text.