My Dissertation: Henry James and the Other Place.

Welcome to my Dissertation Space. Here I will dump some chapters in the course of time.

My dissertation is about the interrelationship of tourism and literature. It will deal with the narratives that are behind the urge of the tourist to visit the other place. In order to properly address the complexity of the relationship I will do this by analyzing novels and travel essays by Henry James and their mutual dependency. I will look at the texts in terms of their genre, in terms of the relation of fiction to reality, and in terms of the semantics linking place and themes. I will try to outline a cultural economy of texts and places which I will base on literary anthropology, psychoanalytical cultural theory, and systems theory.

The texts on this site are contributions to the Doktorandencolloquium at the John F. Kennedy-Institut. They are not finished chapters and are being constantly reviewed.


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Ulrich Brinkmann
Last modified: Wed Oct 2 11:20:47 CEST 2002