Title Long-range repulsive interaction between TTF molecules on a metal surface induced by charge transfer
Authors I. Fernandez-Torrente, S. Monturet, K. J. Franke, J. Fraxedas, N. Lorente, and J. I. Pascual
Journal Phys. Rev. Lett.
Vol. 99, 10 2007, pg. 176103

Abstract The adsorption of a molecular electron donor on Au(111) is characterized by the spontaneous formation of a superlattice of monomers spaced several nanometers apart. The coverage-dependent molecular pair distributions obtained from scanning tunneling microscopy data reveal an intermolecular long-range repulsive potential, which decreases as the inverse of the molecular separation. Density functional theory calculations show a charge accumulation in the molecules due to electron donation into the metal. Our results suggest that electrostatic repulsion between molecules persists on the surface of a metal.


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BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2007:24,
      title = { Long-range repulsive interaction between TTF molecules on a metal surface induced by charge transfer },
      author = { I. Fernandez-Torrente, S. Monturet, K. J. Franke, J. Fraxedas, N. Lorente, and J. I. Pascual },
      journal = { Phys. Rev. Lett. },
      volume = { 99 },
      year = { 2007 },
      month = { October },
      pages = { 176103-- },