Title: Sty - Sun

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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Style and Substance - Rain, Gina
Rated PG | 12K | Category SR | Archived 01-04-15
Spoilers: Hollywood A.D.
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: We interrupt the angst--for a simple tale of two agents experiencing the Hollywood nightlife.

Stylin' - Abel, Mary

Rated G | 5K | Category V | Archived 95-07-17
Spoilers: Dod Kalm
Keywords: None.
Summary: Conversations between two well-known FBI agents and their respective hairstylists.

Subaqueous - Melymbrosia

Rated PG | 6K | Category VR | Archived 00-07-25
Spoilers: All Things
Keywords: Post-episode.

Subarachnoid - Maurer, Jennifer

Rated PG | 12K | Category SA | Archived 07-12-31
Spoilers: Demons
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: 'You are taking a big risk, Mulder. I feel strongly about this.'

Subconscious Bond - Lisa

Rated NC-17 | 13K | Category SRA | Archived 98-09-13
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Subconscious Protection - Rudolf

Rated PG | 5K | Category SR | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: This is Not Happening
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Subconscious protection.

Subcutaneous 01 - Nicole, Maria

Rated PG | 149K | Category XA | Archived 00-06-10
Spoilers: Field Trip
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Lies, threats, drugs, implants, warehouses, nanotechnology, and spackling: just a usual day in the mytharc neighborhood.

Subcutaneous 02 - Splinter - Nicole, Maria

Rated PG | 90K | Category SA | Archived 00-07-10
Spoilers: Field Trip
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Recovery.

Subject Verb Agreement - Hope

Rated NC-17 | 24K | Category C | Archived 00-06-19
Keywords: XF/Homicide crossover. Mulder/other. Slash.

Subjugare Exsanguine (1/2) - Ripley, E.

Rated R | 153K | Category XRHA | Archived 99-04-15
Spoilers: Bad Blood
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Scully/other romance.
Summary: On the trail of some unexplained but very familiar events, Mulder and Scully are separated and Scully encounters an old "friend."

Subjugare Exsanguine (2/2) - Ripley, E.

Rated R | 136K | Category XRHA | Archived 99-04-15
Spoilers: Bad Blood
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Scully/other romance.
Summary: See part one.

Sublimation - Philiater

Rated PG | 7K | Category SRA | Archived 02-06-28
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Scully/Skinner romance. Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Sublimation (sub-lim-a'shun): In psychoanalysis, an unconscious defense mechanism in which unacceptable instinctual drives and wishes are modified into more personally and socially acceptable channels.

Submerged - Jssangel

Rated R | 16K | Category SR | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Where do babies come from? A possibility which addresses a loose end from an earlier season that CC is apparently going to ignore.

Submerged - Shoshana

Rated PG | 11K | Category VR | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: Millennium
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.

Submerged in the Present - Howell, Linda

Rated | 15K | Category S | Archived 98-07-24
Spoilers: Season 5
Summary: One man must wade through his present circumstances.

Submersion - Oracle

Rated PG | 18K | Category SA | Archived 03-09-30
Spoilers: Triangle
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: 'You know I'll always save you from drowning.' / 'You always do. You always keep my head above water.'

Subsiding Fears - Lisa

Rated PG | 6K | Category VRA | Archived 01-07-17
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: What happens when you can't hide any longer?

Subsistence - Wendai

Rated PG | 8K | Category SR | Archived 01-06-26
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: 'The truth we both know, but never share.'

Substance of Things Hoped For, The - Dawn (sunrise83)

Rated PG | 11K | Category VRA | Archived 04-07-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: 'Even an agnostic like me can believe in second chances, Scully. To atone for our mistakes. To get it right.'

Substitute - ScamBeliever

Rated PG | 58K | Category SR | Archived 01-10-17
Spoilers: Orison
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Mulder/other.
Summary: Mulder gets a normal life; he doesn't like it.

Substitute, The - DBKate

Rated PG | 19K | Category | Archived 09-07-06
Spoilers: Max

Substitutes (1/2) - Parsons, Sarah Ellen

Rated NC-17 | 92K | Category SRA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Scully/Krycek. Scully/Mulder.
Summary: Scully almost gets killed and decides to make some changes in her life.

Substitutes (2/2) - Parsons, Sarah Ellen

Rated NC-17 | 69K | Category SRA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Scully/Krycek. Scully/Mulder.
Summary: See part one.

Subterfuge (1/3) - Xanthe

Rated NC-17 | 144K | Category | Archived 00-03-31
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Slash.
Summary: Mulder and Skinner go undercover in the gay/BDSM underworld in order to investigate a spate of murders, and in the process discover their own true selves.

Subterfuge (2/3) - Xanthe

Rated NC-17 | 145K | Category | Archived 00-03-31
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Slash.
Summary: See part one.

Subterfuge (3/3) - Xanthe

Rated NC-17 | 144K | Category | Archived 00-03-31
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Slash.
Summary: See part one.

Subtext - stellar_dust

Rated PG | 1K | Category SR | Archived 04-12-31
Spoilers: Nothing Important Happened Today
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Moving on Mulder's last day.

Subtext - Year One - Ray, Brandon D. & Trixie

Rated PG | 96K | Category SRA | Archived 99-09-10
Spoilers: Season 1
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: A series of paired vignettes in which we attempt to track a romantic relationship between Mulder & Scully, starting very early in their partnership.

Subtle - Crimson X

Rated NC-17 | 6K | Category VR | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Pure smut.

Subtle Shades of Blue - KatyBlue

Rated PG | 32K | Category SRA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Subtle Tears - RedDoggX

Rated PG | 19K | Category V | Archived 99-08-09
Spoilers: S.R. 819
Summary: Sequel to "Something Will Always Go Wrong". A guide of another typical day in the office life of Dana Scully. With typical zest in his search for the Truth, Mulder will forget an important date.

Subway - Sun, J. C.

Rated PG | 5K | Category VRA | Archived 00-07-25
Summary: The other meaning of MTA.

Subway Sonata - F., Theresa

Rated PG | 96K | Category X | Archived 00-10-31
Spoilers: Hungry
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: The agents go to New York City in the late fall of 1999, working a case on multiple suicides. Witnesses, victims and investigators all confront the significance of their lives once presented with the threat of losing it. If you get a second chance to change your life, do you take it?

Successful Spies Apparently Don't Have Baby Sisters - aka 'Jake'

Rated G | 3K | Category | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Pre-XF.
Summary: Christmas Eve, 1972.

Succubus - Teall1

Rated NC-17 | 23K | Category S | Archived 96-06-12
Keywords: Mulder/other.
Summary: Just a little story of fun-type smut, concerning Mulder and an entity who is hell-bent on possessing Mulder and his... er... body...

Succumbing - ArtemisX5

Rated NC-17 | 15K | Category SRA | Archived 02-06-28
Spoilers: Hollywood A.D.
Keywords: Post-episode. Mulder/Scully romance.

Such a Good Boy - Tesla

Rated G | 2K | Category V | Archived 02-06-10
Spoilers: William

Suck on This - Hearne, David

Rated PG | 11K | Category | Archived 00-10-21
Spoilers: Brand X
Keywords: Post-episode.

Suck This, Mr. Johnson - LostinOblivion

Rated PG | 30K | Category SRHA | Archived 10-01-03
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-series. Colonization. Character death.
Summary: Mulder considers his conversation with Ellen Adderly, and its implications.

Sucker Bet - Barringer, Susanne

Rated PG | 9K | Category V | Archived 01-11-03
Spoilers: Empedocles
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: I imagine there's one thing to which Doggett had a hard time adjusting after Mulder's return.

Sudden Appearance - Verhaegh, Ron

Rated G | 1K | Category C | Archived 00-05-03
Spoilers: None
Keywords: XF/ST:TNG crossover.
Summary: Study of the 20th century.

Sudden Change, A - dayflow

Rated G | 11K | Category SR | Archived 98-05-04
Spoilers: Travelers
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully finds Mulder's wedding ring...

Sudden Encounters (1/3) - Walker, Esther

Rated PG | 68K | Category XRA | Archived 96-10-04
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully travel to California to visit an old friend of Scully's and investigate strange things that have been happening with her daughter's Brownie Troop. While there, Mulder suffers both physically and emotionally and an unexpected romance occurs between the agents.

Sudden Encounters (2/3) - Walker, Esther

Rated PG | 87K | Category XRA | Archived 96-10-04
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Sudden Encounters (3/3) - Walker, Esther

Rated PG | 94K | Category XRA | Archived 96-10-04
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Sudden Gift of Fate, A - Rhiannon

Rated PG | 86K | Category SRA | Archived 97-04-07
Spoilers: Leonard Betts
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully, Mulder deal with the consequences of the her cancer.

Sudden Truth - Lady Grygon

Rated Not Rated | 1K | Category | Archived 00-11-10

Suddenly Fallen - McCoy, Kim

Rated NC-17 | 63K | Category TR | Archived 98-12-06
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully return to work with Dallas behind them, both pretending nothing ever happened in that hallway. Then tragedy strikes, and they both realize how they can't hide what is obvious. Time can be, so very short.

Suffer the Children - MJ

Rated Not Rated | 28K | Category | Archived 99-02-15

Suffer the Children - TrueBlueStef

Rated PG | 2K | Category VA | Archived 02-06-10
Spoilers: Release
Keywords: Missing scene.
Summary: Follmer comes to a realization.

Sufferin' Cyberslash - Stormlantern

Rated Not Rated | 4K | Category SRH | Archived 03-12-31
Spoilers: The X-Files: Fight the Future
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sufferin' Cyberslash! - Hester

Rated | 4K | Category | Archived 98-10-17

Suffering Fools - Foster, Sam

Rated R | 16K | Category V | Archived 01-08-26
Spoilers: Drive
Summary: A Scully rant.

Suffice - Savy

Rated R | 9K | Category SRA | Archived 98-10-07
Spoilers: The End
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Sequel to "Convenient".

Sufficiency - Flutesong

Rated NC-17 | 166K | Category | Archived 07-07-01
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek romnace. Slash.
Summary: Adventures and a hard won relationship.

Suffusion - Brighid

Rated R | 9K | Category VA | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: The Red and the Black
Keywords: Slash. Character death.
Summary: Moonlight can be most revealing; Kryeck and Mulder have unfinished business.

Sugar-Induced Psychosis, The - Awesomo Fox (A. Lalad)

Rated PG | 14K | Category SH | Archived 00-09-30
Spoilers: None
Summary: Mulder rediscovers the wonderful world of candy.

Sugarland - Pacquin

Rated R | 23K | Category SRA | Archived 02-06-28
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Scully struggles with her choice; Mulder gives her another one.

Sui Generis (1/2) - Kerttu

Rated R | 121K | Category SR | Archived 04-07-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder had believed in extreme possibilities all his life. Now he has to live with them. Two of them.

Sui Generis (2/2) - Kerttu

Rated R | 121K | Category SR | Archived 04-07-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Suicidal Fish, The - Te

Rated PG | 12K | Category S | Archived 98-10-07
Spoilers: Gethsemane
Summary: Mulder's thoughts after the suicide of his pet fish.

Suicide Is Painless - joevan

Rated PG | 9K | Category VA | Archived 99-09-10
Summary: Mulder makes a mistake and it may cost him everything - including his own life - by his own hand.

Suicide Kills - Zoe

Rated PG | 8K | Category | Archived 97-10-21
Spoilers: Gethsemane
Keywords: Character death.
Summary: Takes place after Mulder's suicide.

Suicide Letter - Rabey, Melissa

Rated PG | 14K | Category VA | Archived 97-09-25
Spoilers: Gethsemane

Suicide, The - Chauser

Rated R | 2K | Category VA | Archived 98-07-02
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Character death.
Summary: Title says it all. Be prepared.

Suit of Armor - legal_alien

Rated PG | 7K | Category VA | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: One Son
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Scully learns that Fowley didn't die in the fire, and now she has to tell Mulder. That is not a move to be made unprepared, though.

Suitcase for the Moon, A - Snark

Rated PG | 26K | Category SRA | Archived 00-12-31
Spoilers: Without
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Scully/Skinner friendship.
Summary: The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, / Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, / Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods; / For nothing now can ever come to any good. -- W.H. Auden

Suits of Deception - Decaire, Michael W.

Rated PG | 20K | Category | Archived 95-08-03
Summary: Mulder and St. George investigate an anonymous message to Mulder about Hanger 18 and his sister.

Sullen Afternoon - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 2K | Category SRA | Archived 06-01-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: While in the ninth month of pregnancy, Scully is having a bad afternoon. Will her day get better or worse?

Sullen Girl, The - Kane, Ingrid

Rated R | 33K | Category SR | Archived 97-08-08
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/other romance.
Summary: Mulder meets a troubled young woman, in whom he can see something of himself.

Sum and Substance - Katchat

Rated G | 4K | Category VR | Archived 03-08-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.
Summary: 'But then again, a miracle wouldn't be a miracle without beating all the odds.'

Sum of my Tomorrows, The - xgirl

Rated PG | 60K | Category SA | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: As he lies in a state of suspended animation, Mulder gets a vision of a future that involves Samantha.

Sum of the Truth, The - Meredith

Rated PG | 6K | Category VA | Archived 97-05-05
Spoilers: Zero Sum
Summary: Mulder ponders the implications of Skinner's actions and his own lack of action.

Sumariar - Kerkhof, Kirsten

Rated PG | 12K | Category VH | Archived 01-04-30
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: On the night of their first anniversary, Scully finds herself in a diner with only strangers for company.

Summer Afternoon - Ms. Caliban

Rated G | 12K | Category S | Archived 95-05-12
Keywords: Pre-XF.
Summary: During a visit to the beach, a very young Scully decides to attempt the climb up a sand dune and makes a couple of friends along the way.

Summer Afternoon - Sedai, Ana

Rated PG | 11K | Category SR | Archived 02-06-28
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully need a little cooling off . . .

Summer Breeze - Waitt-Firkey, Valerie

Rated PG | 9K | Category VR | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully's thoughts in the days following Mulder's disappearance.

Summer Camp - Kelly

Rated NC-17 | 83K | Category SR | Archived 02-06-28
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Pre-XF.
Summary: Fifteen-year-old Dana Scully goes to summer camp and meets Fox Mulder, a seventeen year old counselor. Years later the two, now F.B.I. agents, meet while they are assigned to the X-files.

Summer Camp - Krueger, Mandi

Rated PG | 5K | Category | Archived 99-09-24
Keywords: Pre-XF. Alternate universe.
Summary: The whole x-files gang meets in summer camp.

Summer Camp - Leek, Janelle

Rated PG | 6K | Category S | Archived 97-10-04
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Danista goes to summer camp for the first time and discovers the secret, hidden by the camp lifeguard, Spooky.

Summer Day At the Beach, A - Johnson, Caroline

Rated G | 7K | Category SRH | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully spend a romantic day at the beach.

Summer Filing - The Bostonian Bitches

Rated PG | 6K | Category | Archived 01-04-30
Summary: It is hot in D.C. and Mulder is bored. Scully is filing and the radio is on.

Summer Heat - Mae, Sydney

Rated PG | 9K | Category | Archived 00-06-10
Spoilers: None

Summer House - Manik

Rated R | 9K | Category V | Archived 98-09-13
Spoilers: Season 4
Keywords: Cancerman/Teena Mulder.
Summary: Down through the years, a dark love twists the lives of the innocent and guilty.

Summer in the Snow (1/2) - Brinson

Rated R | 113K | Category TA | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: Max
Summary: What if Pendrell didn't die?

Summer in the Snow (2/2) - Brinson

Rated R | 114K | Category TA | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: Max
Summary: See part one.

Summer Love - Joey & Tanja

Rated PG | 41K | Category SR | Archived 00-05-25
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Pre-XF.
Summary: Summer love during a holiday in California. Or is it more than just summer love?

Summer Love - Mulderslady

Rated R | 60K | Category SRA | Archived 00-09-30
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: It's the Summer of '77 when a 16 year old Fox Mulder meets the Love of his life.

Summer Man, The - JourneyToX

Rated R | 24K | Category | Archived 98-12-15
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Skinner/other.
Summary: An island, some memories, animals, margaritas, stars, and Skinner.

Summer of '79 - Deepblue21

Rated PG | 81K | Category SRA | Archived 97-08-08
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Pre-XF.
Summary: Mulder is 18 and Scully is 15. A chance meeting takes place on Martha's Vineyard where the Scully family is vacationing, and Fox is visiting his father before going off to college. They have an innocent summer romance, but fate pulls them apart (for now).

Summer of '79 - Sarah

Rated NC-17 | 17K | Category | Archived 00-10-10
Keywords: Mulder/other. Slash. Pre-XF.
Summary: Fox Mulder is 17 and kisses a boy for the first time.

Summer Rain - Snark

Rated PG | 19K | Category SRH | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Sometimes, you *shouldn't* know enough to come in out of the rain.

Summer Rain - XScout

Rated PG | 8K | Category VA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Character death.
Summary: It's nights like these that stay with you forever.

Summer Rain 01 - QueeQueg, Sara

Rated NC-17 | 14K | Category SR | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: What would happen if you had a love potion and you were a vampire? Mulder and Scully find out what the government has been doing with DNA taken from people without their knowledge or consent.

Summer Rain 02 - Kiss of Desire - QueeQueg, Sara

Rated R | 5K | Category SR | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: The plot thickens. Sequel to "Summer Rain."

Summer Rain 03 - Master Sam - QueeQueg, Sara

Rated R | 9K | Category SR | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Conclusion. Sequel to "Summer Rain II - Kiss of Desire."

Summer Remembered - Koke, Cherry

Rated PG | 30K | Category | Archived 00-09-17
Spoilers: Triangle
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Pre-XF.
Summary: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully meet before the X-Files while on vacation and an intresting bond forms.

Summer Solstice - Robin

Rated R | 50K | Category TRA | Archived 96-11-11
Keywords: Skinner/other romance.
Summary: Skinner meets a mysterious woman who isn't what she seems.

Summer Weekend at Maggie's - Mary

Rated G | 32K | Category SRH | Archived 02-01-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Imagine the Mulder family, Will included, spending a summer weekend at Maggie Scully's house. Add Charlie Scully as a bonus.

Summer Weekend at Maggie's 02 - Mary

Rated G | 18K | Category SRH | Archived 04-11-18
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: The Mulders enjoy the last day of the weekend at Maggie's.

Summer Weekend Getaway - Scullystar

Rated R | 54K | Category SR | Archived 00-06-10
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: Mulder invites Scully and her adopted daughter to his aunt's summer home for a long weekend sensing Scully needs some time to get away from work and spend time with her daughter. Romance soon follows for the two agents much to the delight of Scully's daughter and Mulder's aunt.

Summer's Breeze, A - Gillian

Rated NC-17 | 3K | Category | Archived 99-09-24
Keywords: None.

Summer's End - laurel

Rated PG | 4K | Category SR | Archived 03-10-31
Keywords: Slash.
Summary: The boys soak in the summer sun's last rays.

Summer's Lease 01 - June - Ray, Brandon D.

Rated NC-17 | 76K | Category SRA | Archived 00-05-03
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Why is it that whenever things seem to be going *really* well, something has to go wrong?

Summer's Lease 02 - July - Ray, Brandon D.

Rated NC-17 | 92K | Category SRA | Archived 00-05-03
Spoilers: The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Scully/other.
Summary: Scully's past comes back to bite her in the ass.

Summer's Lease 03 - August - Ray, Brandon D.

Rated NC-17 | 66K | Category SRA | Archived 00-05-11
Spoilers: Tithonus
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Scully/other.
Summary: A man from Scully's past resurfaces, just at the wrong moment.

Summertime - Leigh, Christine

Rated G | 6K | Category V | Archived 05-09-25
Spoilers: None
Summary: Conversation upon a summer afternoon.

Summertime - Tea, Pennyroyal

Rated R | 4K | Category SR | Archived 99-10-20
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully cool off on a hot night.

Summertime Blues - W., Angela

Rated PG | 28K | Category SR | Archived 99-09-10
Spoilers: Season 6
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully springs Mulder from the psych ward, then they go to New England and make some decisions about their personal and professional lives.

Summit - Abel, Kris

Rated PG | 6K | Category VR | Archived 96-10-11
Spoilers: Talitha Cumi
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Set in the future. Mulder and Scully look back and discuss whether or not it was worth all the pain to get to where they are...

Summons - Warshaw, Leah

Rated G | 35K | Category X | Archived 95-04-18
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: A young girl's experimental seance goes awry, bringing Mulder and Scully in to investigate.

Sun - Leighcia

Rated G | 2K | Category VA | Archived 99-01-21
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Summary: Scully's thoughts on death.

Sun Among the Shadows - Parnell, Tammy M.

Rated PG | 8K | Category S | Archived 97-06-06
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Mulder and Scully's investigation of a case takes an unusual turn.

Sun and Moon - Gramlich, Debbie

Rated NC-17 | 47K | Category SR | Archived 96-09-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sun and Shade - Vincent, Amy

Rated PG | 27K | Category SRA | Archived 95-06-26
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: After The Cigarette Smoking Man wins his greatest victory over Mulder and Scully, they are left with a terrible choice -- and their decision brings a long-hidden secret to light.

Sun Behind the Clouds - Severini, Olivia

Rated PG | 62K | Category XA | Archived 97-11-26
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: A search for true friendship.

Sun Line - Kshar

Rated G | 7K | Category V | Archived 00-11-30
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Red sky at night.

Sun Reminds Him, The - Adams, Kim

Rated G | 6K | Category VA | Archived 96-12-24
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder's thoughts of Scully as he watches the sun come up.
Nominated for 1996 Starbuck for Best Short Story.

Sun will Rise Tomorrow, The - Lady, Mel X

Rated PG | 7K | Category | Archived 00-07-10
Spoilers: None
Summary: Scully has has a secret meeting with a mystery man.

Sun-Kissed - Mish

Rated NC-17 | 16K | Category SR | Archived 05-02-28
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A little beach fantasy for a cold winter's day.

Sunburn - joan the english chick

Rated PG | 7K | Category SR | Archived 96-09-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder causes Scully pain yet again... and she forgives him.

Sunday - Diadem

Rated G | 9K | Category VH | Archived 00-06-30
Spoilers: None
Summary: The Furby Saga continues. And ends.

Sunday - Farrell, Anne-Marie

Rated PG | 5K | Category V | Archived 99-11-27
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sunday - Gamble, Pam

Rated PG | 6K | Category | Archived 00-08-07
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sunday - Lolabeegood

Rated R | 7K | Category S | Archived 12-01-02
Keywords: Post-series.
Summary: A day in the the life of Fox Mulder while living in long-term isolation.

Sunday - MissX

Rated G | 22K | Category SR | Archived 00-05-11
Spoilers: Triangle
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully meets a woman on a cafe and they start talking.

Sunday - Terma99

Rated R | 17K | Category VH | Archived 99-01-21
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: After a long weekend of frantic lovemaking, our favorite pair of agents discuss the results.

Sunday Afternoon - Palinurus

Rated NC-17 | 6K | Category | Archived 99-04-15
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek. Slash.

Sunday Dinner - Macspooky

Rated PG | 15K | Category S | Archived 96-11-27
Summary: Mulder knocks on his partner's door and is invited to dinner with her mother and father.

Sunday Goodbyes - kim1013

Rated PG | 7K | Category SA | Archived 01-02-04
Keywords: Scully/Skinner friendship. Alternate universe.
Summary: Saying good-bye to an old friend.

Sunday Matinee - Verona

Rated PG | 3K | Category VA | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: None
Summary: Mulder's gone. Scully's pissed, and depressed, and a little drunk.She goes of on the idea of 'what would it be like' while 'talking' to Mulder.

Sunday Morning - Alison

Rated NC-17 | 11K | Category | Archived 02-07-31
Keywords: Langly/Byers sex. Slash.
Summary: The boys, doing what people do on Sunday morning.

Sunday Morning - Martin, Sheryl

Rated G | 17K | Category S | Archived 96-05-06
Summary: A lazy day and a lazy time to talk... not much of a plot, eh?

Sunday Morning - Randi

Rated PG | 14K | Category | Archived 00-02-25
Spoilers: The Unnatural
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Next day, after Scully's late birthday gift, she gets a surprise and not necessarily what she was expecting from Mulder.

Sunday Mornings - Tiffany

Rated PG | 8K | Category SR | Archived 99-07-09
Spoilers: Small Potatoes
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully and Mulder's first real day as a couple is spent with Mulder's mom.

Sunday Night's My Favorite - Ruganni, Kim

Rated NC-17 | 3K | Category SR | Archived 99-10-20
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully.

Sundays at Nine - Bradley, Fiona

Rated G | 7K | Category VH | Archived 97-11-03
Spoilers: Small Potatoes
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Scully thinks that things are about to happen with Mulder, but he has other ideas. Reality and fiction fuse with another near-miss on Scully's couch.

Sundered Monsters - syn

Rated PG | 8K | Category VA | Archived 98-06-08
Spoilers: Folie a Deux
Summary: Post-episode vignette.

Sundown - DBKate

Rated R | 8K | Category | Archived 09-07-06
Spoilers: The Red and the Black
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek sex. Slash.

Sunflower Seed - Invisigoth421

Rated PG | 6K | Category VR | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully writes in her journal about her fantasy of being one of Mulder's sunflower seeds.

Sunflower Seeds - dafnap

Rated PG | 6K | Category SR | Archived 99-03-10
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully and Mulder separate, not another blowout story.

Sunflower Seeds - Donna

Rated NC-17 | 7K | Category SR | Archived 02-08-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sunflower Seeds - pdb

Rated PG | 5K | Category SRH | Archived 04-07-31

Sunflowers - Juniper

Rated PG | 41K | Category SR | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: How do you live after you've accepted the inevitability of your death? Plus, glamorous evening wear!

Sunlight and Moonlight - Sandee

Rated PG | 3K | Category SH | Archived 01-02-04
Spoilers: None
Summary: Scully's just given birth. And Mulder isn't there.

Sunny Day - Lisa

Rated PG | 2K | Category SR | Archived 08-10-14
Spoilers: X-Files Movie 2
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder convinces Scully to do something fun.

Sunny Day, The - Kate

Rated PG | 6K | Category | Archived 00-09-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Character death.

Sunny Side Up - Fab4

Rated PG | 6K | Category | Archived 00-09-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully have fun in Hawaii after a stressful case.

Sunnydale CA - Heidiwax

Rated PG | 98K | Category CRH | Archived 01-03-15
Keywords: XF/Buffy crossover. Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder and Scully arrive in Sunnydale to checkout some unusual weather patterns and stumble upon more than they bargain for.

Sunrise - Lee, Henry

Rated G | 17K | Category VR | Archived 95-10-24
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Waking to a picturesque morning, Mulder and Scully share a momentary sense of fulfillment in their feelings.

Sunrise - Taylor, Cara

Rated PG | 14K | Category SR | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: Dreamland II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder is in love.

Sunrise Sunset - Burnham, Julie

Rated G | 3K | Category SRA | Archived 97-11-26
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A look back across Mulder and Scully's lifetimes and some interesting revelations about what The Cigarette Smoking Man had to do with Scully as she grew up.

Suns and Lovers - winter baby

Rated PG | 13K | Category SRA | Archived 02-07-31
Spoilers: Existence
Keywords: Krycek/Marita romance.
Summary: exhausted and cold / she's not ready to go / but the ghost on the phone / helps her safely into her dream

Sunset - Foxsong

Rated G | 13K | Category | Archived 00-06-10
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: Just a day in the life, as, in the end, Mulder finds absolution.

Sunset - Frohike

Rated Not Rated | 2K | Category | Archived 00-10-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Byers/other romance.

Sunset And Moonlight - Lebeedo

Rated R | 9K | Category VR | Archived 99-07-16
Keywords: Mulder/other romance.
Summary: What if Fox Mulder and Marita Covarubbias had fallen in love?

Sunset Drive - Me

Rated PG | 8K | Category | Archived 00-01-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder and Scully are on a sunset drive. They start talking and come to a realization.

Sunset Visitation - mountainphile

Rated NC-17 | 5K | Category VR | Archived 01-04-15
Spoilers: This is Not Happening
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Her pregnant body beckons to him.

Sunshine - Flutesong

Rated R | 10K | Category | Archived 04-07-31
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek romance. Slash.
Summary: Mulder and Krycek 'find' each other.

Sunshine - RocketMan

Rated G | 5K | Category SR | Archived 97-09-02
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Sunshine Day - DM

Rated PG | 9K | Category SR | Archived 00-12-31
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: The rise and fall of his chest was intoxicating, hypnotizing. She would be content to lie there for eternity, just watching him breathe. To have him back was, to say the least, a miracle, one she would never take for granted.

Sunshine Therapy - KMA2106

Rated G | 4K | Category | Archived 06-12-24
Summary: Lying on the sand usually made it better, but today was the exception.

Sunshine's Tape - Michele

Rated PG | 19K | Category SHA | Archived 98-10-07
Spoilers: The Red and the Black
Keywords: Scully/Skinner UST.
Summary: This story was born out of a fit of giggles triggered by the following line from Assistant Director Skinner: "I, uh, reviewed the tape of the session as you requested. I have to say I wasn't prepared for what I heard on this."

Please let us know of any mistakes or bad links you find. Be sure to mention that you are using the "Fluky" archive. Thanks!