Curriculum Vitae

12.2007 Post-Doctoral Lecturer Qualification, "Habilitation" Venia Legendi, granting of the license to teach for the subject of macroeconomics, economics from the Department of Economics at the Free University of Berlin, short form: private lecturer (PD)

05.2007 Submission of the habilitation thesis at the Department of Economics with the title: ‘Central Bank Transparency: From “monetary mystique” to “matching deeds to words”.’ The book was published in 2011 with the title "Central Banks and Coded Language: Risks or Benefits".  Central Banks and Coded Language. Risks and Benefits. Palgrave Macmillan. Table of Contents

12.2005 Philosophy Magister Artium (equiv. M.A. in Philosophy), Master Thesis published in LOGOS Verlag Berlin: "Was meint Wittgenstein mit : 'In der Sprache wird alles ausgetragen'?" 2006 (“What does Wittgenstein mean by: 'Everything is carried out in language'?” 2006)

12.1994 Degree: Dr. rer. pol. (equiv. Ph.D. in Economics), summa cum laude, Book published: "Keynes als Philosoph", Duncker & Humblot, Berlin

08.1988 Diploma in Economics


Academic Employment

Since 04.2024 cont. Visiting Professor at Berlin School of Economics and Law,

Since 04.2022 Temporary Appointment, Visiting Professor at Berlin School of Economics and Law.

04.2017-03.2018 Temporary Appointment, Visiting Professor at Berlin School of Economics and Law,

10.2013 - 03.2017 Lecturer at SRH-Hochschule Berlin,,  EBC-Hochschule Campus Berlin, and Berlin School of Economics and Law

2011- 2013 Visiting Professor at the University of Saarlandes, Saarbrücken.Lectures on International Monetary Institutions, Macropolicy & Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Masterprogram "Economics and Philosophy" - Transdisciplinary program.

2010 Visiting Professor at the University of Halle, Wittenberge. International monetary institutions & Monetary Economics, Inflation vs. Deflation, Central Banking in Theory and Practice

2009 Visiting Professor at the University of Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz): International monetary institutions, Macroeco-nomics and Monetary Economics.

2008 Visiting Professor at the University of Hamburg, Department of Economics. International Economic Policy and Macroeconomic.



01.2006 - 12.2007 Lecturer at the Department of Economics at Free University of Berlin: International Monetary Institution and International Cooperation.

02.2001 - 02.2005 Assistant Professor and Research Project on Central Banking. Transparency, Accountability and Communication, at the Jean Monnet-Chair at the Free University of Berlin, Prof. Dr. Horst Tomann.

09.1999 - 02.2000 Reserach Fellow at German Historical Institute GHI in Washington, DC, U.S.A.Fulbright Grant and German-Marshall-Funds-Grant. Title of my Project: "Central Bank Policy in North America and its Impli­ca­tions for the Choice of a Monetary Regimes in Western Europe"

01.2000 - 01.1998 Lecturer in Macroeconomics at the Department of Economics at Free University of Berlin, Research Project on" International Monetary System and International Coordination".

03.1996 - 01.1991 Assistent teacher and research project at the Free University Berlin, Department of Economics,  Institute of Economic Policy, Agenda. Research Project in cooperation with the Modern Archiv of King's College at Cambridge, UK."The Early  Manuscripts from 1904 to 1911 of John Maynard Keynes"

10.1988 to 12.1990 Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, Free University of Berlin. Reseach project: "Central Banks: History, Theory and Politics"