- away from Greed and Scarcity
Saturday, the 5th July 2003 (12:30)
to Monday, the 7th July 2003 (18:30)
and an Open Space Workshop
ImplementING global and bio-regional complementary currencies
Monday, the 7th July 2003 (18:30)
to Saturday, the 12th July 2003
at Lebensgarten Eco-village
Sixty years after World War II, we are threatened by a new war, by
social revolution (e.g. Seattle, Genoa, etc), and financial collapse. These are
the three historical methods of dealing with the pathological exponential
growth in our money system. The Japanese and Argentine experiences with
complementary currencies show that, in a crisis situation, new models of
creating and using money can be implemented.
Therefore, the central questions to be discussed during the symposium
and workshop are:
How can we
create stable money systems as one of the fundamental preconditions for a
sustainable economy?
What is to
be learnt from the countries where different models exist?
Do we need
more crises before the necessary changes can be made? Or is it possible to
carry out experiments in a less stressful and dangerous political situation?
What are
the necessary ingredients for a sustainable money system in terms of
governance, decision-making, technical solutions, funding, and awareness?
will discuss the potential of various concepts - their implementation and their
contribution to the alleviation of poverty, social polarisation and
environmental degradation.
It is time to concentrate on the practical, the implementation, the
experience of action in the field, constructive proposals for governance and
improvement of new and existing projects. To allow this we have arranged the
following process:
Within the Symposium, there will be
main presentations from the invited speakers, but also time to discuss their
positions. In the Open Space Workshop, all
participants will be given a chance to present their ideas and questions and
the speakers will be available for in depth discussion in small
Each day in the Open Space Workshop, there will be a
session of a half-hour - before lunch - for short presentations to the plenary
- on what particular participants would like to discuss in 2 to 3 hours during
a small group afternoon session with specific topics.
Each group would bring back a short summary for the
evening plenary session.
We suggest that all presenters bring questions and
materials to support or illustrate their ideas, e.g.
Reasons for monetary change and your
preferred solutions
Obstacles and/or support from politics,
science, business, grassroots, stakeholders
Experiences with complementary
currencies so far
For the theoretical discussion that has happened
over the years, please consult
www.margritkennedy.de and
We will be able to accommodate 60 to 70
participants. Therefore, please,
register early.
In order to remain on our mailing list,
please, send us a note confirming your further interest by
e-mail (declan@telda.net) or fax (+49 57 64 23 68)
Dr. Hazel
Henderson, St. Augustine, Fl., USA,
futurist, evolutionary economist, a worldwide syndicated
columnist, consultant on sustainable development, Author: Beyond Globalization Shaping a Sustainable
Global Economy
Prof. Dr. Margrit
Kennedy, Steyerberg, architect & consultant on bio-regional
complementary currencies with circulation incentive Author: Interest & Inflation Free Money Creating an exchange
medium that works for everybody and protects the earth
Prof. Dr. Bernard
Lietaer, Belgium, former European banker & futurist, currently a Research Fellow at the Center for
Sustainable Resources of the University of California
at Berkeley, Author: The Future of
Money Beyond Greed and Scarcity
Dr. Shann Turnbull,
Sydney, Australia, Businessman/entrepreneur,
reforming the socio-economic system, 1975 pioneer in the study and teaching of
corporate governance. Author: Democratising The Wealth of Nations
As every second year,
in 2003, the symposium language will be English.
& Organisation:
Prof. Declan Kennedy, Steyerberg
Cost per
person: Euro 250,-
Registration before May 1st.
2003 - 200,-
(For symposium only
- - - - - 150,-)
Food & Accommodation
for the whole event
room Euro 465
room Euro 395
room Euro 345
accommodation Euro 295
for symposium only
single room Euro
double room Euro
triple room Euro 130
hostel accommodation Euro
Please, register with
Ms. Katharina Weber at the office of
Steyerberg e.V.
Ginsterweg 3,
31595 Steyerberg, Germany
+ 49 5764 -23 70
fax: -25 78
e-mail: info@lebensgarten.de
and include a deposit of 100,-
as cash (registered post) or certified cheque
office hours:
Mo. -
Fr. 10-12 hrs + Tu. & Thurs. 17-19 hrs