- Geldpolitik, Internationale Makroökonomik
- Zeitreihenanalyse, Paneldatenmodelle
- Internationale Finanzmarktintegration
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
- The Fall of the Labor Income Share: The Role of Technological Change and Hiring Frictions (with Francesco Carbonero and Enzo Weber),
Review of Economic Dynamics, im Erscheinen.
- Spillovers of U.S. Unconventional Monetary Policy to Emerging Markets: The Role of Capital Flows (mit Pablo Anaya und Michael Hachula),
Journal of International Money and Finance, Mai 2017, 73(B):275-295.
- Interest Rate Dynamics and Monetary Policy Implementation in Switzerland (mit Puriya Abbassi und Dieter Nautz),
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, März 2010, 146(1):313-340.
- Volatility Transmission in the European Money Market (mit Dieter Nautz),
North American Journal of Economics and Finance, März 2008, 19(1):23-39.
- The Dynamic Relationship between the Euro Overnight Rate, the ECB's Policy Rate and the Term Spread (mit Dieter Nautz),
International Journal of Finance and Economics, Juli 2007, 12(3):287-300.
- Does the Euro follow the German Mark? Evidence from the Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate (mit Dieter Nautz),
European Economic Review, Juni 2006, 50(5):1279-1295.
- The Effects of the Eurosystem's APP on Euro Area Bank Lending: Letting Different Data Speak (mit Barno A. Blaes und Björn Kraaz),
Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper 26/2019, August 2019.
- On the Degree of Homogeneity in Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Data Models,
FU Discussion Paper 2014/25, Oktober 2014.
- Globalization and International Business Cycle Dynamics - A Conditional GVAR Approach (mit Michael Binder),
FU Discussion Paper 2014/24, Oktober 2014.
- International Investment Positions and Exchange Rate Dynamics (mit Michael Binder),
FU Discussion Paper 2014/23, September 2014.
- The CFS International Capital Flow Database. A User's Guide (mit Marcus Pramor),
CFS Working Paper 2007/24, August 2007.