Title Origin of Moiree structures in C60 on Pb(111) and their effect on molecular energy levels
Authors H. I. Li, K. J. Franke, J. I. Pascual, L. W. Bruch, and R. D. Diehl
Journal Phys. Rev. B
Vol. 80, Issue 8, 2009, pg. 085415
Keywordselectronic structure • scanning tunneling microscopy • self-assembly • supramolecular chemistry • X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Abstract Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) indicates that the monolayer structure of C60 on Pb(111) comprises two coexisting incommensurate structures with nonsymmetry epitaxial rotations near 20° relative to the Pb(111) lattice. These structures are observed in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) as Moiré superstructures having periods of about 46 Å and 34 Å. The Moiré images and LEED patterns are consistent with two higher-order commensurate (HOC) structures that were identified using the hexagonal number sequence method. These structures are close to predictions from the Novaco-McTague theory of epitaxial rotation, assuming a weakly corrugated substrate potential. As a consequence of the fullerenes within the Moiré structures having different local environments, the energetic alignment of the molecular resonances is also modulated, with shifts measured by tunneling spectroscopy of up to 20 meV.


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BibTeX entry
    @article{ AGP-2009:23,
      title = { Origin of Moiree structures in C60 on Pb(111) and their effect on molecular energy levels },
      author = { H. I. Li, K. J. Franke, J. I. Pascual, L. W. Bruch, and R. D. Diehl },
      journal = { Phys. Rev. B },
      volume = { 80 },
      number = { 8 },
      year = { 2009 },
      pages = { 085415-- },