Project Publications
Journal Articles
Roose, Jochen, Maria Kousis, Moritz Sommer, Franziska Scholl, Kostas Kanellopoulos, Angelos Loukakis, and Dimitris Papanikolopoulos. 2018. "New Rage, New Perspectives? Protest in the Eurozone Crisis in Greece and Germany." In Finanzmarkt, Demokratie und Gesellschaft. Sonderheft der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, edited by Jürgen Beyer and Christine Trampusch. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Roose, Jochen, Kostas Kanellopoulos, and Moritz Sommer. 2018. "National anti-austerity protests in a European Crisis. Comparing the Europeanizing Impact of Protest in Greece and Germany During the Eurozone Crisis." Journal of Civil Society 14, special issue on "Social Movements as 'arenas' and 'actors' in transnationalizing public spheres", edited by Angela Bourne. pdf
Kousis, Maria, Stefania Kalogeraki, Marina Papadaki, Angelos Loukakis, and Maria Velonaki, "Alternative Formen von Resilienz in Griechenland" (Alternative Forms of Resilience in Greece). Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, Vol. 29(1), 50-61.
Kousis, Maria, and Jochen Roose. 2015. "Methodological approaches in the study of collective action and political claim making in hard times (in Greek)." Greek Sociological Review 1 (2-3):57-75.
Roose, Jochen, Franziska Scholl, and Moritz Sommer. 2014. "Die Griechen, die Deutschen und die Krise (GGCRISI). Projektvorstellung." Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 27 (1):96-100.
Roose, Jochen, Franziska Scholl, and Moritz Sommer. 2016. "Schuldenkrise und Schuldfragen. Verantwortungszuschreibungen zwischen Deutschland und Griechenland in der Eurozonen-Krise." Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 29 (1):39-50.
Roose, Jochen, Moritz Sommer, and Franziska Scholl. 2016. "Aufbruch am Abgrund? Europas Bewegungslandschaft in der Eurozonen-Krise. Editorial." In Aufbruch am Abgrund? Europas Bewegungslandschaft in der Eurozonen-Krise. Themenheft des Forschungsjournals Soziale Bewegungen, Jg. 29, Heft 1, edited by Jochen Roose, Franziska Scholl and Moritz Sommer. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.
Edited Volume/Edited Special Issue
Roose, Jochen, Moritz Sommer and Franziska Scholl, eds. (forthcoming). Europas Zivilgesellschaft in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Protest, Resilienz
und Kämpfe um Deutungshoheit. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Roose, Jochen, Moritz Sommer, and Franziska Scholl, eds. 2016. Aufbruch am Abgrund? Europas Bewegungslandschaft in der Eurozonen-Krise. Editorial. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.
Book Chapters
Kousis, Maria, Stefania Kalogeraki, Marina Papadaki, Angelos Loukakis, and Maria Velonaki. (forthcoming). "Confronting Austerity in Greece: Alternative forms of resilience and solidarity initiatives by citizen groups" In Jochen Roose, Franziska Scholl, and Moritz Sommer (eds.) Europas Zivilgesellschaft in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Protest, Resilienz
und Kämpfe um Deutungshoheit
Roose, Jochen, Moritz Sommer, and Franziska Scholl. (forthcoming). "Verantwortungszuschreibungen in der Eurozonen-Krise. Das Kommunikationsverhalten von Politik und Zivilgesellschaft im deutsch-griechischen Vergleich." In Europas Zivilgesellschaft in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Protest, Resilienz
und Kämpfe um Deutungshoheit, edited by Jochen Roose, Moritz Sommer and Franziska Scholl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Roose, Jochen, Moritz Sommer, and Franziska Scholl. 2014. Die Griechen, die Deutschen und die Krise (GGCRISI). Projektvorstellung. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 27, Heft 1, S. 96-100.
Roose, Jochen, Moritz Sommer, Franziska Scholl, Maria Kousis, Kostas Kanellopoulos, and Angelos Loukakis. 2017. "Debating Responsibility on the Eurozone Crisis in Traditional Media. Newspaper Reporting in Greece and Germany under a Social Media Lens." In Social Media and European Politics. Rethinking Power and Legitimacy in the Digital Era, edited by Asimina Michailidou and Mauro Barisione. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Sommer, Moritz, Jochen Roose, Franziska Scholl, and Dimitris Papanikopoulos. 2016. "The Eurozone Crisis and Party Conflicts in Greece and Germany. Discursive Struggles about Responsibility." In Europe's Crisis: The conflict theoretic perspective, edited by Tim Krieger, Bernhard Neumärker and Diana Panke, 87-110. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Conference Papers/Conference Appearances
Kanellopoulos, Kostas, Angelos Loukakis, and Moritz Sommer. 2015. Narrative dimensions of stability and solidarity in the Euro Crisis". Paper presented in "A narrative turn in EU studies?", Workshop at the College of Europe in Bruges, October 2015.
Kanellopoulos, Kostas, Angelos Loukakis, and Jochen Roose. 2015. Strange bedfellows? Debating Greece's and Germany's role in the Eurozone Crisis across borders". Paper presented in the panel "The Public Attribution of Responsibility in Politics: Structures of Public Sense Making" at the International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies in Paris, July 2015.
Kanellopoulos, Kostas, Dimitris Papanikolopoulos, and Angelos Loukakis. 2015. Comparing local and transnational dimensions of anti-austerity protests in the Greek debt crisis through Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis. Paper presented at the Workshop "Studying Social Movements against EU Austerity" in Roskilde, May 2015.
Kousis, Maria, Marina Papadaki. 2015. What Are the Blames All about? Attribution Issues in the Eurozone Crisis. Paper presented in the panel "The Public Attribution of Responsibility in Politics: Structures of Public Sense Making" at the International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies in Paris, July 2015.
Kousis, Maria, Jochen Roose, Franziska Scholl, Marina Papadaki, Moritz Sommer, and Kostas Kanellopoulos. 2015. Comparing Greek and German interest groups in the Eurozone Crisis through Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis. Paper presented at the ECPR joint sessions in Warsaw, April 2015.
Loukakis, Angelos, Franziska Scholl, and Kostas Kanellopoulos. 2015. The Good, the Bad, and the Neutral? Discursive Actors Attribution Analysis of the debate about the Eurozone Crisis. Paper presented at the UACES Student Forum Research Conference "Ever Challenged Union: exploring ways out of the crisis" in Belfast, June 2015.
Roose, Jochen. 2016. "Die drei Welten in der Debatte um die Eurozonen-Krise". Vortrag bei der Diskussionsveranstaltung "Die Krise in der deutschen und griechischen Öffentlichkeit" des Centrums Modernes Griechenland, Berlin.
Roose, Jochen. 2016. "Wir müssen reden" Verantwortungszuschreibung im Rahmen der Eurozonenkrise in Deutschland und Griechenland". Presentation at the Institute for Sociology of the Technischen Universität Dresden.
Roose, Jochen, Maria Kousis. 2016. "Calling for Germany's action and criticizing these calls: A Greek German comparison of requests in the Eurozone crisis debate". Presentation at the conference of the Council for European Studies, Philadelphia.
Roose, Jochen, and Maria Kousis. 2015. "Europeanizing Responsibility Attribution in the Eurozone Crisis Debate? A Greek-German Comparison". Presentation at the conference of the EU-project LIVEWHAT, Geneva.
Roose, Jochen. 2015. "Politisierung und Verantwortungszuschreibung im Rahmen der Eurozonenkrise in Deutschland und Griechenland". Presentation at the conference "Die Politisierung der EU -Demokratisierungspotenzial oder Desintegrationsgefahr?", Potsdam.
Roose, Jochen. 2015. "International vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse in der Praxis: Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis in einem deutsch-griechischen Projekt". Presentation at the Institute for Sociology of the Technische Universität Dresden.
Roose, Jochen. 2014. "Schuldige und Opfer in der Eurozonenkrise. Die öffentliche Zuschreibung von Verantwortung in deutschen und griechischen Massenmedien". Presentation at the Panel "Zwischen Hegemonie und Gemeinschaft: Visionen eines geeinten Europa" at the DAAD-conference "Wende-Punkte 1914-2014: Internationale Perspektiven auf Deutschland und Europa" in Berlin.
Roose, Jochen, and Maria Kousis. 2014. "Im Auge des Sturms. Deutschlands Rolle in der Finanzkrise im Spiegel öffentlicher Verantwortungszuschreibung." Wende-Punkte 1914-2014: Internationale Perspektiven auf Deutschland und Europa, Berlin. pdf
Roose, Jochen, and Maria Kousis. 2014. "Making Sense of the Eurozone Crisis. Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis", Presentation at the BMBF conference"Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Deutschland und Griechenland forschen gemeinsam für die Zukunft" in Berlin.
Roose, Jochen, Maria Kousis, Moritz Sommer, Franziska Scholl, Angelos Loukakis and Kostas Kanellopoulos. 2016. "Polemic Within, in Mainstream Media. The General Framing of the Eurozone Crisis in Greece and Germany" paper presented at the DAAD conference Populism, Prejudices and Perspectives in Italy and Germany, DAAD Goethe Universität Frankfurt Am Main, 11 November.
Roose, Jochen, Maria Kousis, and Moritz Sommer. 2014. "Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis. A Tool to Analyze How People Make Sense of the Eurozone Crisis." ECPR General Conference, Glasgow. pdf
Roose, Jochen, Franziska Scholl, and Moritz Sommer. 2015. "Wenn die Sozialpolitik an ihr Ende kommt". Presentation at the conference "Zwischen De- und Re-Nationalisierung. Soziale Sicherung in Zeiten europäischer Krisen" of the sections Sozialpolitik and Europasoziologie in the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Flensburg.
Roose, Jochen, Franziska Scholl, and Moritz Sommer. 2014. "Verantwortungszuschreibungen in der Eurozonen-Krise. Erste Ergebnisse einer Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis von deutschen und griechischen Zeitungen", Presentation in the panel "Aktuelle Forschung zur Politischen Soziologie" at the congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) in Trier.
Roose, Jochen, Franziska Scholl, Moritz Sommer, Kostas Kanellopoulos, and Angelos Loukakis. 2015. "In the Eye of the Storm. European Commission and ECB in the 'Battle' of Attributing Responsibility in the Eurozone Crisis." Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures. Conference of the Council for European Studies, Paris. pdf
Scholl, Franziska, Jochen Roose, Moritz Sommer, Maria Kousis, Marina Papadaki, Kostas Kanellopoulos, and Dimitris Papanikolopoulos. 2014. "Attributing Responsibility in the Debate on the Eurozone Crisis: Nationally confined or Europeanized?" DCSCRN Interim Conference 2014, Disasters, Conflicts and Social Crises: Causes, Impacts and Responses, Rethymnon, Crete.
Sommer, Moritz, and Jochen Roose. 2015. "Blame Shifting and Credit Claiming. Comparing Strategies of Communicative Self-Legitimation in the Eurozone Crisis Debate." ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Warsaw. pdf
Sommer, Moritz, Jochen Roose, Kostas Kanellopoulos, Maria Kousis, and Franziska Scholl. 2014. Assessing legitimacy in the Southern Eurozone crisis through Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis of media reports, 2009-2013. Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference in Glasgow, September 2014. pdf
Sommer, Moritz, Jochen Roose, Kostas Kanellopoulos, Maria Kousis, and Franziska Scholl. 2014. Crisis framing and the attribution of responsibility. A Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis of the Eurozone crisis in Greek and German newspapers. Paper presented in the section: "The European Socio-cultural Space and the New Global Order" at the Midterm Conference of the European Political Sociology Research Network of ESA in Copenhagen, November 2014
Sommer, Moritz, Jochen Roose, Kostas Kanellopoulos, Maria Kousis, Marina Papadakis, and Franziska Scholl. 2014. "Attributing the Crisis. A Greek-German comparison", Presentation at the interdisciplinary Workshop "Europe's Crisis: The Conflict-theoretic Perspective" in Freiburg.