Word Search - Wortsuche

Malay Word Or Sentence:
Search for similar words Exclude derived words

The following search conditions apply:

Example: Searching for the malay word ajar
Result with no selected options:
Only ajar will be translated.

Result with Search for similar words selected:
Among other results, the following words will be found:
wajar (including derived words)
tunjuk ajar

Results with Exclude derived words selected: Searching for the word sewajarnya will produce nothing, because only the letter S will be searched.
This may speed up the search, if you are sure, that no derived word is in your query.

If both options are selected, the Exclude-Option will be ignored !

For translation from English to Bahasa Malaysia, you have to use the offline Windows client from Eric-Jan Taal.
Hopefully, this translation way will be available on this site soon.

Frederik Holst.