invite you to submit proposals for talks at the colloquium. Please
send a one-page abstract and a short CV to the following e-mail
address: evian@philosophie.fu-berlin.de.
The final deadline is April 15, 2014.
Talks may be presented in German, English or French and are limited
to 25-30 minutes. They should aim to facilitate discussion by
arguing for distinctive theses while being as brief and clear
as possible. The scheduling of sessions will depend on the talks
and presentations that are selected. There are no prearranged
Passive mastery of the three languages of the Colloquium (French,
German, and English), at least sufficient so as to follow presentations
and discussions in each of them, is indispensable and a necessary
condition of participation! Before applying, please be sure
to check the information concerning language requirements provided
in the Practica section.
Georg W. Bertram (Berlin), Robin Celikates (Amsterdam), David
Lauer (Berlin). In cooperation with: Alessandro Bertinetto (Udine), Karen Feldman (Berkeley), Jo-Jo Koo (Dickinson), Christophe Laudou (Madrid), Claire
Pagès (Paris), Diane Perpich (Clemson), Hans Bernhard Schmid (Wien),