Title Tuning a two-impurity Kondo system by a moire superstructure
Authors Sergey Trishin, Christian Lotze, Friedemann Lohss, Giada Franceschi, Leonid I. Glazman, Felix von Oppen, and Katharina J. Franke
Journal Physical Review Letters
Vol. 130, 2023, pg. 176201

Abstract Two-impurity Kondo models are paradigmatic for correlated spin-fermion systems. Working with Mn atoms on Au(111) covered by a monolayer of MoS$_2$, we tune the inter-adatom exchange via the adatom distance and the adatom-substrate exchange via the location relative to a moir''''e structure of the substrate. Differential-conductance measurements on isolated adatoms exhibit Kondo peaks with heights depending on the adatom location relative to the moir''''e structure. Mn dimers spaced by a few atomic lattice sites exhibit split Kondo resonances. In contrast, adatoms in closely spaced dimers couple antiferromagnetically, resulting in a molecular-singlet ground state. Exciting the singlet-triplet transition by tunneling electrons, we find that the singlet-triplet splitting is surprisingly sensitive to the moir''''e structure. We interpret our results theoretically by relating the variations in the singlet-triplet splitting to the heights of the Kondo peaks of single adatoms, finding evidence for coupling of the adatom spin to multiple conduction electron channels.

BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2023:154,
      title = { Tuning a two-impurity Kondo system by a moire superstructure },
      author = { Sergey Trishin, Christian Lotze, Friedemann Lohss, Giada Franceschi, Leonid I. Glazman, Felix von Oppen, and Katharina J. Franke },
      journal = { Physical Review Letters },
      volume = { 130 },
      year = { 2023 },
      pages = { 176201-- },