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Mag. Sonja Guttenbrunner


Arbeitsstelle Europäische Integration
Freie Universität Berlin
Ihnestraße 22
D-14195 Berlin

Raum 117a

Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 838-55402
Fax: +49 (0)30 - 838-55049

e-Mail: sguttenb@zedat.fu-berlin.de



Mag. Sonja Guttenbrunner, born in 1977, studied Political Science, European Law and Communication Science at the University of Vienna, Austria. During the academic year 1999/2000 she was an exchange student in the Erasmus Exchange Program at the University of Limerick, Ireland. In 2004 she completed her master’s thesis on the topic of "The Impact of Social Capital for the Democratization Process in Poland".

Currently she is PhD research associate in the project "Coping with Accession" at the Free University of Berlin. Her further research interest lies in the field of Social Capital in particular in regard to the accession countries.

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- Die Sprechstunde von Prof. Dr. Börzel findet im WiSe 2007/08 immer mittwochs von 16-18 Uhr statt. Bitte tragen Sie sich dafür in die ausgehängte Liste an der Arbeitsstelle Europäische Integration ein.

- Das von Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel herausgegebene Buch "The Disparity of European Integration" ist erschienen. Nähere Informationen hier