Gossamer Archive Information Template

This is an example layout for the header information that should be included with each story submission. Only the author, title, and disclaimer fields are required. All other fields are optional, but please follow this format--including the order of the fields--if you do provide them. This template is only for header information defined in the Gossamer header standards and should exactly follow those standards. All additional information (for example, the explanation of why you picked one rating over another) should be included after the template.

If you choose to fill in fields beyond those basic fields, please understand the Gossamer standards for that field. Do not use abbreviations, such as MSR for Mulder/Scully romance, CD for character death or AU for alternate universe. If you choose to include a pairing in the keywords field, make sure to select an interaction (sex, romance, married, friendship, UST). Using abbreviations in any field, or including a pairing without an interaction (or, an interaction without a pairing) may result in that information not being entered into the Gossamer database.

Any information provided may be edited by the archivists when it is entered into the database to conform with the Gossamer standards, as described elsewhere on the Help Desk.





Author's Notes:

Example of Good Story Headers

TITLE: The Invasion of the Cookie Monsters
AUTHOR: Mary Smith
E-MAIL: msmith@invalid.invalid
DISTRIBUTION: Archive freely

KEYWORDS: XF/Sesame Street crossover. Skinner/other romance. Colonization.

SUMMARY: The day of colonization arrives, and the people of Earth make a startling discovery. The aliens are all Cookie Monsters! While he is detained, Skinner develops a passion for one of his captors.

Disclaimer: X-Files characters belong to FOX Corporation and 1013. Sesame Street belongs to the Sesame Workshop and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Author's Notes: What a trip! Mmmm . . . cookies.

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