Title Excitation of Jahn-Teller Active Modes during Electron Transport through Single C60 Molecules on Metal Surfaces
Authors Katharina J. Franke, Gunnar Schulze, and Jose Ignacio Pascual
Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
KeywordsInelastic Tunnling Spectroscopy, Jahn-Teller active modes, Fullerene, C60

Abstract Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we resolve all Jahn-Teller active Hg modes of a single C60 molecule when adsorbed on a Pb(111) surface. Selection rules for vibrational excitation in inelastic tunneling spectra are thus given by the electron-phonon coupling in the molecular orbital close to the Fermi level. The observation of modes depends, however, crucially on the orbital alignment. In particular, inelastic spectra in a resonant tunneling regime, as realized by adsorption of C60 on Cu(111), show no vibrational fingerprint


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BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2010:57,
      title = { Excitation of Jahn-Teller Active Modes during Electron Transport through Single C60 Molecules on Metal Surfaces },
      author = { Katharina J. Franke, Gunnar Schulze, and Jose Ignacio Pascual },
      journal = { Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters },
      year = { 2010 },