HS-Kommentar (Analyse und Vergleich)

Dimensions of Change: Business and Labor in Post-Cold War Europe


Course Description:

The objective of this seminar is to analyze major developments and review the key policies which have shaped the political economy of Europe over the last decade. Our focus will be on business (employers' associations, multinational enterprises) and labor (trade unions, works councils) as primary actors in the most recent processes of unification in the European Union and in the transformation of the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. While special reference will be made to the German actors and Germany's role, the seminar will offer participants ample opportunities for comparative analysis and focused interest on business and labor in selected other countries as well. Among the issues which are likely to be included are such hallmarks of this period as German unification, the creation of European Works Councils, the labor market problems associated with posted workers, foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe, Social Pacts and the Social Dialogue.

The seminar will be conducted in English. A reader containing the assigned texts will be made available at a local copy shop during the first week of the semester for purchase.

Grading (Schein) will be based on regular participation, an oral presentation and the submission of a paper in English. Deadline for submission of the paper (15 – 20 pages) is August 15, 2003. Consideration will be given to the fact that for most students, this paper is likely be the first such exertion in English. In other words, the difficulty of writing such a paper in English is recognized.

Contact: mfichter@zedat.fu-berlin.de, Ihnestr. 26, Zimmer 212
Office hours: Tuesday, 10-12 or by appointment.