Title Imaging isodensity contours of molecular states with STM
Authors G. Reecht, B. W. Heinrich, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, L. Limot, G. Schull
Journal New Journal of Physics
Vol. 19, Issue 11, 2017, pg. 113033
KeywordsSTM, STS, imaging, dIdV mapping, C60, fullerene

Abstract We present an improved way for imaging the local density of states with a scanning tunneling microscope, which consists in mapping the surface topography while keeping the differential conductance (dI/dV) constant. When archetypical C60 molecules on Cu(111) are imaged with this method, these so-called iso-dI/dV maps are in excellent agreement with theoretical simulations of the isodensity contours of the molecular orbitals. A direct visualization and unambiguous identification of superatomic C60 orbitals and their hybridization is then possible.


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BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2017:100,
      title = { Imaging isodensity contours of molecular states with STM },
      author = { G. Reecht, B. W. Heinrich, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, L. Limot, G. Schull },
      journal = { New Journal of Physics },
      volume = { 19 },
      number = { 11 },
      year = { 2017 },
      pages = { 113033-- },