Title Requirement on Aromatic Precursor for Graphene Formation
Authors K. Gharagozloo-Hubmann, N. S. Mueller, M. Giersig, C. Lotze, K. J. Franke, S. Reich
Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Vol. 120, 2016, pg. 9821

Abstract We studied graphene growth from solid, aromatic precursors at low temperature (~400°C) on a metal surface via high vacuum (6 •10^-6 mbar) chemical vapor deposition. A set of conjugated and condensed aromatic precursor molecules, i.e., structural isomers of terphenyl and anthracene are compared. While para-terphenyl (p terphenyl) and meta-terphenyl (m terphenyl) were found to be excellent precursors for the formation of graphene, no graphene was obtained from ortho-terphenyl (o terphenyl) or anthracene. We propose a reaction mechanism that explains the differing growth products. The key requirement for the synthesis of graphene is a three-dimensional nature and suitable molecular structure of the precursor. Its incorporation into a flat aromatic system on a metal surface has to provide sufficient energy gain for the polymerization to occur.

BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2016:92,
      title = { Requirement on Aromatic Precursor for Graphene Formation },
      author = { K. Gharagozloo-Hubmann, N. S. Mueller, M. Giersig, C. Lotze, K. J. Franke, S. Reich },
      journal = { Journal of Physical Chemistry C },
      volume = { 120 },
      year = { 2016 },
      pages = { 9821-- },