Nicola Jentzsch, M.A. WiSe 02-03

International Trade Policy and Economics

Course is taught in German, but most of the material is in English. This course presents  an overview over the development of the world economy and the role of the U.S. in international trade relations since the II. World War. We start with the most important trade theories, such as the classic, neoclassic and new trade theories. Next, we analize the trade instruments the U.S. uses in international negotiations. Current trade conflicts between U.S. and EU as well as WTO dispute settlement are also topics of the seminar. Moreover, students will be introduced to multilateral institutions such as WTO and IMF as well as the decision making processes in these institutions. The major purpose of this course is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the institutions and the political economy of the world trading system. 

1. Course Requirements: 

The course is for graduate students (Dept. of Economics) as well as undergraduates   (JFKI). Students are strongly encouraged to visit introductory courses in economics first. Course requirements are presentation and exam at the end of the semester. Presentations should be scheduled before the start of the semester. A list of topics you find here: Sekretariat, Abt. Wirtschaft aus (R 232, Fr. Spannagel, Tel. 8385 36 03).

2. Seminar plan 

3. Literature

4. Scientific Methodology (in German)

5. Frequently Asked Questions zu Seminar, Scheinen, Studium: FAQ

6. Service Information for students (in German)


© 2003 Nicola Jentzsch - last update: 12/10/03