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Your guide to using the database:

The database "Trade Unions and Labor Relations" contains some 10,000 citations from monographs, edited books, journal articles, working papers, brochures, reports and conference papers. The bulk of the citations address aspects of labor relations in Germany and Europe, but there is a substantial body of literature in the database covering issues of labor and globalization.

General rules for entering text in the search fields:

You may enter full words or word fragments in any of the text fields. If you enter fragments, the search machine will return full words. If you are looking for documents only in English, it will generally suffice to use English search words. However, you can also enter "english" or "englische sprache" in the Full Text Search field. This will usually ensure that the results are all in English.


In this field you may search for Authors and Editors. This includes both persons and organizations. The search machine ignores capitals. You may enter the name with or without the first name of the person you are searching for, and you may also enter a word fragment. If you enter "schmid", you will get all authors "Schmid" as well as "Schmidt", "Kleinschmidt", "Schmidtchen" etc. If you are only looking for an author named "schmid", then enter "schmid,".

Title of the publication:

A search in this field will turn up titles of journal articles, books, book sections, working papers, reports and conference papers. If you enter "determin", the search machine will return "codetermination" as well as "determinants". If you enter several words, separated by spaces, the search machine will return all documents in which these words appear in the title.

Name of Journal / Periodical:

Enter the full name or parts of the name of the journal. Please refer to the linked list of journals, which provides an orientation regarding the selection available.


You can specify the time span in these fields. If you are searching for documents from a single year, enter that year in both the "from" and the "till" field.

Full text search:

Text which you enter in this field will be searched for in all fields of the database. Entering "european journal" returns not only documents from the "European Journal of Industrial Relations", but also an article with the word "European" in the title from the "Industrial Relations Journal".

Using Keywords

Search results generally include one or more keywords used to designate thematic highlights of the document. Keywords can thus be used to refine a search by adding information to that included in the bibliographic data and the abstract. Keywords may be used in the field "Full Text Search".

Please address all inquiries, comments and criticisms to Dr. Michael Fichter.
© 2008-2011 Freie Universität Berlin
Stand: 20. September 2011