International Institutions Overview

This website of Nicola Jentzsch (Free University of Berlin, JFKI) is devoted to the most important international institutions. The side is organized according to the major topics discussed in the seminars at JFKI. 

 Multilateral Institutions

There is a number of international institutions that have been founded after the II. World War. The most important links you find here:

World Trade Organization

As predecessor of the GATT (founded in 1948) provisions, the WTO was founded in 1995 to deal with the rules and dispute settlement in international trade.

World Bank Group 

The World Bank Group, founded in 1944 as Specialized Agency of the United Nations. It consists of five institutions with different focus.  

International Monetary Fund

The IMF is another Specialized Agency of the United Nations. It was also founded in 1944 and it focuses on exchange rate coordinational and stability.

United Nations

International organization to promote peace, stability and human rights. The UN nowadays is a whole system of Specialized Agencies, programs and funds. 

International Telecommunication Union

Less known than other institutions, the ITU is the oldest international organization, founded in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union.

Universal Postal Union

The Universal Postal Union is today the second oldest international organization, established in 1874 in Switzerland.

World Intellectual Property Organization

The predecessor of the WIPO was established with the union of two administrative bodies in charge for international IP contracts in 1893. Today the organization belongs to the UN.
International sources for statistics see an overview here.

 International Contracts

Here is a list with the existing free trade agreements worldwide:

European Union (EU)
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
EC Association Agreements
Nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen (NAFTA)
Karibische Gemeinschaft (CARICOM)
Gemeinsamer Markt des Ganzen Südens (MERCOSUR)
Zentralamerikanischer Gemeinsame Markt (MCCA)
Zentralamerikanische Integrationssystem (SICA)
Lateinamerikanische Integrationsassoziation (ALADI)
Die Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft Westafrikanischer Staaten (ECOWAS)
Die Westafrikanische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (UEMOA)
Die Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft der Zentralafrikanischen Staaten (CEEAC)
Union Douanière des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (UDEAC)
Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPLG)
The Arab League (link)
Arab Common Market  
Union Maghreb Arabe (link)
Der Golfkooperationsrat (GCC)
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
Der Verband südostasiatischer Staaten (ASEAN)
Asiatic Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone

© 2004 Nicola Jentzsch - last update: 12/10/04