Full name of your organisation (university,
other higher education institution,
Address of your
Please indicate your main language(s) of instruction
(only to be completed by institutions of Higher
Name of person completing this form
Function of person completing this form
(multiple answers
Co-ordinates of person completing this
For each
of the statements listed below, please indicate the level of
importance you attach to the
B. Curriculum Innovation
Considering broadly all types of programmes in the area of
languages, how important do you think it is...
a) to
extend the range of languages offered, especially including less
widely taught languages?
b) to
provide better opportunities for staff mobility at European
c) to carry
out more research into language learning and teaching?
d) to
develop greater co-operation and sharing of new ideas and good
practice between teachers at national level?
e) to
develop greater co-operation and sharing of new ideas and good
practice between teachers at international level?
relation to language degrees, how important do you think it
a) to
develop a closer relationship between programmes and
language-related careers?
b) to carry
out research on new or emerging patterns of language-related
c) to
develop a stronger integration between language and content area
d) to
explore the possibility of a common core curriculum for language
degrees, so as to achieve better comparability and academic and
professional recognition across Europe?
relation to teacher training how important do you think it
a) to
include more practical classroom experience in initial
b) to
include more study of applied linguistics related to education,
language acquisition and language teaching methodology?
c) to
increase the provision of training for language teaching at primary
d) to
increase the provision of training for the use of e-learning
approaches in language
e) to
increase the provision of training for bilingual
relation to training for translators and interpreters, how important
do you think it is...
a) to
include a work experience component as a part of the
b) to carry
out research on new patterns of careers in translating and
c) to
define learning outcomes with reference to relevant professional
profiles at level one?
d) to
define learning outcomes with reference to relevant professional
profiles at level two?
relation to language units for students of other disciplines, how
important do you think it is...
a) to
develop more coherence and co-operation between different academic
units providing language teaching within the same
b) for
graduates to have a high level of communicative competence in
foreign languages?
c) to
provide more linguistic and intercultural preparation for outgoing
students on Socrates and similar mobility schemes?
C. New learning environments - the European
learning space
regard to new learning environments, how important do you think it
a) to
develop Information and Communication Technologies (henceforth ICT)
skills as an integral part of the academic and professional profile
of your graduates?
b) to
develop independent and lifelong language skills as an integral part
of the academic and professional profile of your
c) to
develop and put in place the necessary technological infrastructure
for language learning and teaching?
d) to
increase pedagogical support in order to achieve adequate
integration of ICT into language studies?
e) to
expand in-service training of teaching staff in order to achieve
adequate integration of ICT into language studies?
f) to
promote systematic interaction between visiting and local staff and
students for language learning and cultural purposes?
g) to
acknowledge language studies as an important contribuuion to
professional qualification and competence in all academic
h) to offer
all students the opportunity to aquiare independent and lifelong
language learning skills during their higher education
i) to adopt
common European standards of reference and common European
assessment criteria for language learning and teaching in order to
facilitate transperancy and academic and professional recognition
across Europe?
j) to
establish and adopt common technological platforms and learning
spaces for language learning and teaching?
k) to
stimulate trans-European co-operation in establishing and adopting
common technological platforms and learning spaces for language
learning and teaching?
l) to
develop and promote ICT enhanced materials and courses in the
language(s) of instruction at your institution to enhance
multilingualism at a European level?
m) to have
a specific staff development policy for integrating electronic
learning approaches into language education?
n) to have
a specific staff development policy for integrating independent and
lifelong learning approaches into language education?
o) to have
a specific institutional policy or guidelines for preparing students
for approaches integrating electronic learning into language
p) to have
a specific institutional policy or guidelines for preparing students
for approaches integrating lifelong learning into language
q) to
provide special technical support for staff involved in ICT enhanced
language learning and teaching?
r) to
provide special technical support for students involved in ICT
enhanced language learning and teaching?
D. Quality
Enhancement in Language Studies
Considering programmes, courses, and offerings in the area
of languages, how important do you think it is...
a) to
introduce quality enhancement measures for the language
teaching/learning portions of modern languages degree
b) to
introduce quality enhancement measures for programmes for the
education of school teachers?
c) to
introduce quality enhancement measures for programmes for the
training of translators and interpreters?
d) to
introduce quality enhancement measures for language provision for
students of all disciplines?
e) to
develop a European framework of reference for quality enhancement in
programmes and provision in the area of languages?
Considering quality measures relating to defining and
designing courses and programmes in the area of languages, how
important do you think it is...
a) to have
stated learning outcomes of the various programmes or portions of
programmes in the area of languages?
b) to
consult with stakeholders, such as students and employers, in
developing existing programmes or designing new ones?
c) to
relate provision for language teaching/learning to common European
levels of proficiency, such as the skill-specific levels of the
Common European Framework of Reference of the Council of
d) to have
European benchmarking statements for the various programmes in the
area of languages?
Considering quality measures relating to the process of
teaching and learning, how important do you think it
a) to
introduce new methods in language teaching/learning that focus on
the learning process and on the needs of the learner?
b) to
create specific organisational structures for language
teaching/learning such as language centres?
Considering quality measures relating to the training of
higher education teachers and trainers working in the area of
language, how important do you think it is...
a) to
provide initial and in-service training for teachers in higher
b) to
ensure appropriate conditions of contract and career prospects for
language teachers in higher education?
Considering quality measures relating to the organisation
and management of the process of teaching and learning, how
important do you think it is...
a) to have
an information management system in place to keep track of
individual students and of development in general?
b) to have
a system for the internal evaluation of programmes or
c) to have
a system for the external evaluation of programmes or