Nun frei erhältlich - Bilder und Texte zum faszinierenden Vortrag "Korallenriffe - Städte unter Wasser"
vom "Vater des Jahr des Riffes"
Prof. Dr. Robert Ginsburg, Miami!

CORAL REEFS:CITIES UNDER THE SEA, Slide set and teacher's guide


Robert N. Ginsburg, University of Miami


Like many others, I have found the functional analogies between coral reefs and cities an excellent way to introduce reefs to varied audiences. With help from colleagues, I have assembled 35 slides to illustrate these analogies: corals are like apartment houses; sponges are the reef's water purification system; bleaching is like a city fire etc. To simplify the visual comparisons, we combined two images on some 20 of the slides. In addition to the slides illustrating the comparisons, there are others to show the societal values of reefs and impacts, both natural and anthropogenic. For each of the slides, we prepared a written explanation with some background information to be used by presenters. For examples of these slides, see

I wish we could provide these free to teachers, but we must cover our costs of production and duplication. The slide set and teacher's guide is available for $80.00, including air mail postage and handling to Europe. Payment required in advance by check or money order in US Dollars made payable to the University of Miami. Proforma invoices supplied if necessary. Send order with payment to Global Reefs, University of Miami, RSMAS. Purchasers who want to pay with a bank transfer, contact us.

4600 Rickenbacker Cswy., Miami, FL 33149.

English Text written by Robert Ginsburg; copyright for figures: R. Ginsburg, used with permission.

Put on the web by R. Leinfelder for IYOR-Germany, 17.10.1997