Title Diode effects in current-biased Josephson junctions
Authors Jacob F. Steiner, Larissa Melischek, Martina Trahms, Katharina J. Franke, and Felix von Oppen
Journal Physical Review Letters
Vol. 130, 2023, pg. 177002

Abstract Current-biased Josephson junctions exhibit hysteretic transitions between dissipative and superconducting states as characterized by switching and retrapping currents. Here, we develop a theory for diode-like effects in the switching and retrapping currents of weakly-damped Josephson junctions. We find that while the diode-like behavior of switching currents is rooted in asymmetric current-phase relations, nonreciprocal retrapping currents originate in asymmetric quasiparticle currents. These different origins also imply distinctly different symmetry requirements. We illustrate our results by a microscopic model for junctions involving a single magnetic atom. Our theory provides significant guidance in identifying the microscopic origin of nonreciprocities in Josephson junctions.

BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2023:153,
      title = { Diode effects in current-biased Josephson junctions },
      author = { Jacob F. Steiner, Larissa Melischek, Martina Trahms, Katharina J. Franke, and Felix von Oppen },
      journal = { Physical Review Letters },
      volume = { 130 },
      year = { 2023 },
      pages = { 177002-- },