Title: Sep - Shad

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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Separate - RocketMan
Rated G | 7K | Category SA | Archived 97-09-02
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Mulder has an identity crisis.

Separate Lives - Brown, Angel

Rated NC-17 | 33K | Category SR | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: Season 8
Keywords: Scully/Skinner romance.
Summary: Mulder is off the X-Files and out of Scully's life.

Separate Paths - Doctor C.

Rated Not Rated | 6K | Category SR | Archived 01-03-15
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Summary: What if Scully had become a doctor after the movie. Her encounter with someone from the past.

Separated - Kalynn

Rated PG | 20K | Category SA | Archived 98-07-02
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Mulder and Scully's thoughts after she leaves the X-Files.

Separation - Culverson, Danielle

Rated PG | 48K | Category SA | Archived 97-03-04
Summary: Mulder discovers to just what lengths he would go to stop his partner from being hurt.

Separation Anxiety - bfat

Rated G | 6K | Category VR | Archived 04-10-17
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Who you gonna call?

Separation Anxiety - Stone, Heather

Rated PG | 7K | Category VA | Archived 00-05-25
Spoilers: Tithonus

Separations - Donna

Rated NC-17 | 89K | Category SR | Archived 09-07-06
Spoilers: One Breath
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: When she was taken . . .

September - Wombat

Rated PG | 35K | Category | Archived 00-06-10
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Alternate universe.
Summary: A post FBI Mulder goes into the woods in search of his boss.

September 11, 2001 - Karen

Rated Not Rated | 7K | Category SA | Archived 01-10-17
Spoilers: Pilot
Summary: Lone Gunmen respond to the events of September 11, 2001

September 12, 2001 - dlynn

Rated PG | 15K | Category VRA | Archived 01-11-03
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.

September Heat - Miller, Scott

Rated R | 13K | Category SRH | Archived 96-09-28
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

September Puddles - Sprys, Laura

Rated G | 8K | Category | Archived 01-06-26
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Not even our illustrious Agent Scully can resist September puddles all the time.

September Rain - Glass November

Rated G | 4K | Category | Archived 02-06-10
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Will it ever end, this summer? Everyone I know here is dreaming of a rainy, cool November, and it's true. When a chill's in the air, you are more inclined to fall in love with someone.

Sequel of Obligation, The - Akilah

Rated NC-17 | 185K | Category C | Archived 03-10-15
Keywords: XF/The Sentinel crossover. Slash.
Summary: A brand new Sentinel is dropped into Blair's lap, just when he's become resigned to the fact that Jim can't give him what he needs.

Sequel, The - Georgia

Rated PG | 7K | Category | Archived 00-11-10
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: An alternate take on Requiem.

Sequelitis - Stormlantern

Rated Not Rated | 6K | Category SRH | Archived 08-07-03
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Seraphim - Tucker, Michele

Rated PG | 47K | Category SR | Archived 98-02-03
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully are brought to the forests of Vermont at Christmas time to investigate sightings of a celestial being, and they learn a few things about their relationship.

Serendipity - Nelson, J.

Rated G | 31K | Category V | Archived 99-08-09
Spoilers: Biogenesis
Summary: Scully ponders the events of Biogenesis before and during her flight to the Ivory Coast.

Serendipity - Schramm, Suzanne

Rated PG | 13K | Category | Archived 00-10-21
Spoilers: All Things
Summary: All roads lead to Hegel Place?

Serenia 01 - Apprentice - Ortega, Christina

Rated PG | 143K | Category SRA | Archived 02-11-16
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: Welcome to Serenia; a world that shows what a mystical Earth would be like in our time. Imagine the present Earth that included kingdoms, magic, and other types of things found only in storybooks. This, the first of a series, tells the tale of a man who finally becomes royalty and learns the pleasures and horrors that acceptance into the Serenian Kingdom bring.

Serenia 02 - Freedom - Ortega, Christina

Rated PG | 106K | Category SR | Archived 98-11-25
Keywords: Alternate universe. Character death.
Summary: Welcome to Serenia; a world that shows what a mystical Earth would be like in our time. Imagine the present Earth that includes kingdoms, magic, and other types of things found only in storybooks. This, the second in a series, tells of the cruelty of a nation to their enemies and how Serenia fought back against the oppression.

Serenissima - Edigo

Rated G | 10K | Category VA | Archived 00-08-24
Summary: 'Only this dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away.'

Serenity - Cole, Dream

Rated PG | 4K | Category VR | Archived 00-09-30
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder arrives home and admires Scully.

Serenity - Vanessa

Rated PG | 6K | Category VA | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Character death.
Summary: The Aftermath.

Serenity - Wilkes, Elaine

Rated PG | 5K | Category SA | Archived 99-01-21
Spoilers: Emily
Summary: Scully visits Emily's grave.

Serial Mishaps - Blair, Erin M. & Pattie

Rated PG | 13K | Category SHA | Archived 04-07-31
Summary: Mulder just can't seem to avoid a series of unfortunate medical problems, and a very high F.B.I. Hospital Insurance bill.

Serious - K., Cyndi

Rated PG | 2K | Category V | Archived 99-10-20
Spoilers: Triangle

Serious - Thorne, Tara

Rated PG | 38K | Category SR | Archived 96-12-30
Spoilers: Terma
Keywords: Scully/other romance.
Summary: Scully has been having an affair of sorts.

Serious Discussions - XFBabe

Rated Not Rated | 6K | Category | Archived 98-12-06
Spoilers: Season 5

Serious E-Mail - Howard, Sarah

Rated Not Rated | 15K | Category SRA | Archived 97-09-25
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully send several e-mail messages to each other after they have been separated. Mulder gets another phone call telling him that his mother has had another stroke in hospital and Mulder and Scully find their truth in the process.

Serious House on Serious Earth, A - Vodvarka, Jennifer A.

Rated G | 21K | Category V | Archived 95-07-17
Spoilers: Irresistible
Keywords: None.
Summary: Scully goes to church to find some peace.

Sermon - Hearne, David

Rated PG | 4K | Category | Archived 00-12-31
Spoilers: Miracle Man
Keywords: Post-episode.

Serpent Inside, The - Roper, Naomi

Rated NC-17 | 45K | Category SA | Archived 02-11-16
Summary: Mulder and Scully must conquer their deepest fears in order to battle with a brilliant psychopath.

Servare Vitas - XFBandit

Rated R | 22K | Category VRA | Archived 00-02-25
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Not summarized at author's request.

Serve and Return, Ad Infinitum - Balaban, Livia

Rated PG | 22K | Category SA | Archived 00-10-21
Spoilers: Je Souhaite
Summary: There are no shortcuts to great things.

Sesame Street Days 01 - Vbjess

Rated PG | 20K | Category VR | Archived 00-09-17
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sesame Street Days 02 - Vbjess

Rated PG | 4K | Category XR | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sesame Street Days 03 - Vbjess

Rated PG | 8K | Category XR | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Session, The - Leigh, Danielle

Rated Not Rated | 12K | Category | Archived 00-07-25
Spoilers: None
Summary: Take a few psychology classes, add a disgruntled FBI agent and stir.

Sessions - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated R | 89K | Category SRA | Archived 97-07-18
Spoilers: Demons
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st).

Set Adrift On A Memory Of Bliss - Gritton, Carol

Rated NC-17 | 5K | Category V | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: There's nothing left for Scully but memories of a special night.

Set in Stone - Maurer, Jennifer

Rated PG | 14K | Category SA | Archived 03-09-30
Spoilers: One Breath
Keywords: None.
Summary: Before he found her ova, before he was dying of a brain disease, there was another secret that Mulder kept from Scully. She's about to find out what it is.

Set Me Free - Geiger, Shelley

Rated G | 6K | Category SA | Archived 97-08-14
Spoilers: Gethsemane
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: When clearing out Mulder's appartment after the episode, Scully finds a letter.

Set Me Free 01 - Kim

Rated PG | 31K | Category SRA | Archived 99-02-15
Keywords: Mulder/other. Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder's getting married, and Scully's not too happy.

Set Me Free 02 - To Love You More - Kim

Rated PG | 52K | Category SRA | Archived 99-02-15
Summary: After a year of being away from Mulder, Scully has returned home, to face a past, and old demons.

Set Up - Agent Spooky

Rated PG | 8K | Category | Archived 02-06-28
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/other romance. Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder asks Scully for help. She helps him. But when things take an unexpected turn, who's going to help her?

Set-Ups - Donna & Thomas, Kristen

Rated NC-17 | 36K | Category SRA | Archived 00-09-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Rape.
Summary: What would it take to break these two up?

Setting The Record Straight - salliejohns

Rated PG | 5K | Category SR | Archived 06-01-31
Spoilers: Empedocles
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.
Summary: Mulder apologizes for being a jerk.

Setting the Record Straight 01 - B., Sara

Rated PG | 6K | Category | Archived 06-09-20
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: While visiting her family Scully decides to set the record straight with Bill.

Setting the Record Straight 02 - Conversation with Bill - B., Sara

Rated PG | 13K | Category | Archived 06-09-20
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: This story is a continuation of 'Setting the Record Straight' only this time it centers on the conversation between Mulder and Bill.

Setting the Record Straight 03 - Charles Has His Say - B., Sara

Rated R | 10K | Category SR | Archived 06-09-20
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Brother Charles has his say.

Settings - Jori

Rated PG | 4K | Category SH | Archived 98-12-06
Summary: Mulder and Scully go shopping for *gasp* china patterns

Seven Days - Scully3776

Rated PG | 12K | Category CH | Archived 03-07-26
Keywords: XF/The Ring crossover.
Summary: Mulder investigates an urban legend revolving around a mysterious video tape where the viewer dies seven days after watching it.

Seven Days in November - Ray, Brandon D.

Rated PG | 148K | Category CA | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: The Blessing Way
Keywords: XF/Seven Days In May crossover.
Summary: The second in an apparently continuing series as I attempt to salvage Bill Scully, jr's poor, pathetic soul.

Seven Days, Seven Sins - Valentine, Laura Jacquez

Rated R | 2K | Category SA | Archived 00-02-25
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Slash.
Summary: Skinner is all angsty.

Seven Famines and a Feast - EmGee

Rated R | 5K | Category SR | Archived 02-04-08
Spoilers: Nothing Important Happened Today
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Each day he starves a little more.

Seven Letters - Schoop, Lisa

Rated PG | 20K | Category SR | Archived 95-10-04
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Seven More Days - Pale The Chicken Slayer

Rated PG | 5K | Category | Archived 00-08-24
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Colonization. Character death.
Summary: I say, don't forget your keys in the morning. But we both know, our plans never work out.

Seven Pillared Wisdom - Rapture

Rated PG | 11K | Category VRA | Archived 00-05-11
Spoilers: The End
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder's thoughts in relation to the TE Lawrence book "Seven Pillars of Wisdom."

Seven Stages of Human Madness (1/6) - echonymph

Rated R | 121K | Category | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Triangle
Summary: The courtroom battle of the century that tests the legal system's boundaries is the case that broke all the rules. A single night of passion could ruin Mulder and Scully's relationship forever. The dam has broken, the lies come out, and everything they have built for themselves comes crashing down. Can they withstand the pressure? The situation changes and ebbs to the seven stages of human madness.

Seven Stages of Human Madness (2/6) - echonymph

Rated R | 140K | Category | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Triangle
Summary: See part one.

Seven Stages of Human Madness (3/6) - echonymph

Rated R | 109K | Category | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Triangle
Summary: See part one.

Seven Stages of Human Madness (4/6) - echonymph

Rated R | 120K | Category | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Triangle
Summary: See part one.

Seven Stages of Human Madness (5/6) - echonymph

Rated R | 118K | Category | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Triangle
Summary: See part one.

Seven Stages of Human Madness (6/6) - echonymph

Rated R | 186K | Category | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Triangle
Summary: See part one.

Seven Stars For Seven Others - Ighel, Rosemary

Rated PG | 27K | Category S | Archived 96-12-15
Spoilers: The Field Where I Died
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: This story resolves some of the inconsistencies I found in the episode. Features Pendrell.

Seven Year Itch - Campion, Rose

Rated R | 113K | Category CR | Archived 02-06-28
Keywords: XF/Queer as Folk crossover. Slash.
Summary: Mulder and Skinner have been living together for seven years in a small Indiana town when Mulder makes a trip to the big city of Pittsburgh.

Seven Year Itch - Schramm, Suzanne

Rated R | 36K | Category SR | Archived 99-11-27
Spoilers: Arcadia
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Another late night conversation as Mulder and Scully sort through their feelings.

Seven Year Itch, The - Agpama

Rated R | 53K | Category SR | Archived 00-03-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder goes on a long vacation to sort out his past in order to have a future with the one woman who has been loyal to him, while Scully makes a startling discovery about what Mulder's been hiding all this time. A little home improvement does the trick for both agent's unrequited sexual tension.

Seven Years - Kaufmann, Kathinka

Rated PG | 9K | Category SR | Archived 00-05-03
Spoilers: Triangle
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: An investigation with lethal consequences.

Seven Years - Taylor, Cara

Rated G | 13K | Category SR | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Millennium
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully wants more!

Seven Years - Traci

Rated PG | 16K | Category VA | Archived 00-11-10
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: Scully muses about her work on the x-files and how she has changed.

Seven Years in Denver - Lolabeegood

Rated R | 231K | Category SR | Archived 12-01-02
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Character death.
Summary: Dana Scully bumps into someone she knows very well after many years away.

Seven's a Crowd - Surreal

Rated Not Rated | 6K | Category | Archived 00-08-24

Seven-Year Itch - Tess

Rated R | 15K | Category SR | Archived 03-12-02
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Seventeen Hundred Dollars - Moseley, Vickie

Rated PG | 6K | Category SRH | Archived 00-10-31
Spoilers: Fight Club
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: All that gleaming metal just needed an explanation.

Seventeen Seconds - F., Becka

Rated G | 10K | Category V | Archived 02-02-13
Spoilers: Existence
Summary: Today's the day.

Seventeen Seconds - Perelandra

Rated PG | 7K | Category V | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future

Seventh Age, The (1/3) - Hearne, David

Rated R | 95K | Category | Archived 00-08-24
Keywords: Colonization.

Seventh Age, The (2/3) - Hearne, David

Rated R | 91K | Category | Archived 00-08-24
Keywords: Colonization.

Seventh Age, The (3/3) - Hearne, David

Rated R | 99K | Category | Archived 00-08-24
Keywords: Colonization.

Seventh Commandment, The - aka 'Jake'

Rated G | 3K | Category | Archived 03-09-30
Keywords: Pre-XF.
Summary: A conversation between Teena Mulder and Cigarette Smoking Man.

Seventh Day, The - Amatia

Rated PG | 7K | Category VA | Archived 99-07-09
Spoilers: One Breath
Summary: We always wondered how Scully ended up in the hospital in One Breath. Well, here is my explanation.

Seventh Extinction, The - Soleta

Rated R | 2K | Category | Archived 00-08-14

Seventh Son - Jess

Rated PG | 49K | Category XR | Archived 00-05-25
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate a man with the ability to cure infertility.

Seventh-Inning Stretch - Dianora

Rated PG | 4K | Category VR | Archived 00-02-25
Spoilers: The Unnatural
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Severance - Jei

Rated PG | 5K | Category VRA | Archived 00-02-25
Spoilers: One Son
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Severance Never In Hereafter - Jacobson, Erin

Rated G | 1K | Category VA | Archived 00-10-31
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: None.
Summary: The epitome of Mulder's and Scully's relationship in sonnet form.

Severed Yuletide - Atrocia

Rated R | 3K | Category VA | Archived 00-10-21
Spoilers: Christmas Carol
Keywords: None.
Summary: For personal reasons, Bill Scully Jr. is more disturbed by Scully's talk of Roberta Sim's possible suicide than he is willing to let on.

Sewer Side 01 - Hall, Will

Rated PG | 19K | Category CH | Archived 97-02-16
Keywords: XF/LAPD: Life on the Beat crossover.
Summary: Corn goddesses and toilet paper.

Sewer Side 02 - Hall, Will

Rated PG | 9K | Category | Archived 97-02-16
Summary: Mulder and Scully grow tired of sneaking around looking for clues to The Cigarette Smoking Man's identity, so they decide to take a more direct approach.

Sex and Candy - Blair, Patricia

Rated PG | 7K | Category SH | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: The Red and the Black
Keywords: None.
Summary: After Krycek leaves Mulder's apartment, Mulder does some daydreaming and singing, unaware that Scully's listening.

Sex Crimes - Rounder

Rated NC-17 | 33K | Category | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Fire
Keywords: Scully/other romance. Slash.
Summary: Scully and Phoebe Green have tea together and play some strange sexual games.

Sex File - Mistress of Taboob

Rated | 4K | Category | Archived 98-10-07

Sex Files - Angie

Rated Not Rated | 1K | Category | Archived 05-07-10

Sex Files, The, Volume I - Love at First Kill - GreenFish

Rated PG | 101K | Category XH | Archived 97-10-21
Spoilers: Pilot
Keywords: Holder/Holey UST. Parody
Summary: Agents Pot Holder and Donut Holey investigate their very first "Sex File" together.

Sex Happens - gillianinchains

Rated R | 18K | Category SRA | Archived 01-09-15
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Events that happen over a set period of time in which Mulder and Scully have slips of morality.

Sex Offenders - Mystic

Rated PG | 12K | Category VR | Archived 96-06-12
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully watch some videos together. Surprising things happen as a result of this...

Sex Type Thing - Satina & Kizzia, Shannon

Rated NC-17 | 141K | Category SA | Archived 03-10-15
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek sex. Rape.
Summary: I am, I am, I am, I said I wanna get next to you I said I'm gonna get close to you. You wouldn't want me hafta hurt ya too, hurt ya too.

Sex, Computers and Video Tape - S., Kelly

Rated R | 2K | Category SH | Archived 98-05-04
Spoilers: Kill Switch

Sex, Lies & Videotape - McClure, Amy

Rated NC-17 | 17K | Category | Archived 00-09-30
Spoilers: None

Sex, Lies and Videotape - Kino

Rated R | 92K | Category TR | Archived 96-07-08
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Conspiracy story.

Sex, Violence and Filling in the Gaps - Beduini

Rated R | 24K | Category | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: First Person Shooter
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A conversation goes slightly off topic.

Sex-Files, The - Han, Steven

Rated NC-17 | 43K | Category SR | Archived 95-04-17
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sexual Disorientation - Halrloprillalar

Rated R | 4K | Category S | Archived 98-01-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: A whimsical response to all the discussion about what kind of sexuality is in-character for Our Heroes.

Sexual Diversity in Chicago - haphazard method

Rated NC-17 | 29K | Category SR | Archived 00-10-21
Spoilers: Three of a Kind
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sexual Games - K., Ashleigh

Rated NC-17 | 13K | Category SR | Archived 01-07-17
Spoilers: Milagro
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sexual Healing - Rah

Rated NC-17 | 15K | Category | Archived 01-11-25
Spoilers: Vienen
Summary: After nearly four months of uncertainty, three more of grief, and this last seven weeks of undefined onfusion and frustration, I need this . . .

Sexual Re-invention of Special Agent D. Scully, The - Hayes, Maddie

Rated NC-17 | 30K | Category SR | Archived 00-06-30
Spoilers: Season 6

Sexual Subtext in 'Sleeping Beauty', The - shawntaw & Spouse

Rated NC-17 | 2K | Category | Archived 05-07-10
Summary: Sexual Subtext in what I thought was an unassuming story. My husband saw differently. You be the judge. This is what his Freudian mind saw.

Sexually Repressed Guide to Defining Forever (2/2) - Trixie

Rated NC-17 | 69K | Category SRHA | Archived 00-04-14
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Sexually Repressed Guide to Defining Forever, The (1/2) - Trixie

Rated NC-17 | 116K | Category SRHA | Archived 00-04-14
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully go to an island.

Sgraffito - Bradstreet, Sally

Rated PG | 6K | Category VR | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: Piper Maru
Keywords: Scully/Skinner.
Summary: Late one night, Scully reflects on Skinner's past.

Shaded Musings - Dean, A.

Rated PG | 6K | Category V | Archived 97-01-26
Summary: Scully sits alone with her thoughts while she waits for a suspect on a case.

Shades - DBKate

Rated PG | 4K | Category VA | Archived 09-07-06
Spoilers: None

Shades Between - Dreamshaper

Rated PG | 20K | Category VRA | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: Emily
Summary: Only one death had ever pulled her secrets so close to the light.

Shades of Ahab - Setmedic

Rated PG | 10K | Category V | Archived 98-10-31
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Summary: Scully delivers her letter of resignation to Skinner. Missing scene.

Shades of Betrayal - Roby, Sarah

Rated PG | 68K | Category CA | Archived 96-10-19
Keywords: XF/Red Shoe Diaries crossover. Character death.
Summary: A continuation of Lesley Graham's 'Last Chance', in which Scully must come to grips with Mulder's sudden death... but then a familiar face enters the picture. . .

Shades of Gray - Cottrell, Rory D.

Rated G | 51K | Category SA | Archived 95-04-29
Spoilers: Irresistible
Keywords: None.
Summary: Continuation of the episode.

Shades of Green - Post, Suzanna

Rated PG | 8K | Category VA | Archived 00-06-30
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: During a child homicide case, Mulder and Scully have a conversation in color.

Shades of Grey - Alexander, Diana

Rated PG | 3K | Category VR | Archived 97-02-05
Spoilers: Never Again
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder's realizations about both Scully and the direction the X-Files division is headed.

Shades of Grey - Stabler, Andie

Rated PG | 6K | Category | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: Roadrunners
Summary: Doggett tries to write up his field report outlining the events in Roadrunners.

Shades of Meaning - Tooms, Jenna

Rated R | 11K | Category S | Archived 98-12-06
Spoilers: Terma
Keywords: Scully/other.

Shades of Mediocrity - Stanton-Adams, Kathleen

Rated R | 7K | Category VA | Archived 00-05-25
Spoilers: None
Summary: There are many kinds of belonging.

Shades of Scarlett Conquering - Anton, Rachel

Rated R | 57K | Category | Archived 00-11-30
Keywords: Krycek/Marita.
Summary: More past ponderings and present predicaments for Boris and Natasha.

Shades of Similarity - De Luca, Cheryl

Rated Not Rated | 76K | Category | Archived 01-06-03
Spoilers: This is Not Happening
Summary: Scully is thrown into a situation where she is forced to come to Doggett for help.

Shades of the Heart - Earth

Rated G | 4K | Category VA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Sein und Zeit
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: There are always things left unsaid.

Shades of the Truth - Book 01 (1/3) - KTsBudgie & Starlet346

Rated R | 99K | Category XR | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: An encounter of the more personal kind can eventually lead to problems in the work place. Mulder and Scully have to deal with their decisions. An X-File thrown in for free.

Shades of the Truth - Book 01 (2/3) - KTsBudgie & Starlet346

Rated R | 105K | Category XR | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Shades of the Truth - Book 01 (3/3) - KTsBudgie & Starlet346

Rated R | 133K | Category XR | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Shades of the Truth Interlude - And Baby Makes Three - KTsBudgie & Starlet346

Rated PG | 82K | Category | Archived 99-07-16
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: An interlude in the Shades of the Truth universe. A marriage and a baby. Three days in the life of Moose and Squirrel's family.

Shadow 01 (1/2) - Castellano, Laura

Rated NC-17 | 87K | Category SRA | Archived 99-05-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Shadow 01 (2/2) - Castellano, Laura

Rated NC-17 | 108K | Category SRA | Archived 99-05-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Shadow 02 - Resurrection - Castellano, Laura

Rated NC-17 | 133K | Category SRA | Archived 99-05-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Shadow 03 - Haunting - Castellano, Laura

Rated NC-17 | 121K | Category SRA | Archived 99-05-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Shadow Crossing - Agnew, Denise A.

Rated PG | 23K | Category SA | Archived 98-05-04
Spoilers: Irresistible
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: After her encounter with Donnie Pfaster, Mulder tries to get Scully to face her feelings and to discuss the nature of evil.

Shadow Dance - Donnilee

Rated NC-17 | 34K | Category SR | Archived 02-03-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder's need for contact and to keep Scully close, leads to other realizations.

Shadow Dance - Vasaris

Rated NC-17 | 50K | Category XH | Archived 96-06-12
Summary: Death and lime Jell-O lead Mulder and Scully on an interesting case involving murder and aliens.

Shadow Dancing - Barringer, Susanne

Rated PG | 13K | Category V | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: All Things
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Post-episode.
Summary: A different perspective on the teaser and beyond.

Shadow Father - Tanja

Rated PG | 52K | Category SRA | Archived 00-05-25
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Shadow of His Wings, The - Marguerite

Rated PG | 6K | Category V | Archived 98-10-31
Spoilers: Redux II
Summary: Someone is watching Dana Scully at prayer.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Platonic Mulder/Scully Romance (1st), Outstanding Vignette (2nd).

Shadow of the Bat - Davenport, James C.

Rated | 117K | Category | Archived 95-04-17

Shadow of the MANBAT - EPurSeMouve & Armstrong, JHJ

Rated PG | 7K | Category SH | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: Patience
Keywords: Post-episode. Script format.
Summary: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of executive producers? The MANBAT knows.

Shadow of the Sword - Dreamshaper

Rated PG | 22K | Category SR | Archived 00-10-21
Spoilers: En Ami
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: She had been used before. She would be used again. Spender Sr. might not have realized that she had finally allowed herself to love Mulder, but he had known all along that his deceptive promises would drive a wedge between them, and he probably considered that a perfect reward for his efforts ...

Shadow of Truth, The - Shackleton, Michelle

Rated PG | 28K | Category SA | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: How dare he? How dare he still be alive?

Shadow on the Sand - Roman, Trent

Rated R | 70K | Category X | Archived 00-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate possible Chupucabra attacks in southern Texas.

Shadow People, The - Trycee

Rated PG | 121K | Category | Archived 11-05-10
Summary: Mulder and Scully have been on the run for a year in Mexico and into Belize. Scully starts to see something that frightens her and worries Mulder. Based on the real paranormal phenomenom of The Shadow People.

Shadow Self - Lisa

Rated PG | 8K | Category VA | Archived 99-07-09
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Scully engages in an unusual conversation with someone all too familiar.

Shadow Wife - Anton, Rachel

Rated NC-17 | 47K | Category | Archived 01-02-27
Keywords: Doggett/other.
Summary: Does anybody have fun on New Year's Eve?

Shadow, The - Whiting, Evie

Rated R | 93K | Category SRHA | Archived 00-01-14
Spoilers: The Rain King
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: As Mulder and Scully start a new chapter in their lives, and old and unwelcome presence threatens to spoil their happiness.

Shadowland - Pacquin

Rated R | 28K | Category SRA | Archived 02-12-08
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Sequel to 'Sugarland.' A year and a half later finds Mulder and Scully making a new life for themselves.

Shadowlands, The - dlynn

Rated NC-17 | 12K | Category SA | Archived 00-12-31
Spoilers: Roadrunners
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Semantics.

Shadowplay - B., Nicole

Rated R | 9K | Category VA | Archived 96-10-22
Spoilers: Talitha Cumi
Keywords: Pre-XF.
Summary: Why were The Cigarette Smoking Man and Mrs. Mulder talking to each other at the beginning of the episode?

Shadowplay - Xanthe

Rated NC-17 | 52K | Category SA | Archived 00-03-31
Spoilers: S.R. 819
Keywords: Skinner/Krycek. Slash.
Summary: Skinner wakes up to find he has a visitor, with an unusual request.

Shadows - dtg

Rated PG | 6K | Category V | Archived 01-05-15
Spoilers: Three Words
Keywords: Missing scene.

Shadows and Coolness - Blueswirl

Rated G | 5K | Category V | Archived 03-10-15
Spoilers: The Unnatural

Shadows and Light - Chait, Anna

Rated PG | 67K | Category SR | Archived 02-10-01
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: My ending, my way. No lost babies, no unfulfilled desires.

Shadows and Light - Gunn, Stephanie

Rated PG | 5K | Category SRA | Archived 99-05-28
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Character death.
Summary: Scully finds out too late the true extent of Mulder's feelings for her.

Shadows and Spite - lopsided weevil

Rated Not Rated | 32K | Category | Archived 00-07-25

Shadows At Night - Friday

Rated | 10K | Category | Archived 96-10-06
Spoilers: Wetwired

Shadows At Noon - Baker, Debra Fran

Rated PG | 3K | Category VRA | Archived 99-04-15
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Mulder/Krycek. Slash.
Summary: Two men meet at a bar in the Shadows.

Shadows Dancing - Dreamshaper

Rated PG | 16K | Category VA | Archived 00-07-25
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully.
Summary: You feel the guilt and the worry, Mulder, and they build in you till you panic. I've seen you do it a thousand times before

Shadows Entwined - Belle

Rated PG | 30K | Category VRA | Archived 01-07-31
Spoilers: All Things
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: But if in some dream there was brightness; if in some memory, some sort of sign; if flesh be revived in the shadows, blessed our bodies would lay so entwined. -- Sarah McLachlan, I Will Not Forget You.

Shadows Have Eyes, The - Foxglove

Rated R | 142K | Category SRA | Archived 05-09-25
Spoilers: Brand X
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Shadows in His Eyes, The - Hicks, Tara

Rated PG | 9K | Category VA | Archived 98-03-01
Spoilers: Pusher
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Scully is concerned about Mulder after their confrontation with Modell.

Shadows in Silence (1/3) - Hiding in the Light

Rated PG | 131K | Category XRHA | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Character death.
Summary: Mulder and Scully go undercover as bird-lovers to investigate a case located in one of the government's most beautiful national parks. What begins as routine almost instantly turns into a race against man playing God, the darkness of the past hidden in the Virginia mountains determined to break through the silence.

Shadows in Silence (2/3) - Hiding in the Light

Rated PG | 138K | Category XRHA | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Character death.
Summary: See part one.

Shadows in Silence (3/3) - Hiding in the Light

Rated PG | 136K | Category XRHA | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Character death.
Summary: See part one.

Shadows in the Dark - Brown, Kathleen

Rated PG | 11K | Category VA | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Summary: Scully seeks Mulder two weeks after the Date, only to discover it was she who was lost.

Shadows in the Night - Mystic

Rated PG | 7K | Category VA | Archived 96-06-28
Summary: Unable to sleep for fear of nightmares, Scully ponders the reasons why she sticks with Mulder and the X-Files.

Shadows in the Starlight - Northwood, Taffy

Rated NC-17 | 82K | Category SRA | Archived 04-11-18
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Getting together was the easy part. Making it work was harder than either of them imagined.

Shadows of Ashes - Anubis

Rated PG | 10K | Category V | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: En Ami
Keywords: None.
Summary: Is the price of betrayal calculable?

Shadows of Better Men 01 - Te

Rated R | 11K | Category | Archived 99-05-28
Spoilers: The Beginning
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: Alex thinks about Mulder.

Shadows of Better Men 02 - Unveiling - Te

Rated R | 10K | Category | Archived 99-05-28
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: Mulder wants to have a chat with Alex about a few things.

Shadows of Better Men 03 - Decisions - Te

Rated R | 8K | Category | Archived 99-05-28
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: Alex does a little more thinking.

Shadows of Better Men 04 - Mad Drift - Te

Rated R | 10K | Category | Archived 99-05-28
Spoilers: Dreamland II
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: Mulder... well, he does some thinking.

Shadows of Morning - Greer, Shawen A.

Rated G | 6K | Category SR | Archived 00-06-19
Spoilers: All Things
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully's further reflection of her life.

Shadows of the Past - Bare-Taylor, Marsha

Rated PG | 87K | Category SR | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Colonization.
Summary: What if Scully couldn't find Mulder? What if Bill decided to step in?

Shadows of the Past - Tanja

Rated PG | 39K | Category SRA | Archived 00-05-25
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A case brings back childhood memories Mulder doesn't want to confront.

Shadows of the Past - Tanja & R., Joey

Rated PG | 40K | Category SRA | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A case brings back childhood memories Mulder doesn't want to confront

Shadows of the Past 01 - Kleinsmith, Mary

Rated R | 11K | Category SA | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: Beyond the Sea
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Why Mulder seems to change his opinion about Bogg's psychic abilities, just at the same time as Scully regains her disbelief.

Shadows of the Past 02 - Kleinsmith, Mary

Rated PG | 28K | Category | Archived 00-10-10
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: A forgotten time in the partners' lives is remembered.

Shadows of the Things They Once Were - JayJay

Rated Not Rated | 13K | Category VRA | Archived 03-03-15
Spoilers: Three Words
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.
Summary: Nothing is the same anymore. Everything I relied on as my constants have changed, shifted, altered, distorted into shadows of the things they once were.

Shadows of Winter (1/3) - Lyn, Jaime

Rated NC-17 | 155K | Category | Archived 02-10-01
Spoilers: Season 9

Shadows of Winter (2/3) - Lyn, Jaime

Rated NC-17 | 148K | Category | Archived 02-10-01
Spoilers: Season 9

Shadows of Winter (3/3) - Lyn, Jaime

Rated NC-17 | 127K | Category | Archived 02-10-01
Spoilers: Season 9

Shadows Variation - So Are You - Te

Rated R | 9K | Category | Archived 99-05-28
Spoilers: Dreamland II
Summary: Alex tries to learn Mulder his philosophy.

Shadowstalker - thwaites, tj

Rated PG | 59K | Category XR | Archived 97-07-10
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: While on vacation in Montana, Mulder and Scully are tipped off about the site of a crashed UFO.

Please let us know of any mistakes or bad links you find. Be sure to mention that you are using the "Fluky" archive. Thanks!