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Welcome to my Home Page!

This site is largely a site of hyperlinks to other sites which I found useful in trying to work with the Internet. It started out as a one-page site in 1992, just as my private jumping board integrating ftp-, gopher-, and http-links. Now it has some more pages but is still the jumping board. Because there were so many of those links I had to departmentalize:

Then there is the latest stuff marked for checking out; stays there until it disappears in the system of endless branchings that is my website... May stay there very long, update cycles are unbeknownst to middle European deep-probing scholarship endeavors. What you may call an update is just the most unavoidable repairwork for me. Once done, done for good. Get the idea.

Ulrich Brinkmann
John F. Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien
Freie Universität Berlin
Last modified: Wed Oct 2 11:02:00 CEST 2002