15421 K-HS - Globalization and the European Social Model. Challenges for Labor Relations
Mo     wö.              12.00-14.00               22/E1


Dr. Michael Fichter



The aim of this seminar is to achieve a better understanding of developments in the political economy of the EU in the context of globalization. The concept of a European Social Model will be reviewed by drawing on the various contemporary analytical approaches toward modeling diverse welfare state trajectories in a globalizing world (cf. Hall/Soskice, Crouch, Ebbinghaus, Amable, Scharpf, Streeck). Special attention will be given to the conflicting policies and goals of business (employers' associations, multinational enterprises) and labor (trade unions, works councils) as organized interests with varying capacities to influence social policy and construct an institutional setting in the EU according to their prerogatives. The main focus will be on post-1989 issues with due attention to be given to the impact of accession by the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

All readings and discussions in the seminar will be in English. A reader containing the assigned texts will be made available at a local copy shop during the first week of the semester for purchase.

As part of the OSI E-learning project an integral part of the course communication and interaction will be organized through the e-learning plattform Blackboard. Further information on Blackboard is available at http://lms.fu-berlin.de. Voluntary pre-registration for the seminar will be available at the beginning of April. This is not required for admittance to the seminar but will offer insight into the use of Blackboard and information on the content of the seminar.

Credit: Full credit (Leistungsschein) for the seminar will be based on regular participation, short oral presentations, and either the submission of a final paper (Hausarbeit: BA/Diplom) or the writing of a final exam (Klausur: Diplom). Hausarbeiten und Klausuren werden "auf deutsch" geschrieben. For partial credit (Teilnahmeschein), participants will be expected to attend class regularly, contribute to the preparation of two topical sessions and submit two written reviews of literature used in the seminar.

Contact: Dr. Michael Fichter, mfichter@zedat.fu-berlin.de, Sprechstunde: Di., 10-12, Ihnestr. 26, Zimmer 212.