Title Wave-function hybridization in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov dimers
Authors Michael Ruby, Benjamin W. Heinrich, Yang Peng, Felix von Oppen, Katharina J. Franke
Journal Phys. Rev. Lett.
Vol. 120, 2018, pg. 156803

Abstract Magnetic adsorbates on superconductors induce local bound states within the superconducting gap. These Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states decay slowly away from the impurity compared to atomic orbitals, even in 3d bulk crystals. Here, we use scanning tunneling spectroscopy to investigate their hybridization between two nearby magnetic Mn adatoms on a superconducting Pb(001) surface. We observe that the hybridization leads to the formation of symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of YSR states. We investigate how the structure of the dimer wave functions and the energy splitting depend on the shape of the underlying monomer orbitals and the orientation of the dimer with respect to the Pb lattice.

BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2018:105,
      title = { Wave-function hybridization in Yu-Shiba-Rusinov dimers },
      author = { Michael Ruby, Benjamin W. Heinrich, Yang Peng, Felix von Oppen, Katharina J. Franke },
      journal = { Phys. Rev. Lett. },
      volume = { 120 },
      year = { 2018 },
      pages = { 156803-- },