Neuere Publikationen / Recent Publications |
J. A.
Laux, T. Ohigashi,
M.R. Bittermann,
T. Araki, H. Yuzawa, F. Rancan, A. Vogt, and E. Rühl
“Scanning Transmission Soft X-Ray Microscopy Probes Topical Drug Delivery of
Rapamycin Facilitated by
ChemPhysChem 26, e202400819 (2025).
L. He, M. Johny, T. Kierspel, K.
Dlugolecki, S. Bari, R. Boll, H. Bromberger, M. Coreno, A. de Fanis, M. di
Fraia, B. Erk, M. Gisselbrecht, P. Grychtol, P. Eng-Johnsson, T. Mazza, J.
Onvlee, Y. Ovcharenko, J. Petrovic, N. Rennack, D. Rivas, A. Rudeno, E. Rühl,
L. Schwob, M. Simon, F. Trinter, S. Usenko, J. Wiese, M. Meyer, S. Trippel und
J. Küpper
molecule injector for cold, dense, and pure molecular beams at the European
x-ray free electron laser”
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95,
113301 (2024).
G. Germer, L. Gronbach, J. Garcia-Miller, R.
Balansin-Rigon, L. J. Groth, I.
P. Patoka, C. Zoschke und E.
“Label-free Mapping of Cetuximab in a Multi-Layered
Tumor Oral Mucosa Model by Atomic Force-Microscopy-based Infrared Spectroscopy”
149, 2122-2130
M. Marschall,
Hornemann, S. Metzner,
Cortes, G. Wübbeler,
A. Hoehl,
Rühl, and C. Elster
AFM-IR hyperspectral nanoimaging”
Meas. Sci. Technol.
35, 015403
U. Alexiev und E. Rühl
of Nanocarriers and Drugs in Cells and Tissue“
in “Drug
Delivery and Targeting”, M. Schaefer-Korting und U.S. Schubert (Eds.), Vol. 284 of
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Springer Cham, in print (2023), pp .
Germer, T. Ohigashi, H. Yuzawa, N. Kosugi, R. Flesch, F. Rancan, A. Vogt und E. Rühl
X-Ray Scanning Transmission Microscopy as a Selective Probe of Topical Dermal
Drug Delivery: The Role of Petrolatum and Occlusion”
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom.
266, 147343
(2023). DOI:
Antonsson, F. Gerke, B. Langer, C. Goroncy, T. Dresch, T. Leisner, C. Graf und
E. Rühl
Mean Free Path and Mean Escape Depth of 10
140 eV Electrons in
Nanoparticles Determined by Si 2p Photoelectron Yields"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
25, 15173-15182
(2023). DOI:
F. Rancan, K. Rajes, P. Sidiropoulou, S. Hadam, X. Guo, F. Zabihi, U.
Mirastschijski, E. Rühl,
R. Haag, U. Blume-Peytavi und A. Vogt
"Efficacy of
Rapamycin-Loaded Redox-Sensitive Nanocarrier in a Human Skin / T Cell Co-Culture
Int. Immunopharmacol. 117, 109903
(2023). DOI:
J. Schwarz, F. Kielgast, I. Baev, S.
Reinwardt, F. Trinter, S. Klumpp, A. Perry-Sassmanshausen, T. Buhr, S.
Schippers, A. Müller, S. Bari, V. Mondes, R. Flesch, E. Rühl und M. Martins
"X-ray absorption of H3O+"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 23119-23127 (2022). DOI:
S. Metzner,
B. Kästner, M. Marschall, G. Wübbeler, S. Wundrack, A. Bakin, A. Hoehl, E.
Rühl und C. Elster
"Assessment of sub-sampling schemes for compressive nano-FTIR
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 71, 4506208 (2022). DOI:
A.I. Markova, I.A. Grigoreva, A.I. Ivanova, S.D. Khizhnyak, E. Rühl
und P.M. Pakhomov
"Use of Spectroscopic Methods to Study
the Morphology of Polymeric Track Membranes"
J. Appl. Spectrosc.
89, 450-455 (2022).
A.I. Markova, A.V. Sokolov, V.P. Galitsyn, S.D. Khizhnyak, E. Rühl
und P.M. Pakhomov
"Optical Spectroscopic Analysis of the
Quality of the Solvent used for Gel-Spinning of Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight
Fibre Chem.
53, 296-299 (2022).
S. Perumal, R. Atchudan, E. Rühl,
und C. Graf
synthesis of platinum and silver nanoparticles using multivalent ligands"
12, 2294 (2022).
Yu. V. Fedoseeva, A. A. Makarova, S. G.
Stolyarova, V. E. Arkhipov, E. Rühl, A. V. Okotrub und L. G. Bulusheva
"Lithium-induced intralayer rearrangement of molybdenum
disulfide: effect of graphene coating"
Appl. Surf. Sci. 598, 153846 (2022). DOI:
Peltz, J. Powell, P. Rupp, A Summers, T. Gorkhover, M. Gallei, I. Halfpap, E.
Antonsson, B. Langer, C. Trallero-Herrero, C. Graf, D. Ray, Q. Liu, T. Osipov,
M. Bucher, K. Ferguson, S. Müller, S. Zherebtsov, D. Rolles, E. Rühl, G.
Coslovich, R. Coffee, C. Bostedt, A. Rudenko, M.F. Kling und T. Fennel
"Few-femtosecond resolved imaging of laser-driven nanoplasma
New J. Phys. 24, 043024 (2022). DOI:
G. Wübbeler,
M. Marschall, E. Rühl, B.. Kästner und C. Elster
"Compressive Nano-FTIR Chemical Mapping"
Meas. Sci. Technol. 33, 035402 (2022). DOI:
E. Rühl
"Dermal Drug Delivery Probed by Scanning
Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy"
24, 50-52 (2022).
Vishnevetskii, D.V. Averkin, A.A. Efimov, A.A. Lizunova, A.I. Ivanova, P.M.
Pakhomov und E. Rühl
Nanoparticles based Microspheres: The synthesis and photosensitive properties"
Soft Matter 17, 10416-10420 (2021). DOI:
F. Rancan, X.
Guo, K. Rajes, P. Sidiropoulou, F. Zabihi, L. Hoffmann, S. Hadam, U.
Blume-Peytavi, E. Rühl, R. Haag und A. Vogt
"Topical Delivery of Rapamycin by Means of Environment-Sensitive
Core-Multishell Nanocarriers: Assessment of Anti-Inflammatory Activity in a Skin
/ T Cell Co-Culture Model"
Int. J. Nanomed. 16, 7137-7151 (2021). DOI:
Markova, S.D. Khizhnyak, E. Rühl und P.M. Pakhomov
"Spectroscopic Method for Studying the Morphology of
J. Appl. Spectrosc. 88, 744-748 (2021). DOI:
G. Germer, T.
Ohigashi, H. Yuzawa, N. Kosugi, R. Flesch, F. Rancan, A. Vogt und E. Rühl
"Improved Skin Permeability after Topical Treatment with Serine
Protease: Probing the Penetration of Rapamycin by Scanning Transmission X-Ray
ACS Omega 6, 12213-12222 (2021). DOI:
K. Rajes,
K.A. Walker, S. Hadam, F. Zabihi, J. Ibrahim-Bacha, G. Germer, P. Patoka, B.
Wassermann, F. Rancan, E. Rühl, A. Vogt und R. Haag
"Oxidation Sensitive Core-Multishell Nanocarriers for the
Controlled Delivery of Hydrophobic Drugs"
ACS Biomater. Sci. Engin. 7, 2485 - 2495 (2021). DOI:
Dogus, A. A. Joshi, X. Guo, F. Rancan, A. Klossek, E. Rühl, S. Hedtrich und D.
"Sulfoxide-functionalized Nanogels to mimic the Skin Penetration
Enhancing Properties of DMSO"
Biomater. Sci. 9, 712-725 (2021). DOI:
M. Marschall,
A. Hornemann, G. Wübbeler, A. Hoehl, E. Rühl, B. Kästner und C. Elster
"Compressed FTIR spectroscopy using low-rank matrix
Opt. Express 28, 404959 (2020). DOI:
Q. Liu, L.
Seiffert, F. Süssmannn, S. Zherebtsov, J. Passig, A. Kessel, S. Trushin, N.G.
Kling, I. Ben-Itzhak, V. Mondes, C. Graf, E. Rühl, L. Veisz, S. Karsch, J.
Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. I. Stockman, J. Tiggesbäumker, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, T.
Fennel und M. F. Kling
"Ionization-induced sub-scycle metallization of nanoparticles in
few-cycle pulses"
ACS Photonics 7, 3207-3215 (2020). DOI:
of Issue
Grunewald, R. Flesch und E. Rühl
"Cation and Anion Formation in F 1s-Excited SF6-Clusters"
Z. Phys. Chem. 234, 1371-1382 (2020). DOI:
C. Raschpichler,
C. Goroncy, B. Langer, E. Antonsson, B. Wassermann, C. Graf P. Klack, T. Lischke
und E. Rühl
"Surface Properties and Porosity of Silica Particles Studied by
Wide-Angle Soft X-Ray Scattering"
J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 16664-16674 (2020). DOI:
Osorio-Blanco, F. Rancan, A. Klossek, J.H. Nissen, L. Hoffmann, J. Bergueiro, S.
Hasenstab-Riedel, A. Vogt, E. Rühl, und M. Calderón
"Polyglycerol-based thermoresponsive nanocapsules induce skin
hydration and serve as skin penetration enhancer"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 30136-30144 (2020).
M. Levit, N.
Zashikhina, A. Vdovchenko, A. Dobrodumov, N. Zakharova, A. Kashina, E. Rühl, A.
Lavrentieva, T. Scheper, T. Tennikova und E. Korzhikova-Vlakh
"Bio-Inspired Amphiphilic Copolymers Based on Synthetic
Glycopolymer and Poly(amino acid) as Potential Drug Delivery Systems"
Polymers 12, 183 (2020). DOI:
P. Rupp, C.
Burger, N.G. Kling, M. Kübel, S. Mitra, P. Rosenberger, T. Weatherby, N. Saito,
J. Itatani, M. Raschke, E. Rühl, A. Schlander, M. Gallei, L. Seiffert, T.
Fennel, B. Bergues und M.F. Kling
"Few-cycle laser driven reaction nanoscopy on aerosolized silica
Nature Communications 10, 4655 (2019). DOI:
M. Nagasaka,
H. Yuzawa, N. Takada, M. Aoyama, E. Rühl und N. Kosugi
"Microfluidics of liquid mixtures observed by spatially resolved
soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy"
J. Chem. Phys. 151, 114201(2019). DOI:
R. Schulz, K.
Yamamoto, A. Klossek, F. Rancan, A. Vogt, C. Schütte, E. Rühl und R.R. Netz
"Modeling of drug diffusion based on concentration profiles in
healthy and damaged human skin"
Biophys. J. 117, 998 - 1008 (2019). DOI:
Pilipenko, V. Korzhikov-Vlakh, V. Sharoyko, N. Zhang, M. Schäfer-Korting, E.
Rühl, C. Zoschke und T. Tennikova
"pH-sensitive chitosan-heparin nanoparticles for effective
delivery of genetic drugs into epithelial cells"
Pharmaceutics 11, 317 (2019). DOI:
X. Gong, M.
Taszarek, L. Schefzig, H.-U. Reissig, B. Wassermann, C. Graf, D. Mollenhauer und
E. Rühl
"Adsorption of Mono- and Divalent 4-(Dimethylamino)pyridines on
Gold Surfaces: Studies by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering and Density
Functional Theory"
Langmuir 35, 8667-8680 (2019). DOI:
Q. Liu, S.
Zherebtsov, L. Seiffert, S. Skruszewicz, D. Zietlow, S. Ahn, P. Rupp, P. Wnuk,
A. Kessel, S. Trushin, A. Schlander, D. Kim, E. Rühl, M. F. Ciappina, J.
Tiggesbäumker, M. Gallei, T. Fennel und M. F. Kling
"All-optical spatio-temporal control of electron emission from
SiO2 nanospheres with femtosecond two-color laser fields"
New J. Phys. 21, 073011 (2019). DOI:
E. Antonsson,
F. Gerke, L. Merkel, I. Halfpap, B. Langer und E. Rühl
"Size-Dependent Ion Emission Asymmetry of Free NaCl
Nanoparticles Excited by Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 12130-12138 (2019). DOI:
B. Wanjiku,
K. Yamamoto, A. Klossek, F. Schumacher, H. Pischon, L. Mundhenk, F. Rancan, M.
M. Judd, M. Ahmed, C. Zoschke, B. Kleuser, E. Rühl und M. Schäfer-Korting
"Drug Absorption Mapping in Skin: Combining X-ray and Stimulated
Raman Spectromicroscopy"
Anal. Chem. 91, 7208-7214 (2019). DOI:
F. Knorr, A.
Patzelt, M. C. Meinke, A. Vogt, U. Blume-Peytavi, E. Rühl und J. Lademann
"Interactions of Nanoparticles with Skin"
in Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles, Eds. P. Gehr and R.
Zellner, Springer, Cham, p. 329-339 (2019). DOI:
C. Graf und
E. Rühl
"Imaging Techniques for Probing Nanoparticles in Cells and Skin"
in Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles, Eds. P. Gehr and R.
Zellner, Springer, Cham, p. 213-239 (2019). DOI:
K. Yamamoto, A. Klossek, K. Fuchs, B. Watts, J. Raabe, R. Flesch,
F. Rancan, H. Pischon, M. Radbruch, A.D. Gruber, L. Mundhenk, A. Vogt, U.
Blume-Peytavi, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, R. Gurny und E. Rühl
"Topical Delivery of Tacrolimus via Micelles Probed by Scanning
X-Ray Microscopy"
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 139, 68-75 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2019.03.006
A. Lipatov,
M. Loes, H. Lu, J. Dai, P. Patoka, D. S. Muratov, G. Ulrich, B. Kästner, A.
Hoehl, G. Ulm, G. G. Batir, X. C. Zeng, E. Rühl, A. Gruverman, P. A. Dowben und
A. Sinitskii
"Quasi-1D TiS3 Nanoribbons: Mechanical Exfoliation"
ACS Nano 12, 12713-12720 (2018). DOI:
M. Nagasaka,
H. Yuzawa, K. Mochizuki, E. Rühl und N. Kosugi
"Temperature-Dependent Structural Changes in Liquid
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 5827-5832 (2018). DOI:
Usachov, K.A. Bokai, D.E. Marchenko, A.V. Fedorov, V.O. Shevelev, O.Yu. Vilkov,
L.V. Yashina, E. Rühl, C. Laubschat und D-V. Vyalikh
"Cobalt-Assisted Recrystallization and Alignment of Pure and
Doped Graphene"
Nanoscale 10, 12123-12132 (2018). DOI:
B. Kästner,
M.C. Johnson, P. Herrmann, M. Kruskopf, K. Pierz, A. Hoehl, A. Hornemann, G.
Ulrich, J. Fehmel, P. Patoka, E. Rühl und G. Ulm
"Infrared Nanospectroscopy of Phospholipid and Surfactant Layer
ACS Omega 3, 4141-4148 (2018). DOI:
J. Lademann,
F. Knorr, A. Patzelt, M.C. Meinke, H. Richter, J. Krutmann, E. Rühl und O.
"Laser scanning microscopic investigations of the
decontamination of soot particles from the skin"
Skin Pharmacol. Physiol. 31, 87-94 (2018). DOI:
E. Antonsson,
C. Raschpichler, B. Langer, D. Marchenko und E. Rühl
"Surface Composition of Free Mixed NaCl/Na2SO4
Nanoscale Aerosols Probed by X- Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy"
J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 2695-2702 (2018). DOI:
C. Graf, D.
Nordmeyer, C. Greulich, S. Ahlberg, J. Diendorf, J. Raabe, M. Epple, M. Köller,
J. Lademann, A. Vogt, F. Rancan und E. Rühl
"Shape-Dependent Dissolution and Cellular Uptake of Silver
Langmuir 34, 1506-1519 (2018). DOI:
E. Rühl
"Probing Functonalized Nanoparticles in Biological Media"
in: Encyclopedia of Interacial Chemistry: Surface Science and
Electrochemistry, Elsevier (2018), p. 795-802. DOI:
J. Liu,
L. Seiffert, A. Trabattoni, M. C. Castrovilli, M. Galli, P. Rupp, F. Frassetto,
L. Poletto, M. Nisoli, E. Rühl, F. Krausz, T. Fennel, S. Zherebtsov, F.
Calegari und M. F. Kling
"Attosecond streaking metrology with isolated nanotargets"
J. Opt. 20, 024002 (2018). DOI:
G. Hermann,
Y. Zhang, B. Wassermann, H. Fischer, M. Quennet und E. Rühl
"Charge Effects on the Efflorescence in Single Levitated
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 6790-6799 (2017). DOI:
Zashikhina, M.V. Volokitina, V.A. Korzhikov-Vlakh, I.I. Tarasenko, A.
Lavrentieva, T. Scheper, E. Rühl, R.V. Orlova, T.B. Tennikova und E.G.
"Self-assembled polypeptide nanoparticles for intracellular
irinotecan delivery"
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 109, 1-12 (2017). DOI:
P. Hermann,
B. Kästner, A. Hoehl, V. Kashcheeyevs, P. Patoka, G. Ulrich, J. Feikes, M.
Ries, T. Tydecks, B. Beckhoff, E. Rühl und G. Ulm
"Enhancing the Sensitivity of nano-FTIR Spectroscopy"
Opt. Express 25, 16574-16588 (2017). DOI:
E. Antonsson,
B. Langer, I. Halfpap, J. Gottwald und E. Rühl
"Photoelectron Angular Distribution from Free SiO2
Nanoparticles as a Probe of Elastic Electron Scattering"
J. Chem. Phys. 146, 244301 (2017). DOI:
Z. Tu, K. Achazi, A. Schulz, R. Mülhaupt, S. Thierbach, E.
Rühl, M. Adeli und R. Haag
"Combination of Surface Charge and Size Controls the Cellular
Uptake of Functionalized Graphene Sheets"
Adv. Funct. Mater. 27, 1701837 (2017). DOI:
A. Börger,
E. Ebner, E. Rühl, R. Flesch und D. Burow
"On the Use of Raman Microscopy for Sulfation Analysis in
Lead-Acid Battery Research"
J. Energy Stor. 12, 305-310 (2017). DOI:
L. Landgraf, D. Nordmeyer, P. Schmiel, Q. Gao, S. Ritz, J. Gebauer,
S. Grass, S. Diabaté, L. Treuel, C. Graf, E. Rühl, K. Landfester, V.
Mailänder, C. Weiss, R. Zellner und I. Hilger
"Validation of weak biological effects by round robin
experiments: Cytotoxicity/biocompatibility of SiO2 and polymer
nanoparticles in HepG2 cells"
Sci. Rep. 7, 4341 (2017). DOI:
L. Seiffert,
Q. Liu, S. Zherebtsov, A. Trabattoni, P. Rupp, M. C. Castrovilli, M. Galli, F.
Süssmann, K. Wintersperger, J. Stierle, G. Sansone, L. Poletto, F. Frasetto, I.
Halfpap, V. Mondes, C. Graf, E. Rühl, F. Krausz, M. Nisoli, T. Fennel, F.
Calegari und M. F. Kling
"Attosecond Chronoscopy of Electron Scattering in Dielectric
Nature Physics 13, 766-770 (2017). DOI:
K. Yamamoto,
A. Klossek, R. Flesch, F. Rancan, M. Weigand, I. Bykova, M. Bechtel, S. Ahlberg,
A. Vogt, U. Blume-Peytavi, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, S. Hedtrich, M.
Schäfer-Korting und E. Rühl
"Influence of the Skin Barrier on the Penetration of
Topically-Applied Dexamethasone probed by Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy"
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 118, 30-37 (2017). DOI:
R. Schulz, K.
Yamamoto, A. Klossek, R. Flesch, S. Hönzke, F. Rancan, A. Vogt, U.
Blume-Peytavi, S. Hedtrich, M. Schäfer-Korting, E. Rühl und R. R. Netz
"Data-based modeling of drug penetration profiles explains human
skin barrier function by the interplay of diffusivity and free energy profiles"
Proc. Nat. Acad.Sci. 114, 3631-3636 (2017). DOI:
M. Colombo,
S. Staufenbiel, E. Rühl und R. Bodmeier
"In situ determination of the saturation solubility of
nanocrystals of poorly soluble drugs for dermal application"
Int. J. Pharm. 521, 156-166 (2017). DOI:
G. N. Rimondino, E. Miceli, M. Molina, S. Wedepohl, S. Thierbach,
E. Rühl, M. Strumia, M. Martinelli und M. Calderón
"Rational design of dendritic thermo-responsive nanogels that
undergo phase transition on endolysosomal conditions"
J. Mat. Chem. B 5, 866-874 (2017). DOI:
T. Naolou, E.
Rühl und A. Lendlein
"Nanocarriers: Architecture, Transport, and Topical Application
of Drugs for Therapeutic Use"
Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 116, 1-3 (2017). DOI:
F. Müller,
S. Hönzke, W.O. Luthardt, E.L. Wong, M. Unbehaun, J. Bauer, R. Haag, S.
Hedtrich, E. Rühl und J. Rademann
"Rhamnolipids form drug-loaded nanoparticles for dermal drug
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 116, 31-37 (2017). DOI:
P. Rupp, L.
Seiffert, Q. Liu, F.Süssmann, B. Ahn, B. Fürg, C. Schäfer, M. Gallei, V.
Mondes, A. Kessel, S. Trushin, C. Graf, E. Rühl, J. Lee, M. Kim, D. Kim,
T. Fennel, M.F. Kling und S. Zherebtsov
"Quenching of material dependence of many-particle charge
interaction for nanoparticles in strong laser fields"
J. Mod. Opt. 64, 995-1003 (2017). DOI:
A. Klossek, S. Thierbach, F. Rancan, A. Vogt, U. Blume-Peytavi und
E. Rühl
"Studies for improved understanding of lipid distributions in
human skin by combining stimulated and spontaneous Raman microscopy"
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 116, 76-84 (2017). DOI:
A. Patzelt,
W.C. Mak, S. Jung, F. Knorr, M. C. Meinke, H. Richter, E. Rühl, K.Y. Cheung,
N.B.N.N. Tran und J. Lademann
"Do nanoparticles have a future in dermal drug delivery?"
J. Control. Release 246, 174-182 (2017). DOI:
M. Giulbudagian, F. Rancan, A.
Klossek, K. Yamamoto, J. Jurisch, V.C. Neto, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, E. Rühl,
U. Blume-Peytavi, A. Vogt, und M. Calderón
"Correlation between the chemical composition of thermoresponsive
nanogels and their interaction with the skin barrier"
J. Control. Relase 243, 323-332 (2016).
K. Yamamoto,
A. Klossek, R. Flesch, T. Ohigashi, I. Fleige, F. Rancan, S. Ahlberg, A. Vogt,
U. Blume-Peytavi, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, R. Haag, S. Hedtrich, M.
Schäfer-Korting, N. Kosugi und E. Rühl
"Core-Multishell Nanocarriers: Transport and Release of
Dexamethasone probed by Soft X-ray Spectromicroscopy"
J. Control. Release 242, 64-70 (2016). DOI:
N. Döge, S.
Hönzke, F. Schumacher, B. Balzus, M. Colombo, S. Hadam, F. Rancan, U.
Blume-Peytavi, M. Schäfer-Korting, A. Schindler, E. Rühl, P.S. Skov, M.
Church, S. Hedtrich, B. Kleuser, R. Bodmeier und A.Vogt
"Ethyl cellulose nanocarriers and nanocrystals differentially
deliver dexamethasone into intact, tape-stripped or sodium lauryl
sulfate-exposed ex vivo human skin - assessment by intradermal microdialysis and
extraction from the different skin layers"
J. Control. Release 242, 25-34 (2016). DOI:
C. Wischke, E. Rühl und A. Lendlein
"Dermal Drug Delivery by Nanocarriers"
J. Control. Release 242, 1-2 (2016).
B. Langer, C.
Raschpichler, M. Gruner, E. Antonsson, C. Goroncy, C. Graf und E. Rühl
"Optical and Geometric Properties of Free Silica Nanoparticles
Studied by Small- Angle X-Ray Scattering"
Z. Phys. Chem. 230, 1249-1267 (2016). DOI:
H.C. Thejaswini, R. Bogdanowicz, E. Rühl, V. Danilov, J.
Meichsner, S. Thierbach und R. Hippler
"Spectroscopic Study of Plasma Polymerized a-C:H films deposited
by a Dielectric Barrier Discharge"
Materials 9, 594 (2016) (12 pages). DOI:
I. Schütz,
Q. Gao, D. Puchkov, S. Jabs, D. Nordmeyer, E. Rühl, C. Graf und V. Haucke
"Lysosomal dysfunction caused by cellular accumulation of silica
J. Biol. Chem. 291, 14170-14184 (2016). DOI:
V. Mondes, E.
Antonsson, J. Plenge, C. Raschpichler, I. Halfpap, A. Menski, C. Graf, M. F.
Kling und E. Rühl
"Plasmonic Electric Near Field Enhancement in Self-Organized
Gold Nanoparticles in Macroscopic Arrays"
Appl. Phys. B 122, 155 (2016). DOI:
Seiffert, F.Süssmann, S. Zherebtsov, P. Rupp, E. Rühl, M.F. Kling und T.
"Competition of single and double rescattering in the
strong-field photoemission from dielectric nanospheres"
Appl. Phys. B 122, 101 (2016). DOI:
P. Patoka, G. Ulrich, A.E.
Nguyen, L. Bartels, P.A. Dowben, V. Turkowski, T.S. Rahman, P. Hermann, B.
Kästner, A. Hoehl, G. Ulm und E. Rühl
"Nanoscale plasmonic phenomena in CVD-grown MoS2
monolayer revealed by ultra- broadband synchrotron radiation based nano-FTIR
spectroscopy and near-field microscopy"
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W.C. Mak, J. Lademann,
H. Richter, F. Knorr, A. Patzelt, M.E. Darvin, E. Rühl, K.Y. Cheung, K.K. Lai
und R. Renneberg
"Triggered release of model drug from FITC-AuNP-doped BSA
nanocarriers in hair follicles using IRA radiation"
Acta Biomaterialia
388-396 (2016).
C. Graf, C. Goroncy, P.
Stumpf, E. Weschke, C. Boeglin, D. Schmitz, H. Ronneburg und E. Rühl
"Local Magnetic and Electronic Structure of Post-Synthesis
Oxidized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 19404-19414 (2015). DOI:
F. Süssmann, L. Seiffert, S. Zherebtsov, V. Mondes, J. Stierle, M.
Arbeiter, J. Plenge, P. Rupp, C. Peltz, A. Kessel, S.A. Trushin, B. Ahn, D. Kim,
C. Graf, E. Rühl, M.F. Kling und T. Fennel
"Field propagation induced directionality of carrier-envelope
phase controlled photoemission from nanospheres"
Nat. Commun. 6, 7944 (2015). 9 pages. DOI:
Pressemitteilung / Press Release
K. Yamamoto, R. Flesch, T.
Ohigashi, S. Hedtrich, A. Klossek, P. Patoka, G. Ulrich, S. Ahlberg, F. Rancan,
A. Vogt, U. Blume-Peytavi, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, M. Schäfer-Korting, N.
Kosugi und E. Rühl
"Selective Probing of the Penetration of Dexamethasone into
Human Skin by Soft-X-Ray Spectromicroscopy"
Anal. Chem. 61, 6173-6179 (2015). DOI:
C. Graf, D. Nordmeyer, S. Ahlberg, J. Raabe, A.
Vogt, J. Lademann, F. Rancan und E. Rühl
"Penetration of spherical and rod-like gold nanoparticles into
intact and barrier- disrupted human skin"
Proc. SPIE 9338, 93381L-1 (2015). 8 pages.
E. Antonsson, C. Peltz,
B. Langer, Th. Fennel und E. Rühl
"Signatures of Transient Resonance Heating in Photoemission from
Free NaCl Nanoparticles in Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses"
J. Electron Spectroc. Relat. Phenom. 200, 216-221 (2015).
G.I. Tselikov, V.Yu. Timoshenko, L.A. Golovan, J. Plenge, A.M.
Shatalova, G.A. Shandryuk, I.Yu. Kutergina, A.S. Merekalov, E. Rühl und R.V.
"Role of the Polymer Matrix on the Photoluminescence of Embedded
Quantum Dots"
ChemPhysChem 16, 1071-1078 (2015). DOI:10.1002/cphc.201402913
M. Barthel, R. Flesch, E.
Rühl und B.M. McLaughlin
"Photoionization of the 3s23p4
3P and the 3s23p4 1D, 1S
states of Sulfur: Experiment and Theory"
Phys. Rev. A 91,
013406 (2015).
A. Ostrowski, D. Nordmeyer, A.
Boreham, C. Holzhausen, L. Mundhenk, C. Graf, M. Meinke, A. Vogt, S. Haddam, J.
Lademann, E. Rühl, U. Alexiev und A.D. Gruber
"Overview on the Localization of Nanoparticles in Tissue and
Cellular Context by Different Imaging Techniques"
Beilstein J. Nanotech. 6, 263-280 (2015). DOI:
J. Lademann, H. Richter, G.
Baier, K. Landfester, L. Frazier, H. Gefeller, U. Wunderlich, I. Gross, E. Rühl
und F. Knorr
"Decontamination of skin exposed to nanocarriers using an
absorbent textile material and PEG-12 dimethicone"
Laser Phys. Lett. 11, 115603 (2014). DOI:
J. Lademann, F. Knorr,
H. Richter, S. Jung, M.C. Meinke, E. Rühl, U. Alexiev, M. Calderon und A.
"Hair follicles as a target structure for nanoparticles"
J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci. 8, 1530004 (8 pages)
(2015). DOI:
A. Vogt, F. Rancan, S. Ahlberg, B. Nazemi, C.S. Choe, M.E. Darvin,
S. Hadam, U. Blume-Peytavi, K. Loza, J. Diendorf, M. Epple, C. Graf, E. Rühl,
M.C. Meinke und J. Lademann
"Interaction of dermatologically relevant nanoparticles with
skin cells and skin"
Beilstein J. Nanotech. 5, 2363-2373 (2014). DOI:
S. Ahlberg, A. Antonopoulos, J. Diendorf, R. Dringen, M.
Epple, R. Flück, W. Goedecke, C. Graf, N. Haberl, J. Helmlinger, F. Herzog, F.
Heuer, S. Hirn, C. Johannes, S. Kittler, M. Köller, K. Korn, W.G.
Kreyling, F. Krombach, J. Lademann, K. Loza, E.M. Luther, M. Malissek, M.C.
Meinke, D. Nordmeyer, A. Pailliart, J. Raabe, F. Rancan, B.
Rothen-Rutishauser, E. Rühl, C. Schleh, A. Seibel, C. Sengstock, L. Treuel, A.
Vogt, K. Weber und R. Zellner
"PVP-coated, negatively charged silver nanoparticles: A
multi-center study of their physicochemical characteristics, cell culture and in
vivo experiments"
Beilstein J. Nanotech. 5, 1944-1965 (2014). DOI:
A. Ostrowski, D.
Nordmeyer, L. Mundhenk, J.W. Fluhr, J. Lademann, C. Graf, E. Rühl und A.D.
"AHAPS-functionalized silica nanoparticles do not modulate
allergic contact dermatitis in mice"
Nanoscale Res. Lett. 9, 524 (7 pages) (2014).
P. Hermann, A. Hoehl, G.
Ulrich, C. Fleischmann, A. Hermelink, B. Kästner, P. Patoka, A. Hornemann, B.
Beckhoff, E. Rühl und G.Ulm
"Characterization of Semiconductor Samples using Synchrotron
Radiation-based Near-Field Infrared Microscopy and Nano-FTIR Spectroscopy"
Opt. Express 22, 17948-17958 (2014). DOI:
D. Nordmeyer, P. Stumpf, D.
Gröger, A. Hofmann, A. Semisch, S. Enders, S.B. Riese, J. Dernedde, M. Taupitz,
U. Rauch, R. Haag, E. Rühl und C. Graf
"Iron Oxide Nanoparticles stabilized with Dendritic
Polyglycerols as Selective MRI Contrast Agents"
Nanoscale 6, 9646-9654 (2014). DOI:
S. Schippers, S. Ricz, T.
Buhr, A. Borovik, Jr., J. Hellhund, K. Holste, K. Huber, H.-J. Schäfer, D.
Schury, S. Klumpp, K. Mertens, M. Martins, R. Flesch, G. Ulrich, E. Rühl, T.
Jahnke, J. Lower, D. Metz, L. Schmidt, M. Schoeffler, J. Williams, L.
Glaser, F. Scholz, J. Seltmann, J. Viefhaus, A. Dorn, A. Wolf, J. Ullrich und A.
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J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 115602 (2014). DOI:
A. Ostrowski, D. Nordmeyer,
A. Boreham, R. Brodwolf, L. Mundhenk, J.W. Fluhr, J. Lademann, C. Graf, E.
Rühl, U. Alexiev und A.D. Gruber
"Skin barrier disruptions in tape stripped and allergic
dermatitis models have no effect on dermal penetration and systemic distribution
of AHAPS-functionalized silica
Nanomed. Nanotechnol. 10, 1571-1581 (2014). DOI:
N. Alnasif, C. Zoschke, E.
Fleige, R. Brodwolf, A. Boreham, E. Rühl, K.-M. Eckl, H.- F. Merk, H.-C.
Hennies, U. Alexiev, R. Haag und S. Küchler, M. Schäfer-Korting
"Penetration of Normal, Damaged and Diseased Skin: An In Vitro
Study on Dendritic Core-Multishell Nanotransporters"
J. Controlled Release 185, 45-50 (2014). DOI:
J. Liu, E. Rühl, A.P.
Hitchcock, D.N. McIlroy, J.D. Bozek, T. Tyliszczak, A. Knop- Gericke, N.M. Boag
und P. A. Dowben
"Double cation formation from the photo-fragmentation of the
Z. Phys. Chem.228, 421-436 (2014). (2014). DOI:
R. Flesch, N. Kosugi, A.
Knop-Gericke und E. Rühl
"2s-Excitation and Photoionization of Neon Clusters"
Z. Phys. Chem. 228, 387-403 (2014). DOI:
A.A. Makarova, E.V. Grachova,
D.V. Krupenya, O. Vilkov, A. Fedorov, D. Usachov, A. Generalov, I.O. Koshevoy,
S.P. Tunik, E. Rühl, C. Laubschat und D.V. Vyalikh.
"Insight into the Electronic Structure of the Supramolecular
"Rods-in-Belt" AuI CuI and AuI AgI Self-Assembled Complexes from X-Ray
and Absorption Spectroscopy"
J. Electron Spectrossc. 192, 26-34 (2014). DOI:
F. Rancan, B. Nazemi, S.
Rautemberg, M. Ryll, S. Hadam, Q. Gao, S. Hackbarth, S. F. Haag, C. Graf, E.
Rühl, U. Blume-Peytavi, J. Lademann, A. Vogt und M. C. Meinke
"Ultraviolet radiation and nanoparticle induced
intracellular free radicals generation measured in human keratinocytes by
electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy"
Skin Research and Technology 20, 182-193 (2014). DOI:
F. Süssmann, S.
Stebbings, S. Zherebtsov, S.H. Chew, E. Rühl, U. Kleineberg, M.I. Stockman, T.
Fennel und M.F. Kling
"Attosecond nanophotonics"
in: Attosecond and XUV Physics: Ultrafast Dynamics and
Spectroscopy, Th. Schultz and M.J.J. Vrakking (Eds.), Wiley VCH Verlag, 2014,
Chapter 14. DOI:
G. Tselikov, V.Y.
Timoshenko, J. Plenge, E. Rühl, A.M. Shatalova, G.A. Shandryuk, A.S. Merekalov
und R.V. Talroze,
"Photoluminescence Properties of Cadmium-Selenide Quantum Dots
Embedded in a Liquid Crystal Polymer Matrix"
Semiconductors 47, 647-649 (2013).
Y. Zhang, I. Türkmen, B. Wassermann, A. Erko und E. Rühl
"Structural Motifs of Prenucleation Clusters"
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 134506 (2013). DOI:
A. Makarova, E. Grachova, D.
Krupenya, O. Vilkov, A. Fedorov, D. Usachov, A. Generalov, I. Koshevoy, S.
Tunik, E. Rühl, C. Laubschat, und D. Vyalikh
"Self-Assembled Supramolecular Complexes with
"Rods-in-Belt" Architecture in the Light of Soft X-Rays"
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 12385-12392 (2013). DOI:
R. Flesch, E. Seardarogu, X.O. Brykalova, E. I. Kan, E.S.
Klyushina, Yu. S. Krivosenko, A.A. Pavlychev und E. Rühl
"Gas-to-Cluster Effects in S 2p-Excited SF6"
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 144302 (2013). DOI:
P. Hermann, A.
Hoehl, P. Patoka, F. Huth, E. Rühl und G. Ulm
"Near-Field Imaging and Nano-Fourier-Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy using Broadband Synchrotron Radiation"
Opt. Express, 21, 2913-2919 (2013). DOI:
Y.Y. Yang, A. Scrinzi, Q.G.
Li, S.L. Stebbings, F. Süssmann, H.J. Yu, S. Kim, E. Rühl, X.C. Liu und M.F.
"High-Harmonic and Single Attosecond Pulse Generation
Using Plasmonic Field Enhancement in Ordered Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles with
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Opt. Express 21, 2195-2205 (2013). DOI:
E. Antonsson, H.
Bresch, R. Lewinski, B. Wassermann, T. Leisner, C. Graf, B. Langer und E. Rühl
"Size-Effects in Free Nanoparticles Studied by Soft
Chem. Phys. Lett., Frontiers Article 559, 1-11 (2013).
E. Ebner, D. Burow, J.
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"Carbon blacks for lead-acid batteries in micro-hybrid
applications - studied by transmission electron microscopy and Raman
J. Power Sources 222, 554-560 (2013). DOI:
M. Nagaska, E.
Serdaroglu, R. Flesch, E. Rühl und N. Kosugi
"Structures of Mixed Argon/Nitrogen Clusters"
J. Chem. Phys. 137, 214305 (2012). DOI:
F. Rancan, Q. Gao, C. Graf, S. Troppens, S. Hadam, S.
Hackbarth, C. Kembuan, U. Blume-Peytavi, E. Rühl, J. Lademann und A. Vogt
"Skin penetration and cellular uptake of amorphous silica
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ACS NANO 6, 6829-6842 (2012) DOI:
J. Bahn, P Oelssner, M.
Köther, C. Braun, V. Senz, S. Palutke, M. Martins, E. Rühl, G Ganteför, T.
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"Pb 4f Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Mass-Selected Anionic
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M. Nagasaka, N. Kosugi und E. Rühl
"Structures of Small Mixed Krypton-Xenon Clusters"
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 234312 (2012). DOI:
S. Zherebtsov, F.
Süssmann, C. Peltz, J. Plenge, K. J. Betsch, I. Znakovskaya, A.S. Alnaser, N.
G. Johnson, M. Kübel, A. Horn, V. Mondes, C. Graf , S. A. Trushin, A. Azzeer,
M. J. J. Vrakking, G. G. Paulus, F. Krausz, E. Rühl, T. Fennel, M. F. Kling
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M. Jansch, P. Stumpf, C. M.
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R. Flesch, E.
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C. Graf, A.
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J. Plenge,
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T. Arion, R. Flesch, T.
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C. Graf, B. Langer, M. Grimm, R. Lewinski, M. Grom und E. Rühl
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A.A. Pavlychev, X.O.
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I.L. Bradeanu, N.
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S. Dembski, C. Graf, T. Krüger, U. Gbureck, A. Ewald,
A. Bock und E. Rühl
"Photoactivation of CdSe/ZnS-Quantum Dots Embedded into
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F. Gaie-Levrel, C. Gutlé, H.-W. Jochims, E. Rühl und M. Schwell
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D. Feng, J. Liu, A.P. Hitchcock, A.L. D. Kilcoyne, T.Tyliszczak, N.F. Riehs, E.
Rühl, J.D. Bozek, D. McIlroy und P. A. Dowben
of Closo-Carboranes Part 1: Energetics of Decomposition"
J. Phys. Chem. A 112, 3311 - 3318 (2008).
R. Flesch, A. Wirsing, M. Barthel, J. Plenge und E. Rühl
Shell Photoionization of O(1D): Experimental Evidence for the 2s22p4(1D)→2s12p5(1P)-Transition"
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 074307 (2008)
H. Bresch, B. Wassermann,
Langer, C. Graf, R. Flesch, U. Becker, B. Oesterreicher, T. Leisner
E. Rühl
Light Scattering from Free Sub-Micron Particles in the Soft X Ray Regime"
Faraday Discuss. 137, 389-402 (2008).
Korusinkiy, R.B. Neder, D. Hofmann, S. Dembski, C. Graf und E. Rühl
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A.P. Hitchcock, A.T. Wen und E.
"Transition Metal 2p Excitation in Organometallics Studied by Electron Energy
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Chem. Phys. 147, 51 (1990).
H. Baumgärtel, B. Brutschy und E.
"Photoionization of Molecular Aggregates"
Physica Scripta T31, 78 (1990).
E. Rühl, S.D. Price, S. Leach und
J.H.D. Eland
"Charge Separation Mass Spectrometry (2): Methyl Compounds"
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion. Proc. 97, 175 (1990).
E. Rühl, A. Jefferson und V. Vaida
"Photodissociation of OClO: MPI Study of Primary Photofragments"
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A.P. Hitchcock, A.T. Wen und E.
"Inner-Shell Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Organometallic Compounds"
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V. Vaida, S. Solomon, E.C. Richard,
E. Rühl und A. Jefferson
"Photoisomerization of OClO: A Possible Mechanism for Polar Ozone Depletion"
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E. Rühl, S.D. Price und S. Leach
"Single and Double Photoionization Processes in Naphthalene between 8 and 35
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A.P. Hitchcock und E. Rühl
"Near Edge Spectroscopy of Free Molecules"
Physica B 158, 403 (1989).
E. Rühl und A.P. Hitchcock
"Carbon K-Shell Excitation of Metallocenes"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 5069 (1989).
E. Rühl und A.P. Hitchcock
"Inner-shell Excitation of 3 d Transition-Metal Carbonyls (Mn2(CO)10,
Mn(CO)5Br, and Mn(CO)5H) Studied by Electron Energy Loss
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 2614 (1989).
H. Baumgärtel, H.W. Jochims, E.
Rühl, O. Lösking und H. Willner
"Photoionenspektroskopie von Schwefelpentafluorid SF5Cl, das
Ionisationspotential von SF5"
Z. Naturforsch. 44B, 21 (1989).
H.W. Jochims, E. Rühl und H.
"Zur Photoionisation und Ionenfragmentierung von SF4"
Z. Naturforsch. 44B, 13 (1989).
E. Rühl, B. Brutschy und H.
"Autoionization Resonances in Homogeneous Benzene Clusters"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 157, 379 (1989).
H. Baumgärtel, H.W. Jochims, E.
Rühl, H. Bock, R. Dammel, R. Minkwitz und R. Nass
"Photoelectron and Photoionization Mass Spectra of Fluoro Amines NH3-nFn"
Inorg. Chem. 28, 943 (1989).
E. Rühl, B. Brutschy, P. Bisling
und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization and Photodissociation of Allene Clusters in a Supersonic
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Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 92, 194 (1988).
R. Locht, J. Momigny, E. Rühl und
H. Baumgärtel
"A Mass Spectrometric Photoionization Study of CH3F. The CH2+,
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Chem. Phys. 117, 305 (1987).
R. Locht, E. Rühl, J. Momigny und
H. Baumgärtel
"Dissociative Ionization in CH3F. A Mass Spectrometric
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Using Synchrotron Radiation"
Electronic and Atomic Collisions. XV ICPEAC. Abstracts of Contributed Papers.
Queens Univ. Belfast, 47 (1987).
P. Bisling, E. Rühl, B. Brutschy
und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization of Hydrogen-Bonded Molecular Aggregates"
in: "Structure and Dynamics of Weakly Bound Molecular complexes"
Ed.: A. Weber, Reidel, Dordrecht, 303 (1987).
P.G.F. Bisling, E. Rühl, B.
Brutschy und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization Mass Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation of
Hydrogen-Bonded Alkylamine Clusters Produced in Supersonic Beams"
J. Phys. Chem. 91, 4310 (1987).
B. Brutschy, P. Bisling, E. Rühl
und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization Mass Spectrometry of Molecular Clusters using Synchrotron
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B. Kamke, W. Kamke, Z. Wang, E.
Rühl und B. Brutschy
"Origin of Line Shapes from Intramolecular Penning Ionization in
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J. Chem. Phys. 86, 2525 (1987).
E. Rühl, P. Bisling, B. Brutschy
und H. Baumgärtel
"Photodissociation of Methyl Fluoride Clusters"
J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 41, 411 (1986).
E. Rühl, H.W. Jochims und H.
"Soft X-Ray Photoionization Mass Spectrometry of Small Gaseous Molecules"
Book of extended Abstracts, VUV-8 Conference, 123 (Lund, Schweden, 1986).
R. Minkwitz, R. Lekies, H.W.
Jochims, E. Rühl und H. Baumgärtel
"Beiträge zur Chemie der Schwefelhalogenide, 13. Das
Photoionisationsmassenspektrum von SBr2"
Z. Naturforsch. 41b, 784 (1986).
E. Rühl, P. Bisling, B. Brutschy,
K. Beckmann, O. Leisin und H. Morgner
"Penning Ionization in Benzene*Ar and Fluorobenzene*Ar van der Waals
Molecules and in Collisions of Benzene with Metastable Ar Atoms"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 128, 512 (1986).
E. Rühl, P.G.F. Bisling, B.
Brutschy und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization of Aromatic van der Waals Complexes in a Supersonic Jet"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 126, 232 (1986).
P.G.F. Bisling, E. Rühl, B.
Brutschy und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization and Photodissociation of Hydrogen Bonded Alkyl Amine
Electronic and Atomic Collisions, 14 ICPEAC, Abstracts of Contributed Papers,
North Holland, Amsterdam, 654 (1985).
O. Lösking, H. Willner, H.
Baumgärtel, H.W. Jochims und E. Rühl
"Chalkogenfluoride in hohen Oxidationsstufen X. Thermochemische Daten and
Photoionisationsmassenspektren von SSF2, FSSF, SF3SF and SF3SSF"
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 530, 169 (1985).
H.O. Beckmann, W. Braun, H.W.
Jochims, E. Rühl und H. Baumgärtel
"Photoionization Mass Spectrometry of Gaseous Ethene and Fluoroethenes in the
Energy Range 280-300 eV"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 121, 499 (1985).
E. Rühl, H.W. Jochims und H.
"The Photoabsorption of Chlorodifluoroethenes in the Vacuum Ultraviolet"
Can. J. Chem. 63, 1949 (1985).