Title: Eli - Enc

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Eli, Eli - Marguerite
Rated R | 44K | Category | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: How do you pick up the pieces when the pieces have disappeared?

Elisabeth de Ma Jeunesse - Antulov, Dragan

Rated PG | 15K | Category VR | Archived 00-04-14
Spoilers: Kitsunegari
Keywords: Pre-XF.
Summary: Young Deep Throat discovers something unusual in the woods.

Eliza - Scott, Rainee

Rated G | 4K | Category VRH | Archived 00-10-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: The Dateless Wonder is out for romantic advice -- and, in true Mulder fashion, goes to the least reliable source available.

Elizabeth Ann - Bartholomew, Christine

Rated G | 24K | Category SR | Archived 00-11-10
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Elizabeth's Diary - MissSataAndres

Rated PG | 5K | Category | Archived 07-10-01
Keywords: Post-series.
Summary: A conversation on the grass about working at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Ellen - Fine Arts - MystPhile

Rated R | 24K | Category SRH | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: Bad Blood
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully and Mulder visit an art exhibition of male nudes.

Ellen - Fire and Ice - MystPhile

Rated PG | 23K | Category SA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: How a smart doctor like Scully had her ova stolen in early season two and didn't find out until season five.

Ellen - Frank Talk - MystPhile

Rated R | 16K | Category VRA | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: Millennium
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Scully visits her friend Ellen on New Year's Day. Mulder makes an appearance.

Ellen - Lady Lazarus - MystPhile

Rated PG | 17K | Category VA | Archived 00-08-07
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Scully talks to her old friend Ellen (Jersey Devil) after Redux II.

Ellen - Naked Truths - MystPhile

Rated R | 22K | Category VH | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: Bad Blood
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: Scully discusses art and life with her friend Ellen, and later Mulder.

Ellen - Scully's Choice - MystPhile

Rated PG | 15K | Category SR | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: The Goldberg Variation
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Scully discusses luck and fate with her friend Ellen and with Mulder.

Elliptical Orbits - Flutesong

Rated NC-17 | 29K | Category SA | Archived 04-01-31
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek sex. Slash.

Elmo - An X-Files Romance - Catwoman

Rated | 33K | Category | Archived 98-01-14
Spoilers: Christmas Carol
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully calls Mulder in a fit of indecision, again, and loses her nerve, again. But this time, Mulder's not letting her 'off the hook.'

Eloigne Coeurs (Distant Hearts) - Vierra, Revlon

Rated R | 61K | Category | Archived 98-06-08
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder and Scully try to help their daughter adjust to their divorce, only to confront the scariest thing ever...their daughter's mortality.

Eloin - Gisby, Annette

Rated R | 121K | Category TR | Archived 00-04-14
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

ELS (01/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 140K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder ditches Scully yet again, and she puts her foot down regarding his treatment of her. The events that occur have serious implications on the future of the X-Files Division and their partnership.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (02/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 130K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (03/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 125K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (04/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 134K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (05/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 106K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (06/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 133K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (07/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 128K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (08/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 138K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (09/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 148K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

ELS (10/10) - Rambo, Dawson E.

Rated NC-17 | 142K | Category SRA | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Season 5
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.
1998 Spookys Winner: Outstanding Author (1st), Outstanding X-File (1st), Outstanding Original Villain (Mark Dupree) (2nd), Most Carteresque (2nd), Outstanding Long Story (2nd).

Elsewhere - RocketMan

Rated Not Rated | 21K | Category | Archived 00-10-21

Elsewhere, More Brightness - TJ

Rated G | 6K | Category VRA | Archived 01-07-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully goes home after Mulder's funeral.

Elusive - Jemirah

Rated Not Rated | 2K | Category SA | Archived 01-06-26
Spoilers: None

Elusive Scent of Lilacs, The - Blackwood

Rated PG | 26K | Category SRA | Archived 03-08-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Rarity does tend to enhance the value of that which is desired, but withheld.

Elvery - Leigh, Christine

Rated G | 6K | Category V | Archived 04-12-31
Spoilers: None
Summary: Christmas tree shopping.

Elvis - Rhett, Gillian

Rated G | 15K | Category SH | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: Never Again
Summary: Elvis is alive!

Elvis - RocketMan

Rated PG | 7K | Category SR | Archived 97-09-16
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder convinces Scully to go with him to Graceland.

Elvis and the Aliens - Williams, Olivia

Rated G | 6K | Category SRH | Archived 97-04-28
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: One of those 'closing down the X-Files' scenes...

Elvis Has a Bad Saturday Night - Beloved

Rated PG | 17K | Category SRH | Archived 98-02-03
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder's listening to Meredith Brooks, Scully's listening to Sheryl Crow. Can love cross the great divide? Elvis the goldfish certainly hopes so...

Elvis Lives! - Juliet906

Rated | 31K | Category | Archived 98-01-14
Spoilers: Never Again

Elvis Presley and the Tropical Castle of Death - Campbell, Dave

Rated PG | 23K | Category C | Archived 01-03-15
Spoilers: None
Summary: Tired of the burdonsome fame that has plagued him for twenty years Elvis Presley has faked his death. Wanting nothing more than to live peacefully on his own personal remote tropical island. But when various deaths hinder Elvis' retirement Fox Mulder comes to investigate.

Elvis Wars - Wartenberg, Paul

Rated PG | 57K | Category XH | Archived 95-06-02
Summary: Mulder and Scully uncover a group of aliens among the Three Elvis Tribes. Throw in a mysterious rock star look-alike and an unlikely love interest for Mulder and things get more confusing.

Elysian Field, An - EPurSeMouve

Rated PG | 12K | Category VA | Archived 97-04-22
Summary: Scully finds an Elysian Field.

Elysian Fields - Full Fathoms Five

Rated G | 6K | Category SR | Archived 12-06-10
Spoilers: Season 8
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: It's time to say goodbye.

Elysian Fields - Schatz, Amy

Rated PG | 121K | Category SRA | Archived 96-04-03
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: It is the year 2000 and Mulder gets a call from Scully, whom he hasn't seen it three years. She has some important news to tell him.
Winner of 1996 Starbuck for Best Romance Story.

Elysium - Frostbite Panda

Rated Not Rated | 22K | Category SR | Archived 08-10-14
Spoilers: This is Not Happening
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: She flattens clammy palms against the door and pushes herself from it, walking into the living room and vaguely imaging a future here.

Elysium - Jess

Rated G | 6K | Category SA | Archived 00-05-11
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Character death.
Summary: Letting go.

Elyssa - Krueger, Mandi

Rated Not Rated | 2K | Category | Archived 99-05-21
Summary: Mulder and Scully's daughter growing up.

Emasculation of Fox Mulder, The - Alelou

Rated PG | 35K | Category SRA | Archived 01-12-15
Spoilers: Season 8
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: Mulder copes with fatherhood, unemployment, post-death trauma, the weight of his mother's engagement ring, and destiny. Scully copes with Mulder.

Embers - Foxsong

Rated PG | 16K | Category | Archived 02-02-13
Spoilers: Fire
Keywords: Pre-XF. Post-episode.
Summary: When I was a kid, and my best friend's house burned down, I had to spend the night in the rubble to keep away looters.

Embers - Taylor, Jamie

Rated PG | 20K | Category SR | Archived 98-02-03
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Re-done version of the episode, 'shipper-style.

Embers (1/2) - syntax6

Rated NC-17 | 122K | Category XRA | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Tiberton is a town rife with buried bodies and buried secrets.

Embers (2/2) - syntax6

Rated NC-17 | 108K | Category XRA | Archived 02-11-16
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: See part one.

Embraced - Greer, Shawen A.

Rated PG | 53K | Category | Archived 00-08-07
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: When faced with unspeakable evil, sometimes love is your only hope.

Embraced - Siberian Skys

Rated NC-17 | 9K | Category VA | Archived 05-11-13
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek romance. Slash.
Summary: Alex tries to convince Mulder that death is not an option.

Embracing - X-Phan

Rated NC-17 | 118K | Category CR | Archived 02-02-13
Keywords: XF/Kindred: The Embraced crossover. Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: A choice is made, a gift bestowed, and all that follows after.

Embracing Eternity - Rhetta

Rated PG | 10K | Category VH | Archived 03-08-31
Spoilers: Drive
Keywords: Character death.
Summary: Death isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Embracing the Future - X-Phan

Rated NC-17 | 79K | Category SR | Archived 03-07-26
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: A friend in need, a debt repaid, and the continuous adventure of love. Sequel to Embracing.

Embroidered Blue - Summer

Rated R | 19K | Category SR | Archived 95-12-04
Keywords: Mulder/other romance. Pre-XF.
Summary: A collegiate Fox Mulder takes a bizarre excursion.

Embryonic 01 & 02 - Harkins-Murphy, Sharon

Rated PG | 79K | Category S | Archived 96-10-19
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: Samantha returns with help from a surprising source.

Emergence - Anderson, Abbie

Rated PG | 132K | Category SR | Archived 96-09-01
Spoilers: One Breath
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Skinner sends Scully and Mulder to a paranormal research convention, just as Mulder's nightmares take him to the breaking point.

Emergency Day - Lolabeegood

Rated R | 13K | Category SR | Archived 11-01-30
Spoilers: X-Files Movie 2
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A day in the life of Fox Mulder while living in long-term isolation.

Emergency Exit - Pensotti, Michele

Rated PG | 7K | Category SRA | Archived 97-09-16
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: When Scully's car blows up, Mulder's world falls in pieces.

Emerging Hope - Blair, Erin M.

Rated PG | 3K | Category SRA | Archived 04-10-17
Spoilers: One Breath
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: From the depths of despair over her abduction, Scully realizes that she has emerging hope of renewing her hope.

Emeril Creme de Glace Homme - Mish & Forte

Rated R | 27K | Category SRH | Archived 01-02-27
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Superstars of the Superheroes.

Emily - Taylor, Paige

Rated G | 15K | Category S | Archived 96-05-30
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder, Scully and a one year old.

Emily and William - Trycee

Rated Not Rated | 45K | Category | Archived 10-10-10

Emily Dickinson 01 - The Soul and The Emperor - RocketMan

Rated PG | 12K | Category SA | Archived 99-11-27
Spoilers: Arcadia
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Emily Dickinson 02 - Slant of Light - RocketMan

Rated Not Rated | 2K | Category | Archived 00-05-03
Spoilers: Season 6

Emily Dickinson 03 - The Letting Go - RocketMan

Rated Not Rated | 6K | Category | Archived 00-05-03

Emily Dickinson Is Dead - CSW Xphile & St. Georgie the Sooth-Slayer

Rated G | 13K | Category VH | Archived 98-10-31
Summary: What do you get when you mix a poetically waxing Mulder with a tired Scully and a dead poetess?

Emily Returns 01 - Hildbold, Jessica

Rated PG | 96K | Category SRA | Archived 99-07-16
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Emily is returned to Mulder by a mysterious young woman. Just who is she? And can Emily ever find it in her heart to forgive Scully for "leaving" her three years ago?

Emily Returns 02 - The Truth About Anna? - Hildbold, Jessica

Rated PG | 36K | Category SRA | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: Mulder and Scully finally learn the truth about Anna, or most of it anyway.

Emily Returns 03 - The Missing Links - Hildbold, Jessica

Rated PG | 69K | Category SRA | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married.
Summary: Even more truth comes into light about Anna.

Emily Returns 04 - Things Fall Apart - Hildbold, Jessica

Rated PG | 138K | Category SRA | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married. Character death.
Summary: Mulder and Scully at last have their entire family under one roof, but tragedy threatens to take it all away. Can Emily and Josh survive the accident and can everyone else survive the truths that it brings.

Emily's Christmas - Donna

Rated PG | 22K | Category XR | Archived 10-01-03
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: Continuation of my Emily series.

Emily's Family - Donna

Rated PG | 42K | Category SR | Archived 05-07-10
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: A different ending.

Emily's Gift - Gillian38

Rated G | 8K | Category VR | Archived 02-12-31
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Emily's death causes Scully to reflect on her relationship with Mulder.

Emily's Sunrise - Scully82

Rated G | 10K | Category | Archived 09-01-30
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST. Missing scene.

Emilys, The 01 - RocketMan

Rated | 108K | Category XR | Archived 98-03-01
Spoilers: Emily
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: When the Emily project turns into the Eves, things happen.

Emilys, The 02 - Happily-Ever-After Story - RocketMan

Rated | 9K | Category | Archived 98-10-31

Emilys, The 03 - Letters - RocketMan

Rated | 16K | Category | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: Emily

Emilys, The 04 - Bittersweet - RocketMan

Rated | 11K | Category | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: Emily

Emilys, The 05 - Symphony - RocketMan

Rated | 19K | Category | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: Emily
Summary: Sequel to "Bittersweet".

Emilys, The 06 - Truthfully - RocketMan

Rated | 11K | Category | Archived 98-03-24
Spoilers: Emily

Emilys, The 07 - Exodus - RocketMan

Rated | 84K | Category | Archived 98-05-23
Spoilers: Emily

Emilys, The 08 - Sleepless - RocketMan

Rated | 11K | Category | Archived 98-05-23

Emilys, The 09 - Tooth Fairies and Santa Claus - RocketMan

Rated | 8K | Category | Archived 98-07-24

Emilys, The 10 - Forgotten - RocketMan

Rated | 57K | Category | Archived 98-09-13
Summary: Probing into the conspiracy surrounding the Emilys.

Emilys, The 11 - On the Way Home - RocketMan

Rated | 22K | Category SR | Archived 98-10-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe.
Summary: On the way home, a girl runs into Mulder and Scully.

Emilys, The 12 - Surprise - RocketMan

Rated Not Rated | 15K | Category | Archived 98-11-25
Summary: This is the piece everyone has been waiting for. So if it's somewhat reaching in some parts, it's cause you wanted it that way. Let's just say I'm resolving the angel/pregnancy thing. THIS IS THE LAST ONE!!!!

Emilys, The 13 - Tomorrow - RocketMan

Rated Not Rated | 25K | Category | Archived 98-11-25

Eminent Domain 01 - The Birth - L., Christine

Rated G | 9K | Category SR | Archived 97-08-08
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Fox and Dana welcome their first child into the world.

Emissary 01, The - Darkstryder & RocketMan

Rated R | 87K | Category SRA | Archived 98-10-17
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Colonization.
Summary: They live in a time of mists and shadows and strange shapes, of twilight terrors and midnight madness, where the only rules are resist or serve...

Emissary 02, The - Grail - Darkstryder & RocketMan

Rated Not Rated | 79K | Category SA | Archived 99-05-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Colonization.
Summary: They thought they could escape. They were wrong. Captured by their enemies and given new identities, Mulder and Scully are haunted by images of each other. Now, worlds apart, they must put their faith in their new "masters." Perhaps the Aliens haven't completely destroyed the humanity in mankind, and perhaps They aren't that different from us after all.

Emma - Culverson, Danielle

Rated PG | 84K | Category XA | Archived 97-02-16
Summary: Mulder's world is thrown into chaos when a woman arrives at his apartment claiming she has a message from his sister, Samantha, whom she saw more than twenty years previously.

Emmit Remmus - The X-Pig

Rated PG | 11K | Category SRA | Archived 00-11-30
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Mulder/other. Pre-XF.
Summary: The past makes the man.

Emotional Decisions - Donna

Rated R | 6K | Category SR | Archived 01-03-15
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Missing scene.

Emotional Outlet - Claire

Rated PG | 9K | Category VRA | Archived 97-11-26
Spoilers: Redux II
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Emotional Risk - Exley_61

Rated NC-17 | 88K | Category SRA | Archived 00-07-25
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder & Scully are weathering the storm of loves emotional risks, will they survive the deluge?

Emotional Turmoil - Lisa

Rated NC-17 | 33K | Category SRA | Archived 99-09-24
Spoilers: Memento Mori
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully takes care of Mulder, but it leads to something she never expected and she must deal with its ramifications.

Emotions - RayRobin

Rated Not Rated | 16K | Category | Archived 00-10-31
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Emotions 01 - Fighting Desire - Sarah

Rated NC-17 | 11K | Category | Archived 00-09-07
Spoilers: The Red and the Black
Keywords: Mulder/Krycek. Slash.
Summary: Mulder encounters Alex Krycek in his office.

Emotions of the Heart - Lins, Allison

Rated Not Rated | 13K | Category | Archived 98-12-15
Summary: Mulder is forced to deal with Dana's death. His first visit to her grave in 3 years turns into something to remember.

Empathic - shannono

Rated PG | 112K | Category SRA | Archived 98-11-25
Spoilers: The End
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: On temporary assignment to Violent Crimes following the closure of the X-Files, Mulder and Scully are sent to Atlanta to investigate a serial killer case which may, or may not, involve a woman with empathic powers.

Empathy - Lascy, Luan D.

Rated PG | 49K | Category X | Archived 98-12-06
Spoilers: Oubliette
Keywords: None.
Summary: Mulder and Scully are investigating what appears to be a cut-and-dried kidnapping case, which suddenly becomes infinitely complicated when Mulder begins to have visions of the missing person aboard an alien spacecraft...

Empathy - MeridyM

Rated NC-17 | 97K | Category | Archived 01-05-15
Summary: During an unusual weekend, Doggett is reminded that even in the face of loss and regret, you can love and be loved.

Empathy - Ninx

Rated PG | 17K | Category SRA | Archived 96-11-11
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Empathy - Senshi, Kyouryoku

Rated PG | 8K | Category | Archived 11-01-30
Spoilers: Empedocles
Keywords: Scully/Doggett friendship.
Summary: 'There's something I need to ask you, Agent Doggett. Why were you so determined to find Mulder?'

Empathy - stellar_dust

Rated PG | 1K | Category | Archived 04-12-31
Spoilers: Conduit
Summary: 'Mulder, when something upsets me, I usually pray.'

Empathy - Swikstr

Rated PG | 136K | Category X | Archived 98-05-04
Spoilers: Kitsunegari
Keywords: Not provided at author's request.
Summary: While on a research assignment in Chicago, Mulder and Scully stumble upon a mysterious individual who may possess a remarkable parapsychic ability. Their association with her leads to a few new discoveries and pathways into their existence.

Empathy - syn

Rated NC-17 | 87K | Category SRA | Archived 97-11-26
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Loosely based upon the film "The Dead Zone".

Empathy - A Mile in His Shoes - Lascy, Luan D.

Rated PG | 38K | Category X | Archived 99-02-15
Spoilers: Pusher
Keywords: Alternate universe.
Summary: How the episode would have gone if Mulder could step into Modell's mind while under hypnosis. Second in "Empathy" series.

Empathy - Do I Dream Again? - Lascy, Luan D.

Rated PG | 84K | Category CR | Archived 99-04-13
Keywords: XF/Phantom Of The Opera crossover.
Summary: Another version of "Call Me Ishmael", in the Empathy universe.

Empress, The - Darling Dana

Rated G | 16K | Category S | Archived 97-07-29
Spoilers: Fallen Angel
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: Mulder invites Scully for an interesting dinner.

Empty - Agent X

Rated PG | 15K | Category SA | Archived 01-09-15
Spoilers: This is Not Happening
Keywords: Scully/Doggett friendship. Character death.
Summary: Scully and Doggett talk about losses in their lives.

Empty - Dianora

Rated NC-17 | 4K | Category SA | Archived 97-02-05
Spoilers: Leonard Betts
Keywords: Scully/other.
Summary: An erotic, angsty piece inspired by the episode.

Empty - Djinn

Rated PG | 3K | Category VRA | Archived 00-12-15
Spoilers: Without
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Scully's musings.

Empty - Harrison, Leyla

Rated R | 17K | Category VRA | Archived 98-07-24
Spoilers: The End
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully faces harsh realities both with and without Mulder.

Empty - Jssangel

Rated R | 6K | Category VRA | Archived 00-08-14
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.
Summary: Post-abduction Mulder's thoughts.

Empty - Rocherolle, Kelli

Rated | 12K | Category VA | Archived 97-07-18
Spoilers: Memento Mori

Empty . . . - DanaK

Rated PG | 7K | Category SA | Archived 04-10-17
Spoilers: One Son
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: The world is safe once again, but hers is crumbling.

Empty Arms - banlu

Rated NC-17 | 9K | Category SR | Archived 05-07-10
Spoilers: Agua Mala
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode.

Empty Bed, The - Kristen

Rated PG | 71K | Category VRA | Archived 03-10-31
Keywords: Scully/Skinner romance.
Summary: Scully ponders her new life.

Empty Chair, The - B., Sara

Rated Not Rated | 19K | Category SRA | Archived 06-01-31
Spoilers: The Red and the Black
Keywords: Mulder/Scully married. Mulder/other UST.
Summary: Mulder and Scully are married but is Mulder cheating on her? What is Scully going to do?

Empty Compulsions - august

Rated PG | 2K | Category VA | Archived 00-11-30
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully.
Summary: 'And this is for when you feel nothing.' -- Love and Rockets

Empty Corners, The - cgb

Rated NC-17 | 19K | Category SR | Archived 04-03-31
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Slash. Post-series.
Summary: 'John's dead and Dana Scully is holding her wrists.'

Empty Days - McGowan, Melanie E.

Rated PG | 54K | Category TA | Archived 95-10-19
Spoilers: Anasazi

Empty Graves - Anderson, Kathleen

Rated R | 29K | Category | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: Requiem
Keywords: Post-episode.

Empty Place Settings - salliejohns & Shoshana

Rated PG | 7K | Category VRA | Archived 02-12-08
Spoilers: The Truth
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Thanksgiving at the Scully house.

Empty Road to Nowhere - Ary

Rated Not Rated | 5K | Category V | Archived 99-09-24
Spoilers: Season 6
Summary: Ever wondered what do people around you think of you?

Empty Space, The - Dowler, Jennifer

Rated G | 3K | Category | Archived 00-06-30
Spoilers: Sein und Zeit
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship.
Summary: Mulder's mother has died, and he needs a friend more than anything to comfort him.

En Ami Angel - Brown, Angel

Rated Not Rated | 4K | Category | Archived 00-09-17
Spoilers: En Ami
Keywords: Scully/other romance. Missing scene.
Summary: Smokey's true feelings for Dana Scully are revealed.

En Ami Denouement - Donna

Rated PG | 3K | Category SR | Archived 00-08-24
Spoilers: En Ami
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Mulder's thoughts on her actions.

En Ami Mine - The Power of Forgiveness - C and Me

Rated R | 19K | Category VA | Archived 02-01-17
Spoilers: En Ami
Keywords: Post-episode.
Summary: What do you do when you're actions lead to untenable results?

En L'aire - Branwell

Rated G | 16K | Category VA | Archived 01-04-30
Spoilers: This is Not Happening
Summary: It's been months since that night in Montana.

En Passant - Reich, Shaun

Rated R | 65K | Category CR | Archived 01-06-26
Spoilers: Season 3
Summary: Mulder is forced to help Section track down Alex Krycek and the stolen tape.

En Route - CGB

Rated Not Rated | 4K | Category V | Archived 00-10-10
Spoilers: None
Summary: Scully muses on driving and being driven.

En Veritae - mimic117

Rated PG | 69K | Category SA | Archived 00-05-25
Spoilers: One Breath
Keywords: Mulder/other.
Summary: Scully's missing and Mulder's lost in a snowstorm looking for her. Is his shelter from the storm all it seems to be?

Enamorado Con Mi Socio - LaVa, Jacquie

Rated R | 19K | Category SR | Archived 00-10-21
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Enchanted Shores - truthwebothknow1

Rated PG | 24K | Category XRA | Archived 05-02-28
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Enchantress 01 - Daydreamer

Rated NC-17 | 6K | Category V | Archived 99-08-24
Spoilers: Avatar
Keywords: Skinner/other romance.
Summary: Skinner has a strange encounter.

Enchantress 02 - The Lighthouse - Daydreamer

Rated NC-17 | 38K | Category V | Archived 00-04-14
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Skinner/other romance.
Summary: While taking some mandated leave time, Skinner meets a mysterious woman.

Enchantress 03 - The Pool - Daydreamer

Rated NC-17 | 17K | Category | Archived 02-10-26
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Skinner/other sex.
Summary: Skinner. Mysterious woman. Woods and water.

Encino Parasite - Wax, Alyse Micki

Rated PG | 9K | Category CH | Archived 95-03-24
Spoilers: Ice
Keywords: XF/Encino Man crossover.
Summary: A slightly altered version of the episode.

Encore - aka 'Jake'

Rated NC-17 | 47K | Category SR | Archived 00-05-03
Spoilers: Season 7
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Encounter - aRcaDIaNFall$

Rated PG | 8K | Category V | Archived 01-03-31
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST.
Summary: It's the middle of the night at a motel in the middle of nowhere and the elements are bewitching Mulder and Scully.

Encounter - Donna

Rated R | 24K | Category SR | Archived 01-02-27
Spoilers: None
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: How strong is the attraction?

Encounter - Talay, Christina L.

Rated G | 10K | Category SH | Archived 98-10-17
Spoilers: None
Keywords: None.
Summary: A casual visit to an ice-cream shop, FBI agents and a nine-year-old karate-fighting terror. Based on a true story.

Encounter - Vincent, Amy

Rated NC-17 | 28K | Category SR | Archived 95-05-15
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully's day turns from bad to worse and she decides to make use of the free trial of a virtual reality simulator which Mulder has given to her.

Encounter at the Counter - Morgen, Denise

Rated PG | 7K | Category SR | Archived 99-09-10
Spoilers: One Son
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.

Encounters - Chance Encounter - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 4K | Category | Archived 95-12-11

Encounters: Per Veratais Vis - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 10K | Category | Archived 96-02-27

Encounters: Snowbound - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 48K | Category | Archived 96-01-16

Encounters: Sudden Misunderstanding - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 13K | Category | Archived 95-12-28

Encounters: The Calm Before the Storm - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 13K | Category | Archived 96-01-10

Encounters: The Drive Home - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 5K | Category | Archived 95-12-18

Encounters: Unjustified Anger - Ethridge, Jennifer

Rated | 23K | Category | Archived 96-01-25

Please let us know of any mistakes or bad links you find. Be sure to mention that you are using the "Fluky" archive. Thanks!