Basics concerning (NOWCAST-) Precipitation and NOAA AVHRR Remote Sensing Detection
of ICE and SNOW
Lesch L., 2004.
Jetstream - Divergence - Precipitation.
DACH 2004 Conference 7th - 10th September 2004,
Karlsruhe, Deutsch - Oesterreichisch -
Schweizerische Meteorologen - Tagung, Short
Abstract, p 95, CD-ROM with Extended
Abstract, 10 pp.
Extended Abstract
Further details (PDF)
Lesch L., 1999 - 2006.
Satellite and Synoptic Meteorology.
METEOSAT-7 animation
Interaction of surface convergence
and upper level (300 hPA) divergence of v(h)
Operational daily Updates:
Synoptic clipboard (operational):
DWD Europe Model (GME-EM) and LOCAL Model (LM) Domain (red)
FU-Berlin NOAA 1km and 4km (dashed) domain (blue)
FU-Berlin METEOSAT-[5-7] 4km domain (black)
DWD and FU-Berlin NOAA / Meteosat grid domains
Computed diagnostic and quasi prognostic Precipitation
Europe and North Atlantic (00 UTC and 12 UTC)
Analysis Mean Sea Level MSL:
Last update:
NOAA-19, MSL, 12 UTC
NOAA-18, MSL, 12 UTC
1 km spatial resolution, extended layout, 20MB download!
! Zoom by goclick !
DWD GME-EM Domain grid data (EUROPE Model) with
superimposed NOAA-17 AVHRR mosaic, spatial resolution 4 km,
(channel 3 [WV, 00 UTC]; channels 1, 2 and 4 [12 UTC])
for past 7 days:
Creation Date: April 8th, 1996
Last Modification: 2 February 2006
Established and maintained by lutz.lesch@FU-Berlin.DE
Lutz Lesch
Lutz Lesch
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