Characteristics of Lake Baikal:



The climatic conditions are well documented by several meteorological bases sited on the shore of Baikal. The mean annual air temperature amounts to minus 1.7°C. The huge water body makes an alleviating impact on the shore-near climate: in winter it is warmer in summer cooler than in more remote regions. The mean air temperature in winter varies between minus 12 and minus 19 degrees and that of summer between 8 and 14 degrees Celsius (Kozhov, 1972). 

Cape Shaman, Island Olkhon with view on the gulf Maloe More

There are distinct regional climatic differences in the Baikal region: e.g. while the gulf Maloe More (“Little Sea”) is characterized by a sunshine duration of about 2400 hours per year it is only 1700-1800 h/a at the southeastern shore (Kozhova & Izmest´eva, 1998). 

The main of the annual precipitation falls in summer. The dry climate in winter and the lack of snow cower leads to steppe at some regions as for example the Sarma-Region and Olkhon Island.







