Episode Spoilers: Unrequited

Last updated - September 10, 2012
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Dark Canada 01 - Amatia
Rated PG | 24K | Category C | Archived 99-09-10
Spoilers: Unrequited
Keywords: XF/Due South crossover.
Summary: Scully and Fraser are kidnapped for a couple hours. A disjointed conversation and lots of Fraser-angst ensue.

For America - English, Katie

Rated PG | 7K | Category V | Archived 97-03-01
Spoilers: Unrequited

He's All Gone - Hearne, David

Rated PG | 4K | Category | Archived 00-12-31
Spoilers: Unrequited
Keywords: Post-episode.

In Synchrony - Ackerson, Jeannine

Rated PG | 20K | Category SRA | Archived 97-03-08
Spoilers: Unrequited
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance.
Summary: Scully and Mulder find that their lives and feelings are not only on similar paths, but on a collision course.

On the Beam - rac

Rated NC-17 | 34K | Category SR | Archived 01-02-27
Spoilers: Unrequited
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner. Slash.
Summary: The shortest distance on the right track between two solitary points isn't always a straight path.

Unrequited - Loligo

Rated R | 22K | Category SRA | Archived 97-03-01
Spoilers: Unrequited
Keywords: Mulder/Skinner romance. Slash. Alternate universe.
Summary: Skinner ponders Mulder's words "It could have been you".

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