Category: Internet

  • Webmail is broken?! DON’T PANIC.

    Is everything lost? Are all my e-mails gone?? Everything is mixed up! HELP!!! Executive summary: Everything is probably okay. DON’T PANIC. Long(er) story (and explanation): If you are using ZEDAT Webmail, and strange things have happened to your INBOX, there’s a fair chance that nothing terrible is going on. It is simply pretty easy to…

  • Deleting (Only) Form History in Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox likes to store so called “form history” in user profiles. This can be very handy when (re-) filling web forms (so you don’t have to type in your username or e-mail address over and over again for example). Unfortunately however, it does not seem to be possible to delete single entries from the…

  • LimeSurvey Install @ Userpage

    Die Umfrage-Software “LimeSurvey” läßt sich ohne viel Aufwand auf dem Login/Userpage-Server der ZEDAT installieren. Schnelldurchlauf LimeSurvey herunterladen. Auspacken. Konfiguration. Finetuning. LimeSurvey-Installation im Detail LimeSurvey herunterladen Die aktuelle LimeSurvey-Version zum Selbst-Installieren gibt es unter: dort sind Archive u.a. im zip, tar.gz, und 7z-Format verlinkt. Dem Login-Server ist es egal, dort kann man alle Formate…