Transitional Justice - General Literature

Albon, Mary. 1994. The Project on Justice in Times of Transition. New York: The Foundation for a Civil Society.

Ash, Timothy Garton. 1997. True Confessions. The New York Review of Books 44,12: 33-38.

Aspen, Institute, ed. 1989. State Crimes. Punishment or Pardon: Papers and Reports of the Conference, November 4-6, 1988, Wye Centre, Maryland. Queenstown, Md.: Aspen Institute.

Barahona, de Brito. 1993. Truth and Justice in the Consolidation of Democracy in Chile and Uruguay. Comparative Politics 46,4: 579-93.

Bassiouni, M. Cherif. 1996. Searching for Peace and Achieving Justice: The Need for Accountability. Law and Contemporary Problems 59,4: 9-28.

Bassiouni, M.C., & Morris, M.H. eds . (1996). Accountability for International Crime and Serious Violations of Fundamental Human Rights. Law and Contemporary Problems, 59: (4). 1-283.

Benomar, Jamal. 1993. Confronting the Past Justice after Transitions. Journal of Democracy 4,1: 3-14.

Berat, Lynn. 1993. Prosecuting Human Rights Violators From a Predecessor Regime. Guidelines for a Transformed South Africa. Boston College Third World Law Yournal 13,2: 199-231.

Boed, Roman. 1998. An Evaluation of the Legality and Efficacy of Lustration as a Tool of Transitional Justice. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 37,2: 357-402.

Boraine, Alex and Scheffer, Ronel, eds. 1994. Dealing with the Past. Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa. CapeTown: IDASA.

Bronkhort, Daan. 1995. Truth and Reconciliation. Obstacles and Opportunities for Human Rights. Amsterdam: Amnesty International-Dutch Section.

Carter Center of Emroy University. 1992. Investigating Abuses and Introducing Safeguards in the Democratisation Process. Conference Convened 6-7 July 1992. Conference Report Series 61.

Carver, Richard. 1990. Called to Account: How African Governments Investigate Human Rights Violations. African Affairs 89,356: 356-91.

Chapman, Audrey R. 1999. Coming to Terms with the Past: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation. Paper presented at the "The TRC: Commissioning the Past" conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 11 June 1999.

Cohen, Stanley. 1993. Human-Rights and Crimes of the State. The Culture of Denial. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 26,2: 97-115.

Cohen, Stanley. 1995. Crimes of the State Accountability, Lustration and the Policing of the Past. Law and Social Inquiry 20,1: 7-50.

De Greiff, Pablo. 1996. Trial and Punishment, Pardon and Oblivion. On Two Inadequate Policies for the Treatment of Former Human Rights Abusers. Philosophy and Social Criticism 22: 93-111.

Dugard, John. 1999. Dealing with Crimes of a Past Regime: Is Amnesty Still an Option? The Third Manfred Lachs Memorial Lecture.

Edelenbosch, Carla. 1994. Human Rights Violations - A Duty to Prosecute? Leiden Journal of International Law 7,2: 5-22.

Garreton M., Manuel Antonio. 1994. Human-Rights in Processes of Democratisation. Journal of Latin American Studies 26: 221-34.

Grossman, Claudio. 1992. Disappearances in Honduras. The Need for Direct Victim Representation in Human Rights Litigation. Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 15,3: 363-91.

Hayner, Priscilla B. 1994. 15 Truth Commissions - 1974 to 1994: A Comparative Study. Human Rights Quarterly 16,4: 597-655.

Hayner, Priscilla B. 1996. Commissioning the Truth. Further Research Questions. Third World Quarterly 17,1: 19-29.

Hesse, Carla and Post, Robert, eds. 1999. Human Rights in Political Transitions: Gettysburg to Bosnia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Huyse, Luc. 1994. A Devil's Choice: Dilemmas of Backward-Looking Justice. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 2: 120-140.

Huyse, Luc. 1995. Justice After Transition: On the Choices Successor Elites Make in Dealing with the Past. Law and Social Inquiry 20,1: 51-78.

Ignatieff, Michael. 1996. Articles of Faith. Index of Censorship 25,5: 110-122.

Index of Censorship (1996) 25,5. Wounded Nations, Broken Lives: Truth Commissions and War Tribunals.

König, Helmut, Kohlstruck, Michael, and Wöll, Andreas, eds. 1998. Vergangenheitsbewältigung am Ende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Kritz, Neil J. 1996. Coming to Terms with Attrocities: A Review of Accountability Mechanisms for Mass Violations of Human Rights. Law and Contemporary Problems 59,4: 127-52.

Kritz, Neil, ed. 1995. Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes. 3 Volumes. Washington, DC: United States Institute for Peace Press.

Landsman, Stephan. 1996. Alternative Responses to Serious Human Rights Abuses: Of Prosecution and Truth Commissions. Law and Contemporary Problems 59,4: 81-92.

Little, David. 1999. A Different Kind of Justice: Dealing with Human Rights Violations in Transitional Societies. Ethics and International Affairs 13: 65

Malamud-Goti, Jaime. 1990. Transitional Governments in the Breach Why Punish State Criminals? Human Rights Quarterly 12,1: 1

Malamud-Goti, Jaime. 1998. Dignity, Vengeance, and Fostering Democracy. The University of Miami interAmerican Law Review 29,3: 417-50.

Marxen, Klaus, and Werle, Gerhard. 1999. Die strafrechtliche Aufarbeitung von DDR-Unrecht: Eine Bilanz. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

McAdams, A. James, ed. 1997. Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.

Méndez, Juan E. 1997. Accountability for Past Abuses. Human Rights Quarterly 19: 255-82.

Michnik, Adam, and Havel, V. 1993. Justice or Revenge? Journal of Democracy 4,1: 20-27.

Minow, Martha. 1998. Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History after Genocide and Mass Violence. Boston: Beacon Press.

Moran, John P. 1994. The Communist Torturers of Eastern-Europe - Prosecute and Punish or Forgive and Forget. COMMUNIST AND POST-COMMUNIST STUDIES 27,1: 95-109.

Nanda, Ved P. 1998. Civil and Political Sanctions as an Accountability Mechanism for Massive Violations of Human Rights. Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 26,3: 389-97.

Neier, Aryeh. 1990. What Should be Done About the Guilty? The New York Review of Books,1Febr1990: 32-34.

Nino, Carlos S. 1996. Radical Evil on Trial. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Nolte, Detlef, ed. 1996. Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Lateinamerika. Frankfurt/M: Vervuert.

Offe, Claus. 1993. Disqualification, Retribution, Restitution. Dilemas of Justice in Post-Communist Transitions. The Journal of Political Philosophy 1,1: 17-44.

Offe, Claus. 1994. Rechtswege der "Vergangenheitspolitik" Disqualifizierung, Bestrafung, Restitution. In Der Tunnel am Ende des Lichtes. Erkundungen der politischen Transformation im neuen Osten, edited by C. Offe. Frankfurt/M: Campus.

Orentlicher, Diane F. 1991. Settling Accounts: The Duty to Prosecute Human Rights Violations of a Prior Regime. The Yale Law Journal 100,8: 2537-615.

Panizza, F. 1995. Human-Rights in the Processes of Transition and Consolidation of Democracy in Latin-America. POLITICAL STUDIES 43,NSI: 168-88.

Pankhurst, Donna. 1999. Issues of Justice and Reconciliation in Complex Political Emergencies. Conceptualizing Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. Third World Quarterly 20,1: 239-56.

Pion-Berlin, David. 1994. To Prosecute or to Pardon. Human Rights Decisions in the Latin American Southern Cone. Human Rights Quarterly 16,1: 105-30.

Roht-Arriaza, Naomi, ed. 1995. Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice. NewYork: Oxford University Press.

Roht-Arriaza, Naomi. 1990. State Responsibility to Investigate and Prosecute Grave Human Rights Violations in International Law. California Law Review 78: 451-513.

Roht-Arriaza, Naomi. 1996. Combating Impunity: Some Thoughts on the Way Forward. Law and Contemporary Problems 59,4: 93-102.

Rosenberg, Tina. 1995a. Overcoming the Legacies of Dictatorship. Foreign Affairs 74,3: 134-53.

Rosenberg, Tina. 1995b. The Haunted Land. Facing Europe's Ghosts after Communism. Random House.

Rwelamira, Medard R. and Werle, Gerhard, eds. 1996. Confronting Past Injustices: Approaches to Amnesty, Punishment, Reparation and Restitution in South Africa and Germany. Durban: Butterworths.

Scharf, Michael P. 1996. The Letter of Law: The Scope of the International Obligation to Prosecute Human Rights Crimes. Law and Contemporary Problems 59,4: 41-62.

Siegel, Richard Lewis. 1998. Transitional Justice: A Decade of Debate and Experience. Human Rights Quarterly 20: 431-54.

Teitel, Ruti. 1997. Transitional Jurisprudence: The Role of Law in Political Transformation. The Yale Law Journal 106: 2009-80.

Van Zyl, Paul. 1999. Justice in Practice - Dilemmas of Transitional Justice: The Case of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Journal of International Affairs 52,2: 647

Welsh, Helga A. 1996. Dealing with the communist past.Central and East European experiences after 1990. Europe-Asia Studies 48,3: 413-28.

Weschler, Lawrence. 1998. A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers. 2nd Ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Zalaquett, José. 1989. Confronting Human Rights Violations Committed by Former Governments: Principals Applicable and Political Constraints. In State Crimes: Punishment or Pardon, edited by Aspen Institute. Queenstown, Md.: Aspen Institute.

Zalaquett, José. 1990. Confronting Human Rights Violations Committed by Former Governments: Principles Applicable and Political Constraints. Hamline Law Review 13,3: 623-60.

Zalaquett, José. 1992. Balancing Ethical Imperatives and Political Constraints: The Dilemma of New Democracies Confronting Past Human Rights Violations. Hastings Law Journal 43,6: 1425-38.

Truth Commission Reports

Dassin, Joan, ed. 1986. Torture in Brazil: A Report by the Archdiocese of Sao Paulo (Brasil: Nunca Mais, engl.). New York: Vintage Books.

Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica REMHI and Menschenrechtsbüro des Erzbistums Guatemala ODHAG, eds. 1998. Guatemala: Nie wieder - Nunca Mas. Aachen: Misereor.

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Truth Commissions

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Pankhurst, Donna. 1999. Issues of Justice and Reconciliation in Complex Political Emergencies. Conceptualizing Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. Third World Quarterly 20,1: 239-56.

Parker, Peter. 1996. The Politics of Indemnities, Truth Telling and Reconciliation in South Africa. Ending Apartheid without Forgetting. Human Rights Law Journal 17,1/2: 1-13.

Pasqualucci, Jo M. 1994. The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth: Truth Commissions, Impunity and the Inter-American Human Rights System. Boston University International Law Journal 12: 321-70.

Popkin, Margaret, and Roht-Arriaza, Naomi. 1995. Truth as Justice: Investigatory Commissions in Latin America. Law and Social Inquiry 20,1: 79-116.

Ratner, Steven R., and Abrams, Jason S. 1997. Accountability for Human Rights Attrocities in International Law. Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Rickard, C. 1999. Church and State: The Faith Community and the TRC. Indicator SA 16,1: 42-44.

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