Title Modulation of Surface Charge Transfer Through Competing Long-Range Repulsive Versus Short-Range Attractive Interactions
Authors J. Fraxedas, S. García-Gil, S. Monturet, N. Lorente, I. Fernández-Torrente, K.J. Franke, J.I. Pascual, A. Vollmer, R.-P. Blum, N. Koch, P. Ordejon
Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Vol. 115, 8 2011, pg. 18640

Abstract We report a combined experimental and theoretical study of the modulation of surface charge transfer on the TTF [tetrathiafulvalene]/Au(111) interface as a function of coverage in the submonolayer regime by combining low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, high resolution photoemission spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The modulation is induced by the competition between long-range repulsive Coulombic interactions and short-range attractive hydrogen-bonding interactions. The system shows the characteristic pattern evolution, from monomeric stripes at low coverages to two-dimensional islands, with the formation of labyrinths in the crossover.

BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2011:62,
      title = { Modulation of Surface Charge Transfer Through Competing Long-Range Repulsive Versus Short-Range Attractive Interactions },
      author = { J. Fraxedas, S. García-Gil, S. Monturet, N. Lorente, I. Fernández-Torrente, K.J. Franke, J.I. Pascual, A. Vollmer, R.-P. Blum, N. Koch, P. Ordejon },
      journal = { Journal of Physical Chemistry C },
      volume = { 115 },
      year = { 2011 },
      month = { August },
      pages = { 18640-- },