Title Electron transfer phenomena at the molecular scale: organic charge transfer complexes on metal surfaces
Authors I. Fernández Torrente, K.J. Franke, J. I. Pascual
Book Atom and Molecule Manipulation, Elsevier, ed. by A.J. Mayne and G. Dujardin
Vol. 2, 2011, pg. 51

Abstract This chapter reports novel electronic properties exhibited by a charge transfer complex thin film, TTF-TCNQ, on a Au(111) surface. The individual adsorption of TTF and TCNQ leads to different charge states of the metal/organic interface, i.e., formation of a molecular Wigner lattice due to electrostatic repulsion in the first case, and molecular nucleation in neutral islands in the second. Donor-acceptor recognition governs the arrangement of mixed TTF-TCNQ domains, where the charge transfer process forms negatively charged molecular radicals (TCNQ−). These radicals have a spin ½ state, as evidenced by a Kondo resonance in STM spectroscopy analysis. Organic donor-acceptor interactions are thus a promising avenue towards the spontaneous self-assembled organization of metal-free molecular magnets.

BibTeX entry
    @incollection{ AGP-2011:64,
      title = { Electron transfer phenomena at the molecular scale: organic charge transfer complexes on metal surfaces },
      author = { I. Fernández Torrente, K.J. Franke, J. I. Pascual },
      booktitle = { Atom and Molecule Manipulation, Elsevier, ed. by A.J. Mayne and G. Dujardin },
      volume = { 2 },
      year = { 2011 },
      pages = { 51-- },