====== Dictionaries and Thesauri ====== ===== Dictionaries ===== ==== English ==== === Present-Day English === == The Oxford English Dictionary (Online) == A large dictionary of Present-Day English on historical principles, based on citations from a large range of written published English. Includes the first known use of every word sense. Access: Free access from the campus wifi (or via [[https://www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/VPN|VPN]] connection) Link: http://www.oed.com/ For historical/diachronic linguistics, the timelines and advanced search functions are especially helpful. It allows you to filter the entire OED for words first attested in a given span of time, borrowed from a specific language or family of languages and/or belonging to specific semantic fields. {{:resources:oedtimelines.png?400|}} == Merriam Webster's == The oldest dictionary of American English, based on citations from a large range of published written English. Includes information about etymology, but is not built on historical principles. Access: Free Link: https://www.merriam-webster.com/ === Earlier Stages of English === == Bosworth-Toller == Online version "created by the labour and valour of many, maintained by Ondrej Tichý at Charles University in Prague" http://www.bosworthtoller.com/ == Clark Hall and the Germanic Lexicon Project == Clark Hall is another dictionary of Old English, hosted by the Germanic Lexicon Project. [[http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/texts/oe_clarkhall_about.html|CH]] [[http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/|Germanic Lexicon Project]] The Germanic Lexicon Project by Sean Crist also hosts a range of other resources for the study of Germanic languages whose copyright has expired, e.g. **Cleasby & Vigfusson's Dictionary of Old Norse Icelandic**. == Pokorny's master etyma (if for some reason you need to know the PIE root) == {{::nebula.png?100|}} [[https://lrc.la.utexas.edu/lex/master|Pokorny's PIE master etyma]] ==== German ==== == Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache == Access: Free Link: https://www.dwds.de/ == Duden == Access: Free Link: https://www.duden.de/ == Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm == Access: Free Link: http://woerterbuchnetz.de/cgi-bin/WBNetz/wbgui_py?sigle=DWB The Wörterbuchnetz (Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Universität Trier 2008) also contains, among other dictionaries, the **digital Lexer** (//Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch//), a dictionary of vulgar Latin and several German dialectal dictionaries. The full list is here: [[http://www.woerterbuchnetz.de/cgi-bin/WBNetz/setupStartSeite.tcl|WBNetz]] ===== Thesauri ===== ==== English ==== == HTE, the Historical Thesaurus of English == Especially useful for (historical) synonym studies. Allows you to create wonderful timeline visualizations like this one: {{::explainandsynonyms.png?400|}} With links to the OED. [[https://ht.ac.uk/|HTE]] ==== German ====