
Ralf Schwarzer, Manfred Diehl, & Gerdamarie S. Schmitz, 1999

This scale refers to post-intentional self-regulation when individuals are in the phase of goal-pursuit and face difficulties in maintaining their action.  In such a maintenance situation it is required to focus attention on the task at hand and to keep a favorable emotional balance.  Thus, attention-regulation and emotion-regulation are reflected in these scale items.

In a sample of N = 442 persons the scale has obtained an internal consistency of Cronbach's alpha = .76.  In a sample of N = 239 persons the scale yielded a retest stability of .62 after six weeks.

There were associations found with general self-efficacy beliefs (r = .57), and with proactive coping (r = .55).

  1. I can concentrate on one activity for a long time, if necessary.
  2. If I am distracted from an activity, I don't have any problem coming back to the topic quickly.
  3. If an activity arouses my feelings too much, I can calm myself down so that I can continue with the activity soon.
  4. If an activity requires a problem-oriented attitude, I can control my feelings.
  5. It is difficult for me to suppress thoughts that interfere with what I need to do. (–)
  6. I can control my thoughts from distracting me from the task at hand.
  7. When I worry about something, I cannot concentrate on an activity. (–)
  8. After an interruption, I don't have any problem resuming my concentrated style of working.
  9. I have a whole bunch of thoughts and feelings that interfere with my ability to work  in a focused way. (–)
  10. I stay focused on my goal and don’t allow anything to distract me from my plan of action.


Note: (–) indicates the item has to be reversed.
Response format:
(1) not at all true, (2) barely true, (3) moderately true, (4) exactly true