Title Ferromagnetic coupling of mononuclear Fe centers in a self-assembled metal organic network on Au(111)
Authors T. R. Umbach, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, A. Kr?ger, V. Sessi, I. Fernández-Torrente, P. Stoll, J. I. Pascual, K. J. Franke, and W. Kuch
Journal Physical Review Letters
Vol. 109, 12 2012, pg. 267207

Abstract The magnetic state and magnetic coupling of individual atoms in nanoscale structures relies on a delicate balance between different interactions with the atomic-scale surroundings. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, we resolve the self-assembled formation of highly ordered bilayer structures of Fe atoms and organic linker molecules (T4PT) when deposited on a Au(111) surface. The Fe atoms are encaged in a three-dimensional coordination motif by three T4PT molecules in the surface plane and an additional T4PT unit on top. Within this crystal field, the Fe atoms retain a magnetic ground state with easy-axis anisotropy, as evidenced by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The magnetization curves reveal the existence of ferromagnetic coupling between the Fe centers.


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BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2012:70,
      title = { Ferromagnetic coupling of mononuclear Fe centers in a self-assembled metal organic network on Au(111) },
      author = { T. R. Umbach, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, A. Kr?ger, V. Sessi, I. Fernández-Torrente, P. Stoll, J. I. Pascual, K. J. Franke, and W. Kuch },
      journal = { Physical Review Letters },
      volume = { 109 },
      year = { 2012 },
      month = { December },
      pages = { 267207-- },