Title Vibrational excitation mechanism in tunneling spectroscopy beyond the Franck-Condon model
Authors Gael Reecht, Nils Krane, Christian Lotze, Lei Zhang, Alejandro L. Briseno, Katharina J. Franke
Journal Physical Review Letters
Vol. 124, 2020, pg. 116804

Abstract Vibronic spectra of molecules are typically described within the Franck-Condon model. Here, we show that highly resolved vibronic spectra of large organic molecules on a single layer of MoS2 on Au(111) show spatial variations in their intensities, which cannot be captured within this picture. We explain that vibrationally mediated perturbations of the molecular wave functions need to be included into the Franck-Condon model. Our simple model calculations reproduce the experimental spectra at arbitrary position of the STM tip over the molecule in great detail.

BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2020:134,
      title = { Vibrational excitation mechanism in tunneling spectroscopy beyond the Franck-Condon model },
      author = { Gael Reecht, Nils Krane, Christian Lotze, Lei Zhang, Alejandro L. Briseno, Katharina J. Franke },
      journal = { Physical Review Letters },
      volume = { 124 },
      year = { 2020 },
      pages = { 116804-- },