This web article is 'archaic', regarding the History of the WWW. It has been launched in 1995, the english version in early 1996. The JRP has been very successful till today. This is why we keep both contents and technique unchanged, for 'historic reasons', so as to say. You may find more on modern and fossil reefs at and If you are interested in the science behind, you may also check for recent research publications on Jurassic reefs.

A "Jurassic Reef Park Version 2" will be launched, whenever time permits. But meantime, have fun with JRP below.
Reinhold Leinfelder, April 2003


Eine virtuelle Reise
zu den Riffen der

Welcome to the
Reef Park

A virtual trip
to the reefs of the
Jurassic Period

von / by
Reinhold Leinfelder



For best results set your monitor to 32768 colours, if possible.

geschrieben von / written by:

Reinhold Leinfelder
University of Stuttgart (at the time of writing this article)

present address:

Museum of Natural History
Humboldt-University at Berlin
Invalidenstr. 43
D-10115 Berlin
Fax: ++49-30-20938561
email: leinfelder at

that is me!

Honours and Awards

Jurassic Reef Park was also mentioned in "Netwatch" by Jocelyn Kaiser in the Scientific Journal
vol. 282 p 839 (issue of 30th. Oct 98)


This educational article is a contribution to the

International Year of the Reef


Sonst noch was? Something else?
Andere geowissenschaftliche Lehrangebote
Other educational geoscience web-sites
Webmasters ganz spezielle Specials:
Nicht ganz ernstgemeint!
Webmaster's very special Specials
Science goes nuts!
Weitere geowissenschaftliche Web-Seiten
Other Geoscience web-pages
Die München-Stuttgart Riffgruppe
Reef Group Munich-Stuttgart
Der (Paläo-)Umwelt-Informations-Server
The (Palaeo-)environmental Info-Server
Department für Paläontologie
und Historische Geologie
an der Universität München
Department of Palaeontology
and Historical Geology
at the University of Munich
Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Leserbrief We like feedback!

Stapellauf der Komplettversion (in Deutsch): 25. Februar 1996
Complete english version was launched on 14. March 1996
Letzte Änderungen / Last changes 3/8/11
© Reinhold Leinfelder