


1. Hilger, H.H. (1978): Der multilakunäre Knoten einiger Melianthus- und Greyia - Arten im Vergleich mit anderen Knotentypen [On Multilacunary Nodes of some Species of Melianthus and Greyia as Compared with other Nodal Types]. - Flora 167: 165–176.

2. Hilger, H.H. (1978): Leitbündelverbindungen in den Rhachisknoten der Fiederblätter von Melianthus comosus, M. minor, M. major und Bersama abyssinica (Melianthaceae, Sapindales) [Vascular connections in the rachis nodes of the pinnate leaves of Melianthus comosus, M. minor, M. major and Bersama abyssinica (Melianthaceae, Sapindales)]. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 100: 221–236.


3. Schnetter, R., Hilger, H.H. & Richter, Ursula (1979): Über den Bau des Perikarps der hygrochastischen Hülse von Haematoxylum brasiletto (Caesalpiniaceae, Fabales) [On the pericarp structure of the hygrochastic legume of Haematoxylum brasiletto (Caesalpiniaceae, Fabales)]. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 101: 135–142.


 4. Hilger, H.H. (1981a): Entwicklungstendenzen im Fruchtbau der anemochoren Boraginaceengattungen Mattiastrum und Paracaryum [Strategies in fruit anatomy of two anemochorous genera of Boraginaceae (Mattiastrum, Paracaryum)]. - Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 94: 677–687.

 5. Hilger, H.H. (1981b): Die Perikarpentwicklung geflügelter Klausen aus dem Paracaryum - Verwandtschaftskreis (Cynoglosseae, Boraginaceae) [The development of winged mericarps in Paracaryum and related gnera (Cynoglosseae, Boraginaceae)]. - Pl. Syst. Evol. 138: 73–88.


 6. Hilger, H.H. (1982): Einige Möglichkeiten der Vaskularisation in Rhachisknoten von Fiederblättern [Some patterns of vascularization in rachis nodes of pinnate leaves]. - Flora 172: 69–77.

 7. Borchers, Eva, Frey, W. & Hilger, H.H. (1982): C4 species in the highlands of Iran & Afghanistan. - Notes RBG Edinb. 40: 99–113.

 8. Hilger, H.H. & Richter, Ursula (1982): Untersuchungen zur Ausbildung der Klausen und ihrer Oberflächenskulpturen bei Paracaryum intermedium (Boraginaceae) aus Jordanien [Mericarpid ontogeny and surface sculptures of Paracaryum intermedium (Boraginaceae) from Jordan]. - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 57: 205–220.
publ. 1983


 9. Frey, W., Hilger, H.H. & Richter, Ursula (1983): Kanalsysteme in den Stämmchen des Bäumchenmooses Hypopterygium commutatum C. Müll. (Hypopterygiaceae, Musci) [Duct systems in stems of the dendroid moss Hypopterygium commutatum C. Müll.
(Hypopterygiaceae, Musci)]. - Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 307–319.

10. Hilger, H.H. & Reese, Heike (1983): Ontogenie der Strahlblüten und der heterokarpen Achänen von Calendula arvensis (Asteraceae) [Ontogeny of ray florets and heterocarpus achenes of Calendula arvensis (Asteraceae)]. - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 58: 123–147.

10a. Korrektur zu 10


11. Schultka, W. & Hilger, H.H. (1984): Epizoochore Verbreitung in der Krautschicht beweideter Bergregenwälder des Mt. Kulal (Nordkenia) [Epizoochory dominates in ground layer of grazed evergreen mountain rain forest of Mt. Kulal (North Kenya)]. - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 58: 333–356.

12. Hilger, H.H. & Hoppe, Marina (1984): Die Entwicklung des Außenkelchs von Scabiosa, Sektionen Sclerostemma und Trochocephalus (Dipsacaceae) [Epicalyx development in Scabiosa sect. Sclerostemma and Trochocephalus (Dipsacaceae)]. - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 59: 55–73.

13. Hilger, H.H. (1984): Wachstum und Ausbildungsformen des Gynoeceums von Rochelia (Boraginaceae) [Gynoecium and fruit development in Rochelia disperma (Boraginaceae) and the arrangement of Rochelia mericarps]. - Pl. Syst. Evol. 146: 123–139.


14. Reese, Heike & Hilger, H.H. (1985): Aspekte der Blüten- und Fruchtentwicklung bei einigen Calenduleae (Asteraceae). - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 59 (1984): 425–439.

15. Hilger, H.H., Balzer, Mechtild, Frey, W. & Podlech, D. (1985): Heteromerikarpie und Fruchtpolymorphismus bei Microparacaryum, gen. nov. (Boraginaceae) [Heteromericarpy and fruit polymorphism in Microparacaryum, gen. nov. (Boraginaceae)]. - Pl. Syst. Evol. 148: 291–312.

16. Hilger, H.H. (1985): Ontogenie, Morphologie und systematische Bedeutung geflügelter und glochidientragender Cynoglosseae- und Eritricheae- Früchte (Boraginaceae) [Ontogeny, morphology, and systematic significance of glochidiate and winged fruits of Cynoglosseae and Eritricheae (Boraginaceae)]. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 105: 323–378.


17. Hilger, H.H. (1986): Mikromorphologische Untersuchungen an Klausenoberflächen von Boraginaceae II. Mattiastrum (Boiss.) Brand (Cynoglosseae) [Micromorphology of Boraginaceae mericarpid surfaces II.
Mattiastrum (Boiss.) Brand (Cynoglosseae)]. - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 61: 145–165.


18. Hilger, H.H. (1987): Flower and fruit development in Wigandia caracasana (Hydrophyllaceae). - Amer. J. Bot. 74: 250–259.

19. Hilger, H.H. (1987): Fruchtbiologische Untersuchungen an Heliotropioideae (Boraginaceae). I. Die Ontogenie der monospermen Früchte von Heliotropium supinum L. [Carpological Investigations in the Heliotropioideae (Boraginaceae).: I. Ontogeny of the Monospermous Fruit of Heliotropium supinum L. ]. - Flora 179: 291–303.

20. Hilger, H.H. & Medan, D. (1987): A simple method for exact alignment of small paraffin embedded specimens to the cutting plane. - Stain Technol. 62: 282–283.


21. Hilger, H.H. & Schultka, W. (1988): Ausbreitungsbiologische Untersuchungen in einer semiariden Dornbuschsavanne in Nordkenia [Plant dispersal in a semiarid thornbush savanna in Northern Kenya]. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 109: 385–406.

22. Briechle, Monika & Hilger, H.H. (1988): Die Embryogenese von Microparacaryum intermedium und die embryologische Klassifizierung der Boraginaceae nach Souèges [Embryogenesis of Microparacaryum intermedium and the embryogenetic classification of Boraginaceae in the system of
Souèges]. - Flora 181: 45–59.


23. Hilger, H.H. (1989): Flower and fruit development in the Macaronesian endemic Ceballosia fruticosa (syn. Messerschmidia fruticosa, Boraginaceae, Heliotropioideae). - Pl. Syst. Evol. 166: 119–129.


24. Medan, D. & Hilger, H.H. (1992): Comparative flower and fruit morphogenesis in Colubrina (Rhamnaceae) with special reference to C. asiatica. - Amer. J. Bot. 79: 809–819.

25. Hilger, H.H. (1992): Morphology of Heliotropium (Boraginaceae) dispersal units. - Bot. Acta 105: 387–393.


26. Hilger, H.H., Hoppe, J.R. & Hofmann, Maria (1993): Energiedispersive Röntgenmikroanalyse (EDX) von Boraginaceae subfam. Boraginoideae - Klausenoberflächen (Sind Silicium- und Calcium- Einlagerungen in die Fruchtwand systematisch verwertbare Merkmale? [Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis of Boraginaceae subfam. Boraginoideae nutlet surface.: Are Si- or Ca-depositions characters of systematic relevance?].  - Flora 188: 387–398.


27. Frey, W., Campbell, E.O. & Hilger, H.H. (1994): Structure of the sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Tmesipteris elongata P.A. DANGEARD (Psilotaceae, Psilotopsida) and its phylogenetic implications - A SEM analysis. Nova Hedwigia 59:21–32.

28. Hilger, H.H. (1994): Die Evolution der Rauhblattgewächse (Boraginaceae) in Makaronesien [Evolution of Macaronesian Boraginaceae]. - Ulmensien 8:23–32.

29. Frey, W., Campbell, Ella O. & Hilger, H.H. (1994 ersch. 1995): The sporophyte- gametophyte junction in Tmesipteris (Psilotaceae, Psilotopsida) - Phylogenetic implications of transfer cell arrangement. - Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 68: 105–111.

30. Böhle, Uta_Regina, Hilger, H.H., Cerff, R. & Martin, W. (1994): Non-coding chloroplast DNA for plant molecular systematics at the infrageneric level - In: Schierwater, B., Streit, B., Wagner, G.P. & DeSalle, R. (eds.): Molecular Ecology and Evolution: Approaches and Application: 391–403.


31. Hilger, H.H. & Hoppe, J.R. (1995 publ. 1996): Die morphologische Vielfalt der generativen Diasporen – Präsentation eines Lehr- und Lernschemas [Morphological diversity of generative diaspores
presented for teaching and learning] . - Feddes Repert. 106(5-8): 503–513.


32. Frey, W., Hofmann, Maria, Hilger, H.H. (1996): The sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Hymenophyton and Symphyogyna (Metzgeriidae, Hepaticae): Structure and phylogenetic implications. - Flora 191: 245–252.

33. Frey, W., Hilger, H.H. & Hofmann, Maria (1996): Water-conducting cells of extant Symphyogyna-type Metzgerialean taxa: ultrastructure and phylogenetic implications. - Nova Hedwigia 63: 471–481.

34. Hofmann, Maria, Frey, W. & Hilger, H.H. (1996): Preparation of bryophyte herbarium specimens for the SEM using Aerosol OT solution in combination with FDA rapid dehydration. - Bryologist 99: 385–389.

35. Böhle, Uta- Regina, Hilger, H.H. & Martin, W. (1996): Island colonization and evolution of the insular woody habit in Echium L. (Boraginaceae). - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 11740–11745.


36. Frey, W., Hofmann, Maria & Hilger, H.H. (1997): Gametophyte- sporophyte junction in the Lower Devonian plant Horneophyton lignieri? - Nova Hedwigia 64: 549–552.


37. Stech, M., Frahm, J.- P., Hilger, H,H. & Frey, W. (2000): Molecular relationships of Treubia Goebel (Treubiaceae, Treubiopsida) and high taxonomic level classification of the Hepaticophytina. - Nova Hedwigia 71: 195–208.

38. Hilger, H.H. & Böhle, Uta- Regina (2000): Pontechium: A new genus distinct from Echium and Lobostemon (Boraginaceae). - Taxon 49: 737–746.


39. Danin, A. (2001): Hormuzakia negenvensis (Danin) Danin & Hilger comb, nov. pp. 110–111 in Danin, A.: The nomenclature news of Flora Palaestina. - Fl. Medit. 10: 109–172.

40. Hilger, H.H. & Zippel, Elke (2001): „Studies in the Boraginaceae“ - An Index to the Publications of Ivan M.Johnston dealing with the Borage Family. - Haussknechtia Beiheft 11: 1–151. Jena

41. Frey, W., Hilger, H.H. (2001): The gametophyte- sporophyte junction in Apotreubia hortonae (Treubiaceae, Hepaticophytina). Structure and systematic implications. - Nova Hedwigia 72: 339–345.

42. Gottschling, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2001): Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of Ehretia and Bourreria (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) and their allies based on ITS1 sequences. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 123: 249–268.

42a. Gottschling, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2002): Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of Ehretia and Bourreria (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) - correction. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 124: 149–150.

43. Frey, W., Hilger, H.H., Hofmann, Maria (2001): The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. - Flora 195(6): 431–445.

44. Gottschling, M., Hilger, H.H., Wolf, M. & Diane, Nadja (2001): Secondary Structure of the ITS1 Transcript and its Application in a Reconstruction of the Phylogeny of Boraginales. - Plant biol. 3: 629–636.


45. Diane, Nadja, Förther, H. & Hilger, H.H. (2002): A systematic analysis of Heliotropium, Tournefortia, and allied taxa of the Heliotropiaceae (Boraginales) based on ITS1 sequences and morphological data. - Amer. J. Bot. 89(2): 287–297.

46. Gottschling, M., Diane, Nadja, Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. (2002): Von Pflanzen und Geologie. - Sdb. Berliner Geowiss. Abh. „Der belebte Planet“ 60–69.

47. Hilger, H.H., Weigend, M. & Frey, W. (2002): The gametophyte-sporophyte junction in Isoëtes boliviensis WEBER (Isoëtales, Lycopodiophyta). - Phyton (Horn Austria) 42(1): 149 –157.

48. Diane, Nadja, Hilger, H.H. & Gottschling, M. (2002): Transfer cells in the seeds of Boraginales. - Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 140: 155 –164.

49. Gottschling, M., Mai, D.H. & Hilger, H.H. (2002): The systematic position of Ehretia fossils (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) from the European Tertiary and implications for character evolution. - Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 121(2): 149 –156.

50. Hilger, H.H. & Gottschling, M. (2002): Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of Ehretia and Bourreria – correction. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 124(2): 149.

51. Bigazzi, M., Hilger, H.H. & Selvi, F. (2002): Evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA for the placement of Anchusa macedonica in the genus Gastrocotyle (Boraginaceae). - Webbia 57(2): 173 –180.


52. Clermont, Anja, Zippel, Elke & Hilger, H.H. (2003): Verbreitung und Differenzierung der mitteleuropäischen Unterarten von Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M.Johnst. (Boraginaceae) [Distribution and differentiation of the Central European subspecies of Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M.JOHNST. (Boraginaceae)]. - Feddes Repert. 114(1–2): 58 –70.

53. Gottschling, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2003): First fossil transfer cells in angiosperms. - Amer. J. Bot. 90(6): 957–959.

54. Buys, M.H. & Hilger, H.H. (2003): Boraginaceae cymes are exclusively scorpioid and not helicoid. - Taxon 52: 719–724.

55. Diane, Nadja, Jacob, Claudia & Hilger, H.H. (2003): Leaf anatomy and foliar trichomes in Heliotropiaceae and their systematic relevance. - Flora 198: 468 –485.

56. Hilger, H.H. & Diane, Nadja (2003): A systematic analysis of Heliotropiaceae (Boraginales) based on trnL and ITS1 sequence data. - Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125(1): 19 –51.


57. Hilger, H.H. & Förther, H. (2004): „Boraginaceae“ - in: Flowering Plants of the Neotropics (eds. Nathan Smith, Scott A. Mori, Andrew Henderson, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, and Scott V. Heald) . New York Botanical Garden Press [Cloth | February 2004 | $75.00 / £49.95 | ISBN: 0_691_11694_6 616 pp. | 81/2 x 11 | 307 color illus. 258 line illus. 6 tables]

58. Gottschling, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2004): Characterisation of a novel fruit type found in Ehretia (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). - Blumea 49(1) 145–153.

59. Hilger, H.H., Selvi, F., Papini, A. & Bigazzi, M. (2004): Molecular systematics of Boraginaceae tribe Boragineae based on ITS1 and trnL sequences, with special reference to Anchusa s.l. - Ann. Bot. 94: 201–212.

60. Selvi, F., Papini, A., Hilger, H.H., Bigazzi, M. & Nardi, E. (2004): The phylogenetic relationships of Cynoglottis (Boraginaceae - Boragineae) inferred from ITS, 5.8S and trnL sequence variation. - Plant Syst. Evol. 246: 195–209.

61. Gottschling, M., Diane, Nadja, Hilger, H.H., Weigend, M. (2004): Testing hypotheses on disjunctions present in the Primarily Woody Boraginales: Ehretiaceae, Cordiaceae, and Heliotropiaceae, inferred from ITS1 sequence data. - Int. J. Plant Sci. 165(4 Suppl.): S12–S135.

62. Bigazzi, M., Selvi, F. & Hilger, H.H. (2004): Nonea pisidica (Boraginaceae- Boragineae), a new species from southwest Anatolia and its relationships inferred from karyology and cpDNA sequences. - Plant Biosystems 138(2): 135–144.

63. Gottschling, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2004): The systematic position of Ehretia cortesia nom. nov. (Cortesia cuneifolia: Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) inferred from molecular and morphological data. - Taxon 53(4): 919–923.


64. Aagesen, Lone, Hilger, H.H. & Medan, D. (2005): Phylogeny of the tribe Colletieae (Rhamnaceae) - a sensitivity analysis of the trnL intron combined with morphology. - Plant Syst. Evol. 250(3,4): 197–214.

65. Hilger, H.H., Kapuskar, Nancy & Frey, W. (2005): The gametophyte - sporophyte junction in Selaginella martensii SPRING (Selaginellales, Lycopodiophyta). - Phyton (Horn) 45(1): 1–8.

66. Hilger, H.H., Gottschling, M., Selvi, F., Bigazzi, M., Langström, Elisabeth, Zippel, Elke, Diane, Nadja & Weigend, M. (2005): The Euro+Med treatment of Boraginaceae in Willdenowia 34 - a response. - Willdenowia 35(1): 43–48.

67. Gottschling M., Miller, J.S., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2005): Congruence of a phylogeny of Cordiaceae (Boraginales) inferred from ITS1 sequence data with morphology, ecology, and biogeography. - Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 92(3): 425–437.

68. Kellermann, J., Medan, D., Aagesen, Lone & Hilger, H.H. (2005): Rehabilitation of the South American genus Ochetophila Poepp. ex Endl. (Rhamnaceae: Colletieae). - New Zealand Journal of Botany 43(4): 865–869.


69. Selvi, F., Bigazzi, M., Hilger, H.H., & Papini, A. (2006): Molecular phylogeny, morphology and taxonomic re-circumscription of the generic complex Nonea/Elizaldia/Pulmonaria/Paraskevia (Boraginaceae - Boragineae). - Taxon 55(4): 907–918.

70. Hilger, H.H. (2006): Übersetzung und Bearbeitung der Kapitel 19 („Einführung in die Angiospermen“, pp. 493- 513) und 20 („Die Evolution der Angiospermen“, pp. 514- 540), Teile von Anhang „Glossar“, von: Biologie der Pflanzen ed. 4 (der 7. Amer. Ed. by Raven, P.H., Evert, R.F. & Eichhorn, S.E.) - de Gruyter


71. Cole, T.C.H. & Hilger, H.H. (2007): Stammbaum der Angiospermen – Systematik der Blütenpflanzen. ISBN 978-3-11-020066-9. de Gruyter (Berlin).

72. Höxtermann, E. & Hilger, H.H. (Hrsg.) (2007): Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie


73. Thomas, D.C., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2008): Phylogeny and systematics of Lithodora (Boraginaceae, Lithospermeae) and its affinities to the monotypic genera Neatostema, Mairetis, Halacsya and Paramoltkia based on ITS1 and trnLUAA-sequence data and morphology. - Taxon 57(1): 79–97.


74. Weigend, M., Gottschling, M., Selvi, F. & Hilger, H.H. (2009): Marbleseeds are Gromwells - systematics and evolution of Lithospermum L. s.l. (Boraginaceae tribe Lithospermeae) based on molecular and morphological data. - Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 52: 755–768.

75. Medan, D., Kellermann, J., Aagesen, Lone & Hilger, H.H. (2009): The validity of Ochetophila POEPP. ex ENDL. (Rhamnaceae: Colletieae). - Feddes Repert. 120(3-4): 218–220.


76. Pustovoytov, K., Riehl, S., Hilger, H.H.H. & Schumacher, E. (2010): Oxygen isotopic composition of fruit carbonate in Lithospermeae and its relevance to paleoclimate research in the Mediterranean. - Global and Planetary Change 71: 258—268.

77. Weigend, M., Gottschling, M., Selvi, F. & Hilger, H.H. (2010): Fossil and extant Western hemisphere Boragineae, and the polyphyly of "Trigonotideae" Riedl (Boraginaceae: Boraginoideae). - Syst. Bot. 35(2): 409–419.

78. Weigend, M., Gottschling, M., Hilger, H.H. & Nürk, N.M. (2010): Five new species of Lithospermum L. (Boraginaceae tribe Lithospermeae) in Andean South America - another radiation in the Amotape-Huancabamba Zone. - Taxon 59(4): 1161–1179.

79. Luebert, F.; Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2010): Epitypification of Heliotropium arborescens L. (Heliotropiaceae). - Taxon 59(4): 1263–1266.

80. Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2010): Codonaceae - a newly required family name in Boraginales. - Phytotaxa 10: 26–30.

81. Hilger, H.H.; Cole, T.C.H. & Wink, M. (2010): Neue Namen für altbekannte Arznei- und Giftpflanzen. - Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung (DAZ) 150(28): 49–59.


82. Luebert, F.; Weigend, M.; Brokamp, G.; Wen, Jun & Hilger, H.H. (2010): Phylogenetic relationships and morphological diversity of neotropical Heliotropium (Heliotropiaceae). - Taxon 60(3): 663–680.

83. Luebert, F., Hilger, H.H: & Weigend, M. (2011): Diversification in the Andes: Age and origins of South American Heliotropium lineages (Heliotropiaceae, Boraginales). - Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 61(1): 90–102.

84. Bayer, C., Cole, T.C.H. & Hilger, H.H. (2011): System der Blütenpflanzen – Neue Zugehörigkeiten, neue Namen. - Der Palmengarten 74(2): 110–117.


85. Hilger, H.H. & Cole, T.C.H. (2012): Evolutionärer Stammbaum der Tracheophyten - neue Zusammenhänge. - Biologie in unserer Zeit 42(1): 14–15.

86. Matschi, Susi, Werner, S., Schulze, W.X., Legen, J., Hilger, H.H. & Romeis, Tina (2013): Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development. - Plant J. 73(6): 883–896.

87. Weigend, M., Luebert, F., Selvi, F., Brokamp, G. & Hilger, H.H. (2013): Multiple origins for Hound’s tongues (Cynoglossum L.) and Navel seeds (Omphalodes Mill.) – The phylogeny of the borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.). - Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 68(3): 604–618.


88. Luebert, F., Jacobs, P., Hilger, H.H. & Muller, L. (2014): Evidence for nonallopatric speciation among closely related sympatric Heliotropium species in the Atacama Desert. - Ecol. Evol. 4(3): 266–275.

89. Gottschling, M., Luebert, F., Hilger, H.H. & Miller, S.J. (2014): Molecular delimitations in the Ehretiaceae (Boraginales). - Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 72: 1–6.

90. Hilger, H.H. (2014): Ontogeny, morphology, and systematic significance of glochidiate and winged fruits of Cynoglosseae and Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae). - Pl. Div. Evol. 13(3): 167–214.

91. Gottschling, M., Nagelmüller, S. & Hilger, H.H. (2014): Generative ontogeny in Tiquilia (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales) and phylogenetic implications. - Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 112(3): 520–534.

92. Greuter, W., Stier, V. & Hilger, H.H. (2014): Proposal to conserve the name Omphalodes verna against Omphalodes omphaloides (Boraginaceae). - Taxon 63(2): 435-436.

93. Hilger, H.H., Cole, T.H.C. & Selvi, F. (2014): J.G.C. Lehmann's 'Botanical Observations' of 1818 on Coldenia, Colsmannia, Cynoglossum, and Omphalodes (commented translation). - Biodiv. Data J. 2: e1064.

94. Cecchi, L., Coppi, A., Hilger, H.H. & Selvi, F. (2014): Non-monophyly of Buglossoides (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae): Phylogenetic and morphological evidence for the expansion of Glandora and reappraisal of Aegonychon. - Taxon 63(5): 1065–1078; elektr. Suppl. -

95. Pliscoff, P., Luebert, F., Hilger, H.H. & Guisan, A. (2014): Effects of alternative sets of climatic predictors on species distribution models and associated estimates of extinction risk: a test with plants in an arid environment. - Ecol. Model. 288: 166.177.

96. Luebert, F. & Hilger, H.H. (2014): Typification of Heliotropium and Tournefortia (Heliotropiaceae) species described by Ruiz and Pavón. - Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 71(2): e012.

97. Weigend, M., Luebert, F., Gottschling, M., Couvreur, T.L.P., Hilger, H.H. & Miller, J.S. (2014): From capsules to nutlets - phylogenetic relationships in the Boraginales. - Cladistics 30(5): 508–518.


98. Hilger, H.H., Greuter, W. & Stier, Victoria (2015): Taxa and names in Cynoglossum sensu lato (Boraginaceae, Cynoglosseae): an annotated, synonymic inventory, with links to the protologues and mention of original material. - Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e4831 (22 Apr 2015)

99. Muller, L.A.H. & Hilger, H.H. (2015): Insights into the effects of serpentine soil conditions on the community composition of fungal symbionts in the roots of Onosma echioides. - Soil Biology & Biochemistry. - Soil Biol. Biochem. 81: 1—8.

100. König, J., Siwakoti, M., Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. (2015): A revision of the genus Cynoglossum L. (Boraginaceae Juss.) in Nepal and notes on the widespread Asian species. - Phytotaxa 224(1): 1—28.

101. Dickoré, W.B. & Hilger, H.H. (2015): Decalepidanthus (Boraginaceae) includes and antedates Pseudomertensia; a synopsis of the genus. - Phytotaxa 226(2): 131—143.


102. Jeiter, J., Danisch, Fränze & Hilger, H.H. (2016): Polymery and nectary chambers in Codon (Codonaceae) – Flower and fruit development in a small, capsule-bearing family of Boraginales. -  Flora 220: 94–102.

103. Weigend, M., Selvi, F., Thomas, D. & Hilger, H.H. (2016): Boraginaceae. pp. 41–102 in Kadereit, J.W. & Bittrich, V. (eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 14: Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer - Switzerland.

104. Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2016): Codonaceae. pp. 137–140 in Kadereit, J.W. & Bittrich, V. (eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 14: Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer - Switzerland.

105. Gottschling, M., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2016): Ehretiaceae incl. Cordiaceae. pp. 165–178 in Kadereit, J.W. & Bittrich, V. (eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 14: Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer - Switzerland.

106. Diane, Nadja, Hilger, H.H., Förther, H., Weigend, M. & Luebert, F. (2016): Heliotropiaceae. pp. 203–211 in Kadereit, J.W. & Bittrich, V. (eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 14: Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer - Switzerland.

107. Hofmann, M., Walden, G.K., Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. (2016): Hydrophyllaceae. pp. 221–238 in Kadereit, J.W. & Bittrich, V. (eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 14: Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer - Switzerland.

108. Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. (2016): Wellstediaceae. pp. 403–406 in Kadereit, J.W. & Bittrich, V. (eds.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Vol. 14: Flowering Plants. Eudicots. Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer - Switzerland.

109. Chacon, J., Luebert, F., Hilger, H.H., Ovchinnikova, S., Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K., Sutorý, K., Simpson, M.G., Weigend, M. 2016: The borage family (Boraginaceae s.s.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera. – Taxon 65(3): 523–546.
1. Juni 2016

110. Luebert, F., Cecchi, L., Frohlich, M.W., Gottschling, M., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Hilger, H.H., Miller, J.S., Mittelbach, M., Nazaire, M., Nepi, M., Nocentini, D., Ober, D., Olmstead, R.G., Selvi, F., Simpson, M.G., Sutorý, K., Valdés, B., Walden G.K. & Weigend, M. (2016): Familial classification of the Boraginales. – Taxon 65(3): 502–522.
24. Juni 2016

111. Luebert, F., Couvreur, T.L.P., Gottschling, M., Hilger, H.H., Miller, J.S., Weigend, M.: Historical biogeography of Boraginales: West Gondwanan vicariance followed by long-distance dispersal? - J. Biogeogr. 44: 158–169.
8. August 2016

112. Jeiter, J., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2016): Geraniales flowers revisited: evolutionary trends in floral nectaries. - Ann. Bot. 119(3): 395–408.
Epub 26. Dez. 2016


113. Selvi, F., Cecchi, L., Hilger, H.H. & Coppi, A. (2017): A reappraisal of the genus Megacaryon (Boraginaceae Lithospermeae) based on molecular, morphological and karyological evidence. - Syst. Biodiv. 15(6): 552–563.
Januar 2017

114. Chacón, Julia, Siwakoti, M., Hilger, H.H. & Weigend, M. (2017): Dwarves on the roof of the world: A taxonomic revision of the Himalayan Lasiocaryeae Weigend (Boraginaceae). - Phytotaxa 297(1): 1–14.
22. Februar 2017

115. Jeiter, J., Weigend, M. & Hilger, H.H. (2017): Geraniales flowers revisited: evolutionary trends in floral nectaries. - Geraniaceae Group News Spring 2017: 8–10.

116. Jeiter, J., Hilger, H.H., Smets, E.F. & Weigend, M. (2017): The relationship between nectaries and floral architecture: a case study in Geraniaceae and Hypseocharitaceae. - Ann. Bot. 120(5): 791–803.
14. September 2017


117. Heigl, H.M.L., Kretschmann, J., Hilger, H.H. & Gottschling, M. (2019): Flower and fruit anatomy of Cordia nodosa Lam. and Varronia bonplandii Desv. (Cordiaceae, Boraginales) with phylogenetic implications. - ODE (Organisms Diversity & Evolution) 20: 9–24.
18. November 2019


118. Dudek, B., Schneider, B., Hilger, H.H., Stavenga, D.G. & Martínez-Harms, J. (2020): Highly different flavonol content explains geographic variations in the UV reflecting properties of flowers of the corn poppy, Papaver rhoeas (Papaveraceae). - Phytochem. 178: 112457.
Juli 2020


119. Cole, T.H.C., Hilger, H.H., Majeský, L.& Mártonfi, P. (2021): Plant Phylogeny Posters - Concise Overviews of Plant Phylogeny now in Czech and Slovak. - Thaiszia 31(1): 43–45.
Mai 2021

120. Cole, T.C.H., Hilger, H.H., Bachelier, J.B., Stevens, P.F., Goffinet, B., Shiyan, N.M., Zhygalova, S.L. & Mosyakin, S.L. (2021): Spanning the Globe – The Plant Phylogeny Poster (PPP) Project. - Ukr. J. Bot. 78(3): 235–241.
29. Juni 2021

121. Cecchi, L. & Hilger, H.H. (2021): A prickly matter: nomenclatural synopsis of Onosma L. and its segregates (Boraginaceae). - Pl. Biosyst. 156(5): 1076–1084
Online 30. November 2021


122. Frohlich, M.W., Sage, R.F., Craven, L. A., Schuster, S., Gigot, G., Hilger, H.H., Akhani, H., Mahdavi, P., Luebert, F., Weigend, M., Thulin, M., Doyle, J. J., Doyle, J.L., Vogan, P., Forrest, A., Fulcher, T.K., Devey, D.S. & Chase, M.W. (2022): Molecular phylogenetics of Euploca (Boraginaceae): homoplasy in many characters, including the C4 photosynthetic pathway. - Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 199(2): 497–537.
18. Januar 2022

123. Pätzold, J., Feyrer, B., Saumweber, J., Hilger, H.H. & Gottschling, M. (2022): Observations on flower and fruit anatomy in dioecious species of Cordia (Cordiaceae, Boraginales) with evolutionary interpretations. - Org. Divers. Evol. (2022).
11. August 2022

124. Dashzeveg, N., Cole, T.C.H., Hilger, H.H., Magsar, U., Enkhtaivan, E. & Batlai, O. (2022): Plant Phylogeny Posters – Useful Digital Teaching Tools for Botanical Education. - MJBS [Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences] 20(1): 69–72.

Sonstiges, Bücher

Hilger, H.H. (1987–1988): Serie (ca. 40 Beiträge) über Heilpflanzen im Verlagsverbund der Südwestpresse Ulm

Hilger, H.H. (2000): Übersetzung und Bearbeitung der Kapitel 21 („Die Angiospermen - eine Einführung“, pp. 525- 547), 22 („Die Evolution der Angiospermen“, pp. 548- 586), Teile von Anhang D, Index, von: Biologie der Pflanzen ed. 3 (der 6. Amer. Ed. by Raven, P.H., Evert, R.F. & Eichhorn, S.E.) - de Gruyter

Hilger, H.H. (2006): Übersetzung und Bearbeitung der Kapitel 19 („Einführung in die Angiospermen“, pp. 493- 513), 20 („Die Evolution der Angiospermen“, pp. 514- 540), Teile von Anhang „Glossar“, von: Biologie der Pflanzen ed. 4 (der 7. Amer. Ed. by Raven, P.H., Evert, R.F. & Eichhorn, S.E.) - de Gruyter

Höxtermann, E. & H.H. Hilger (Herausgeber) 2007. Lebenswissen. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte der Biologie. Mit einem Vorwort von Ilse Jahn. geb., ca. 450 Seiten mit zahlreichen, teils farbigen Abbildungen. Rangsdorf, Verlag Natur & Text 2007 ISBN 13: 978-3-9810058-4-4

Cole, T.C.H., Su, S., & Hilger, H.H. (2016): Arctium lappa – Burdock pappus bristles can cause skin irritation and burdock ophthalmia. - PeerJ Preprints 4:e1871v1

Schultka, W. & Hilger, H.H. [Mitarbeit] (2920): Zum Einfluss intensiver Weidenutzung auf die Vegetationsstruktur in den Bereichen nordkenianischer Bergwälder und Trockengehölze [On the Effects of Intensive Pasturing on the Vegetation Structure of Montane Wet and Dry Forest Zones of Northern Kenya]. 2 vols. (1: Textband, 2: Tabellenband) - Refubium FU Berlin